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Mathematica Chinese12.3.1 for free

Variables start with a letter and can contain a number :(lower case is preferred, leaving upper case for built-in functions.)

A space between two variables or numbers means multiplication :(in other words, “ab” means a times b, while “ab” is the variable ab.)

Use /. And → instead in the expression :(use -> type “rule” →.)

Use f[x_]:= to define your own function:

Mathematica Chinese12.3.1 for free

Based on its worldwide reputation for technical excellence and ease of use, Mathematica offers a single integrated and continuously expanding system that covers the broadest and deepest technical computing capabilities, perfect access to the cloud through a web browser, and native access on all modern desktop systems.

To learn more about Mathematica’s capabilities and trial questions, and to purchase the educational, government, and business editions, contact our online customer service.