
Hello everyone, no matter whether you know me or not, since the click came in, you and I will have an intersection

Take the first step on April 16th to summarize and share,

Now in December, we grow up together, hoping that every time, we can do better than the immature self before.

I know THAT I am not unique, so at 25 years old, THE extraordinary I can create is the accumulation of time, that is all. When I’m sailing against the current, you’re beside me, pushing me along.

After the text, also give that perhaps ordinary you. Maybe it’ll help you, and hopefully it’ll clear up some of your doubts

First, about the feeling of writing an article

1.1 Mentality

Believe me and most of my friends are the same, are in the grassroots development of ordinary programmers, we are not as strong as we hope, others seem to be far better than us. So I decided in April of this year that I would have to write an article about technology every week. That’s 30 games (1 non-technical) in nuggets over 3 days over 7 months. So, on average, I did.

At first, IT was very difficult, because I was afraid that I would make a mistake and let everyone waste their time. Until now, I gradually began to get used to expressing, explaining and proving my point of view. I owe it all mainly to my friends, who have given me guidance and advice, and who have given me the motivation to keep writing. Mistakes are pointed out, which, in my opinion, is a rare treat.

1.2 Preparations

This is where I write at home (rented, of course), in my study, where the cat sleeps in the upper left corner or at her feet. Late at night or even early in the morning in Guangzhou, I was not alone, and it was fun.

Unlike most people, I am a person who takes notes by hand.

This was when I was cleaning up HDFS reads and writes. To tell you the truth, handwriting this method is not efficient, but for me, it is really a good memory is better than bad pen, once wrote things, the brain is able to emerge relevant pictures. Instead of letting them rot in your favorites, write them down at the time, or outline them as you write them, and organize them later.

And there is another rule, for their handwritten things, even after a period of time, people are also keen to turn over again, maybe to laugh at their own immature world at that time, or to recall their own mind course. In short, compared with other people’s experience, reading my own records can always find a trace of identity and belonging.

This is kind of an afterthought, and actually I wrote Chuck incorrectly. You see, looking back at their own things, is to find out the shadow of the young self! 😂

What you lose is what you gain. Some of the summaries and generalizations I had sacrificed most of my sleep for came in handy after all. That’s the 30 technical notes that followed. For this reason, I witnessed many unforgettable nights and even early hours in Guangzhou, and even remembered what materials I was reading and what codes I was writing every night. Although it seems hard, in fact, also enjoy it.

It wasn’t until later, when writing this kind of notes became a habit, that I gradually ceased to be impressed by these late night experiences. And the speed has also been significantly improved. This is probably my progress.

1.3 When writing

(1) the title

A good headline is half the battle, however I have lost so much that, looking through my previous posts, they are typically straight male headlines, without a hint of bells and whistles

(2) content

This preface — content 1, 2, 3… finally format has been used, and my previous records follow this format. So this time is no different. Don’t ask me why the prologue is in Chinese and the ending is finally in English, and the question is stylish

This word comes from “I Sakamoto, what can I do for you”, if you know, give a thumbs up, if you don’t know, please visit station B. Have no interest of, that be I did not say good 😂

In the preface, I usually make some general summaries of the last article. In fact, this whole article seems to be in school, but it is also my way of loading a save, which will make people better enter into the state

Finally will say a little summary or notice, in fact, most of the sentence is: I hope it will help you

③ Article layout

My layout doesn’t really focus on anything, but I always pay attention to the headlines. If I was just looking at my notes on the phone, it would be a little confusing, and the text was surprisingly heavy, because the focus of my typography was on the NAVIGATION bar on the PC, such as in plain English

Zookeeper, for example

So actually, I hope that if you want to read carefully, you can read it on the PC side according to the directory, so it will be better. That’s probably one of my strengths

1.4 Some views on the article

The problem has always been that there are definitely user scale differences in technology categories, and some technologies are relatively niche, and some are particularly popular. Regardless of the big picture, even with the same technology, you can achieve different results with different renderings.

Most people are not god, may be their own technology precipitation is insufficient or understanding a little less, leading to direct access to professional high data or source code will be very difficult, so the basic class of the article is often the first choice, and the foundation is also the most important aspect. Even more straightforward, for interview learning, I hope to eat knowledge as thoroughly as possible in a short period of time, covering as many aspects as possible.

So in fact, I can really understand everyone’s anxiety, I also try to add demo or notes on some points that need to be detour, I do not know whether it is helpful for you to understand, and the perception also rises a lot

I started to get more followers after I wrote Kafka, like 524 when I wrote ZooKeeper, and 900+ in the second week. To be honest, I had never experienced such a jump in numbers, so I was actually quite happy at the end of that week. Feel that should be their progress, or similar to: as long as the efforts, the result of the wait for the kind of feeling

People today want to get the most out of their reading, quickly. Everyone’s time is more and more precious, in the efficiency can not improve the time will often be anxious, impetuous. I am no exception, if the state is particularly depressed, it is hard to avoid their own doubts about life, moan.

But I think the process of harvesting technical depth itself is not efficient, so something like Kafka in plain English, it must be efficient because it’s very basic and fits on a blank sheet of paper. If you draw two strokes on a piece of paper, it’s easy to see that there are two strokes on the paper, but the corresponding depth and breadth are naturally affected. Because you can try it. Would it be easy to fill a blank page with one stroke? First of all, the title determines who it is aimed at, and the content certainly won’t make you stand out in an interview or on the job, since it’s only good for getting started.

So I hope you have the conditions or know more about the relevant aspects of the principle, they will be in your future someday come in handy.

1.5 In general

Breaking away from the previous closed-door system, I also made my knowledge system more solid. When I did not write down and summarize before, I always felt that I was easy to forget things, or I saw something, but after drawing a conclusion, I felt that I could not withstand scrutiny. Now there are a lot of people who can point you out, give you tips and even some best practices, and I get a lot out of it

And in fact strong theory, in the face of the interviewer will be more confident 😏, this is the truth. And when he became an interviewer, can go to be responsible for some of the initial test, but also appears more leisurely, methodical. (To cover up a lack of undulating hand ability…)

Second, the existing problems

In fact, my lack of understanding also leads to my lack of ability to convey information to readers, which is my limitation. Undeniably, I am also a learner on the way, and I do not do well in many aspects.

Some conceptual problems can be made up by drawing pictures, but I really do not have a good way to read the source code. I can only follow the screenshot (annotated in the picture). If you have any unique views, please chat with me (wechat id: Lintikle) or directly comment on me. Looking forward to your advice.

Some beautification and enhancement of view: because I generally use the editor that comes with nuggets directly, so I didn’t go to the whole of some more thoughtful operation, and in fact, at the beginning of writing this, I really just want to have a platform to let me do records, slowly more followers, began to vanity 😂.

In this aspect, I think Aobing really does a very good job. He can understand the user’s preferences, and let his style tend to this preference, and his own strength is enough, and he is willing to make his own articles rich and colorful (typesetting, illustration, etc.), I really admire him. Say I bet with him (details do not say clear) also lost a cup of coffee money 😂, also do not have what way to win back, HHH

3. What you did in 2019

Moved from Panyu district to Haizhu District, changed an environment, in the morning if the day does not write, will come out for a run, dinner at night will often hang out. Prevent obesity (after doing this line of progress is the most obvious weight…)

This is the sunrise when running a few days ago, is the scenery of Taikoo Cang wharf

This one is my favorite, and I put it on the cover

Whether it’s day or night, it’s very relaxing

It’s about 15 minutes’ walk from home, not long and worth it. Humming a few ditties on the way, very comfortable.

I moved here in August. At the end of August, I raised a beauty short named Mu Mu, now 6 months old

This is a recent photo from the hospital

4. Goals for 2020

Nuggets continue to follow up the article, at the same time can top 4, the formation of a technical group chat (we have ideas to ask you can directly add me), the development and maintenance of a project, discarded for a long time to the public number to pipe up… There are many goals and things are very complicated. I hope I can stick to them.

Still can not forget the original heart, always like Li Jian, his charm is really not the average man can compare, it can be said that is my male god, to KTV must point. Readers who have never met him will not be disappointed.

Mortgage, which is probably what most people are already doing, is for the next generation.


Public number: say your wish, will be synchronous nuggets update the article, there are some miscellaneous fun, interested friends can pay attention to, thank you for your support and encouragement!

At the same time, THANKS to the platform of Nuggets, I have enriched myself and met many people who share the same dream with me and hope to go further and further on the road of technology. Their sharing is always so rewarding. Thank you for going forward together on the road of wind and rain. I hope we will work hard together and make progress together in the coming year. Also hope the Nuggets get better and better!

Denver annual essay | 2019 technical way with me The campaign is under way…