Article time: September 15, 2019

JavaScript 3D game engines are a hot topic for developers developing 3D games using JavaScript, HTML5 and WebGL technologies. The biggest advantage of browser-based games is that they can run on iOS, Android, Windows or any other platform. There are many engine frameworks in the industry for developing 3D games using HTML5 and WebGL, but choosing the right one can often be a challenge, and choosing the right one can make or break your project. To make your choice easier, we’ve analyzed most of the engine frameworks in the industry to date and selected the Top10 to help you create better HTML5, WebGL games using JavaScript.

1. Babylon.js

Babylu.js is by far the best JavaScript 3D game engine for creating professional games that can be sold. Babylu.js is the product of David Catuhe’s love of 3D game engines. He had experience developing 3D game engines like DirectX, OpenGL and Silverlight, and eventually built this in JavaScript.

At the heart of Babibs.js are some key features: ambient light, camera, materials, grid, collision engine, physics engine, sound engine, and optimization engine.

Here are some examples to try.

Here’s the link to get the code.

2. Three.js

Three.js is another comprehensive and powerful JavaScript 3D library that can be used to handle all KINDS of 3D, from creating simple 3D animations to creating interactive 3D games.

The Threejs library provides support for WebGL renderers as well as SVG, Canvas and CSS3D renderers. However, from a gaming perspective, you might just want to focus on the WebGL renderer for the Three.js library.

Created and maintained by Doob and Altered Qualia, three.js is available as open source under license from MIT. You can download a smaller version or use it via CDN.

You can get the source code for the Three.js 3D engine on GitHub.

You might also like HTML5 animation tools.

3. Turbulenz

Turbulenz is one of the oldest game engines, dating back to 2009 when HTML5 and WebGL were still in production. Turbulenz was not available as open source until 2013, when Turbulenz was first made freely available to the public as open source under an MIT license.

Turbulenz has seen tremendous demand since launching as open source.

Turbulenz includes extensive features such as 2D physics, 3D physics, sound, video, and other services such as leaderboards, multi-chat, payments, and user data.

For more information about Turbulenz, visit —

Get the source code at — Turbulenz_engine.

4. is another big player in the HTML5 3D development market and is one of the best open sources to use JavaScript 3D frameworks for free. The best thing about is that it comes with a 3D layout engine, which is fully integrated with the 3D physics-driven animation engine. is very simple to get started, offering free classrooms for developers at University. The community is a great and supportive one, and you can easily find lots of resources and working examples.

For more information about, visit —

The source code is available on GitHub.

5. PlayCanvas.js

PlayCanvas is a WebGL game engine based on enterprise-class open source JavaScript with a wealth of developer tools to help you instantly build 3D games. Playcanvas.js was built by the professional community and wasn’t originally open source, but now you can store it on GitHub and start using it for free for your next 3D game project.

It also has a cloud-based editor that runs in your browser, so getting started with PlayCanvas is as easy as navigating to an editor URL. The Editor supports collaboration between teams, which in effect means that many people can work on the same project in parallel.

Playcanvas.js is supported by giants like Mozilla, Activision and ARM.

For more information about PlayCanvas, visit —

The source code is available at — PlayCanvas/Engine.

6. Goo Engine

Starting with Goo Technologies, Goo Engine is a powerful set of JavaScript apis that can be used to create any 3D content in HTML5 and WebGL. There is an online editor, Goocreate, that runs on this engine and has many features such as visual 3D editor, material editor, scripts and easy to publish options.

You can use the online browser editor by paying some associated licensing fees.

Although there is a fee associated with the editor, the javascript-based Goo Engine is absolutely free to download and use for your own 3D projects. You can also add the following lines directly to your code and start using the Goo engine right away.

< script SRC = “” > < / script >

Learn more about Goo Engine at —

Get the source code at —

7. CooperLicht

Cooper Richter Ambiera is the company that created it, used it for in-house production for years, and eventually made it available as open source.

CopperLIcht is one of the best 3D engines for creating browser-based games. It is the back-end engine for the 3D game editor CopperCube.

CopperCube is an editor that supports all the features needed to build 3D games and animations. However, editors require a license fee and are not available as open source.

Learn more about CopperLIcht and download it at

8. Voxel.JS

Voxel.js is a 3D game engine based on open source JavaScript written by @Maxogden and @Substack. The community has grown rapidly since its release. If you’re someone who likes a modular approach, Voxel is a good choice.

The Voxel engine is the core module for building 3D games, and other modules can be plugged in as needed. To date, more than 200 plug-ins have been released on NPM.

There are a number of resources, tutorials, and modules available for getting started with Voxel. You can easily build voxel-style games with this engine.

You can learn about the Voxel engine in – maxogden/voxel-engine.

9. Blend4Web

Blend4Web was released in 2014 as an open source 3D framework by a Russian company called Triumph. It is tightly integrated with Triumph’s 3D content creation tool “Blender” and has native support for Blender’s node materials, particle systems, bullet physics and other features.

Blend4Web is actively under development and will undergo a number of enhancements in the near future, and looks likely to compete with larger competitors like Babiel.js and three.js in the near future.

In –… To obtain the Blend4Web source code.

10. Enchant.js

Enchant. Js is a modular, object-oriented JavaScript framework for creating simple applications and games in HTML5. It is available as open source under an MIT license and is therefore free to use. 3D animations and games can be created using other plug-ins that make WebGL enchant. Js functional.

Enchant. Js is made powerful by new features and plug-ins, and is actively maintained and developed by UEI’s Akihabara Research Center.

Get the source code at -wise9 / enchant.js.

The last

The HTM5 3D gaming market is growing very fast and has paused to capture a significant share of the mobile gaming space. We’ll also see a huge increase in tools for compiling JavaScript into native code, making your decision to choose a javascripts based framework for your next 3D game project even easier than native code.

However, choosing the right 3D game engine is crucial to any project, and a thorough evaluation up front will certainly pay off in the long run.

To simplify the selection process, we evaluated open source and commercial-grade 3D game engines and ranked them among the top 10. Please let us know in the comments which one you plan to use for your next HTML5-based 3D game. Happy coding! Love JavaScript!


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