Let’s record the SKU implementation in case it’s useful and forgotten later

First, we break down the SKU into four steps

  1. Add a specification value
  2. Generate table header
  3. Generate table data
  4. Merged cell

I’m using firefly mall’s implementation here

  1. Add a specification value

    // This id is generated by the front desk, but I always feel there is something wrong with it.
    // Add specification values are similar
    function addSpecs() {
        if(! specsFormData.specsName)return message.warning('Specification name cannot be empty! ');
        if(! specsFormData.specsValue)return message.warning('Specification value cannot be empty! '); formData.specsTree.push({ ... specsFormData,specsValue: ' '.specsValues: [{specsValName: specsFormData.specsValue,
              specsValId: buildUUID(),
          specsId: buildUUID(),
    Copy the code
  2. Generate table header

    // 1. We listen for specification changes and extract the specification into the format ant-Desgin wants
    // 2. TableColumns is the result of the final merge
    const tableSpecsColTitle = ref([]);
    const tableColumns = computed(() = > {
       return [...tableSpecsColTitle.value, ...columns];
    watch(formData.specsTree, (arr) = > {
       tableSpecsColTitle.value = arr.map((v, i) = > ({
         title: v.specsName,
         dataIndex: `skuProps.${i}.value.name`.width: '80px',})); });Copy the code
  3. Generate table data

    // This step is tricky
    // A little hard to explain
    // I just want to be
    // The first step is to organize all values into a hierarchy
    // Generate Descartes what is the definition of Descartes is to generate hierarchical data and know what it does
    // skuKey is the key to the combination of these three values
    function tableRender() {
        // Collate all specification groups
        const specsGroupArr = buildSpecsGroup();
        // Generate a Cartesian data set
        const cartesianList = cartesianProductOf(specsGroupArr);
        // TODO merges cells
        // Generate the SKU field name
        // Generate SKU list data
        const skuList = buildSkuList(cartesianList);
        formData.tableTree = skuList;
    function buildSpecsGroup() {
        const specGroupArr = [];
        formData.specsTree.forEach((specGroup) = > {
          const itemArr = [];
          specGroup.specsValues.forEach((value) = > {
            itemArr.push(value as never);
          specGroupArr.push(itemArr as never);
        return specGroupArr;
      function buildSkuColumns() {}
      function buildSkuList(cartesianList) {
        // Generate a new skuList
        const newSkuList = [];
        const specsList = formData.specsTree;
        for (let i = 0; i < cartesianList.length; i++) {
          constnewSkuItem = { ... defaultSKU,key: i,
            // skuKey is used to merge old records
            skuKey: cartesianList[i].map((item) = > item.specsValId).join('_'),
            // skuKeys is used to pass parameters to the back end
            skuProps: cartesianList[i].map((item, specsIndex) = > {
              const specsItem = specsList[specsIndex];
              return {
                group: {
                  name: specsItem.specsName,
                  id: specsItem.specsId,
                value: {
                  name: item.specsValName,
                  id: item.specsValId, }, }; })}; newSkuList.push(newSkuItemas never);
        // Old SKU data is compatible
        return oldSkuList(newSkuList);
      // Merge existing SKU data
      function oldSkuList(newSkuList) {
        const oldSkuList = formData.tableTree.concat();
        if(! oldSkuList.length || ! newSkuList.length) {return newSkuList;
        for (const index in newSkuList) {
          // Find old records that match
          let oldSkuItem = {};
          if (oldSkuList.length === newSkuList.length) {
            oldSkuItem = cloneDeep(oldSkuList[index]);
          } else {
            oldSkuItem = oldSkuList.find((item) = > {
              return item.skuKey === newSkuList[index].skuKey;
          // Write a new recordnewSkuList[index] = { ... newSkuList[index], ... pick(oldSkuItem,Object.keys(defaultSKU)),
        return newSkuList;
      CartesianProductOf ([arr1, arr2, arr3...]); ) * /
      const cartesianProductOf = (arrays) = > {
        if(! arrays.length) {return [];
        return Array.prototype.reduce.call(
          (arr1, arr2) = > {
            var ret = [];
            arr1.forEach((v1) = > {
              arr2.forEach((v2) = > {
            returnret; }, [[]]); };Copy the code

And that’s about it. Merge cells and just parse them according to skukey

I’ll write it then