The words written in the front

Webpack is the king of front-end packaging.

(a) packaging, not only webpack

Front-end packaging tools include Grunt,Gulp,Roleup, etc.

The comparison is as follows:

tool Applicable mode The characteristics of
Grunt MPA Old packaging tools, file – based media (slow running, scattered script files when a large number of affected
Gulp MPA Easy to learn, nodeJs-based Steam stream packaging
Webpack SPA At present the most powerful packaging tool, but too bloated, how to simply package JS is not recommended
Roleup MPA Tree-shaking features (for ES6, packaged on demand, not for now (2018, Vuex, React)

(2) The core concept of Webpack

  1. Entry:

Entry indicates the file from which webpack starts to pack and builds internal dependencies

  1. Output:

Where and how to name the Output of resource bundles that are packaged by Webpack

  1. Loader:

Loader enables Webpack to handle resources that are not JavaScript files (Webpack itself only understands JavaScript)

  1. Plugins:

Plugins can be used to perform a wider range of tasks, from packaging optimization and compression to redefining variables in the environment.

  1. Mode:

Mode indicates that WebPack uses the configuration of the corresponding Mode

(3) Comparison between WebPack4 and WebPack5

The dimension webpack4.X webpack5.X
version 4.X 5.X
Installation code yarn add [email protected] webpack-cli -D yarn add webpack webpack-cli -D
The script configuration ‘dev’:”webpack –mode development “ ‘dev’:”webpack –mode development “
Start the command yarn dev yarn dev
Webpack – cli version 3.X 4.X
Empty Project – Development Environment – Build time 1.74 s 0.87 s
Empty Project – Development environment -main.js 4KB 1.24 KB
Code perspective CommonJS package modules (closures) (nested) anonymous functions; The eval etc.
Empty Project – Production Environment – Build time 970 B 41B 
Empty Project – Production Environment -main.js 1.85 s 0.73 s
Principle of packaging polyfill.js Prepack (precompile)

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