What is work for, but life; Life is for what ah, is not for fun; Where does fun come from? Is not self-righteous desire to be satisfied!

If I had to add an adjective, it would be superiority. πŸ˜ƒ

A shell terminal, dark and dull, always feels devoid of life. In fact, in addition to staring at the log, can also be used to play games, and even can be used to trade stocks staring at the plate. Poor boss still thinks you are working, hehe.


Will you get hit in the command line version of Star Wars # Dig Grave? “The Labour of Love is a Labour of love: the Labour of Love is a Labour of love.

There are many other interesting things. We uniformly call this kind of thing, which has no effect, no return and few people, art.

Character painting

Simple things are the most imaginative, and raw things are the most violent. Character composition of the picture, can be used for code annotation, personalized script display, is part of the programmer favorite.

The cow said

Install: yum install cowsay -y

Coway is a collection of character animals.

Using the following script, you can print all the animal patterns

for x in `cowsay -l`; do echo $x ; cowsay -f $x "what's your name" ; doneCopy the code

Like this!



Install: yum install sl-y

Little train. Drive from the right side of your screen to the left. Is it:


banner & figlet

Install: yum install banner Figlet-y

Artesian generator, consisting of ASCII characters, displays text as a title bar.


screenfetch & linux_logo

It’s in color!

ScreenFetch is a command line script that displays system/topic information in a screenshot. It runs on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, and many other Unix-like systems.

Something like this:

If the logo of the following operating system is displayed, use -d to specify the logo, for examplecreenfetch -D "Arch Linu"


Character game

There’s a lot of them. Including what Tetris, snake, push boxes and so on.

Tetris for Bash



Sed version push box


The sed code is amazing!


Vim version of the promoter


Vim version of the Matrix



Using vim drawing

Do you think some of the characters in the painting look better? Vim can also draw, just install the plug-in. 7 years old plugin, still available!



Ha ha


Miss the A-share diving show? It doesn’t exist.



The most popular. Mop is A disk reading tool written in go, but the data comes from Yahoo and there is not enough big A support.



Domestic, based on VIm ~.. ~






Only a miserable 7 stars. The Python version is also old enough to change the code yourself. Nevertheless see dish the most convenient.


Yi? It’s red today


SHH… The boss is here. I’m going to cut the screen.

You can follow my B station account β†’β†’β†’β†’B station account

Study communication groups β†’β†’β†’β†’ β†’Communication group