Isn’t it nice to write good code? Naked resignation? I don’t even dare to think about it, just ask the company not to fire me… They melody…


In today’s top three hot spots, a hot spot from three years ago turned red. Three years ago, the program yuan, who graduated from China Southern Airlines and quit her job after winning one hundred million yuan, recently revealed on her microblog that she was not doing well. She spent 200,000 yuan of her savings on the prize and maxed out her credit card, and was diagnosed with depression. Now at the age of nearly 30, she has no money and no job.

Yes, this is once the “Chinese koi”, weibo lottery won a hundred million xinxiaodai.

Very regret, now just want to work!

For those of you who don’t know, here’s a brief explanation:

During the National Day holiday in 2018, Alipay released a lucky draw on weibo, and the winner was “Chinese koi fish”. Brands followed up, and the prize was worth 100 million yuan, attracting more than 3 million retweets.

On Oct 7, 2018, a netizen named Xin Xiaodai became the lucky person to find Chinese koi carp.

Xin xiaodai told the Beijing News that she was born in tianjin in 1992 and works as an IT engineer in Beijing.

Event analysis

No one will believe that this is an accidental “corpse”. It may be that party A has planned a new activity, or it may be one of the hot plans of Xiao Stay himself. Either way, it’s definitely not a pure, aimless hit, and here’s the top response:

No one cares how someone who won the lottery two years ago is doing now. It’s better to care about the elephants drifting north than that!

Yes, there’s nothing to be concerned about, but the fact that someone who has been blessed by luck is playing a good hand to pieces is sobering in itself.

Only the harder you work, the luckier you will be

First of all, I want to say only two words: envy.

Yes, in 2018, WHEN I couldn’t afford to eat, I was betting my hopes of striking it rich on this raffle. Well, it’s better than buying a lottery ticket. You can save a few dollars to buy a bag of instant noodles.

When I drew the lottery, I was also full of expectations, not paying attention to the number of millions of weibo forwarding base, feeling that I must be the chosen one, the closer to the lottery the more excited.

But, for now, I just want to say, fortunately not me, and thank myself for being ordinary enough.

A windfall will make people dizzy with joy, and it is easy to disrupt the original pace of life and work. The first and biggest impact is the impact on consumption level and other aspects.

Under the “luck” that does not match the strength, it will only lead to the collapse of the individual spiritual world. The first one is the impact of wealth on consumption concept. Unreasonable consumption concept will make wealth come and go quickly. Finally, this wealth will become a short carnival, which will leave a mess, irreversible consumption level and incorrect values.

People who work hard will make this wealth long-term, carefully planned, and finally let this wealth play the maximum value, to achieve greater success.

Lucky without hard work will not last, only the harder you work, the luckier you will be.

This hot turn red in my eyes is the last struggle of a has-been Internet celebrity.

We programmers should just write code

The dream of getting rich overnight is still less, honest life planning, career planning, risk avoidance, step by step is what an ordinary person should do.

As a mobile developer, I think the most important thing is to master real technology.

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