Monday, July 27, 2016, thunderstorm, 33℃

The 22-year-old took a two-hour bus ride from his buddy’s house to his new job at the company.

He has only been in this city for a few days, but he hasn’t rented a house yet. After finding a job and surviving the one-week trial period, I thought I would rent a house near the company to go to work. After all, with only a few thousand dollars to live on, he could not afford to suffer.

2020-12-25, Friday, sunny, -3℃

At the age of 26, I left the company and started a new life, riding a pony and packing.

After four years in the city, I bought a house. With 29 years and 11 months to go, looking for a new life. Although with only a few thousand yuan, and the company six months of unpaid wages. But life goes on. I can stand the toss.

Before WRITING this article, I went over the events of this year in my mind, and it really was… It really feels like this year has been… I don’t know what words to use. “Messy” is more like it.

In the past, I would think about the day when I left the company, quit a bunch of annoying work group chats, and left the scene in the regret and envy of colleagues.

Today, when I quit the group chat one by one, I am sorry: these group chat, how long there is no new news; These projects have long since quietly ended; Many of those colleagues are no longer with the company.

In the past, I would think that I would be relieved after leaving the company, so I would not always think that the project is not finished yet, and the project will be rushed again at the weekend.

Today, when I got home from work, there wasn’t the sense of relief I’d been waiting for. I’m even a little overwhelmed. But this has nothing to do with the company’s projects, since the company doesn’t have many projects this year…

At the beginning of the year, it was affected by the epidemic. Seal up the city, the road, the community… The company has no new projects. For technology outsourcing companies, there is no new project, is no way out. And because of ‘some’ reasons, the company does not have funds and measures to deal with risks, or it is not considered to deal with risks (in small companies, the leader decides by himself), resulting in the situation that wages are not paid in time. Fortunately, there are still old projects to do, thinking that it will be good to survive the epidemic, so muddle along.

After a while, the epidemic was brought under control for the time being, but the effects of the epidemic did not pass so quickly. The company is still living beyond its means. Then, for ‘some’ reason, a manager-level employee became unhappy with the company (it’s a small company, the leader decides what to do) and left. From this point on, the company began to be a little restless. At this time, I am still living in that way. I knew what was going on, but I didn’t feel like I was there yet, so I stayed.

In the middle of the year, the company’s situation went up and down, one after another to make up the pay, one after another to delay the pay, one after another to leave the staff. At this time, I, urged by the home, and because of the influence of good friends quietly bought a house, began to plan to buy a house with the object, learned that according to my situation, want to provident fund full loan, can only pay three years of provident fund in accordance with the base of the loan. Who let us pay the minimum standard is the amount (small company, the leader has the final say). Then he stayed on until the end of September to complete the three-year loan.

In September, I did my best to collect the down payment and handed it over to the evil developer to give an account to my family and object. Then talk to the leader, say that I plan to leave at the end of the month, buy a house and have no money, do not pay wages can not live. The leader continued to retain, saying that the company began to improve, stay to help, the later wages will be normal, will not affect the mortgage. And that month did pay more than a month’s wages. And he stayed on.

In the middle of October, the loan was processed. See the company’s situation is still bad, still in arrears for a few months of wages, and then put forward to leave. Leaders repeatedly retain, play emotional card request to stay to help the company, and promised that it will never affect the mortgage payment. At this time, I heard that leaving may affect the loan results, so I stayed on again and waited for the loan to come down. At the end of the month, the commercial loan success, the company also reissued a salary. To this time also just be completed to send June wages.

In November, the provident fund loan finally in the middle of the loan. Also to return the business loan time, began to apply for wages. As expected, there was no money to be paid, the balance of various projects was not settled, and the new project was also failed for various reasons. I know what’s going on, but I still feel bad. Can only expect the project as soon as possible online settlement. So to the end of the month, still so.

In December, due to the company’s current project deadline, and unexpectedly received a small job, I was busy day and night. Also at this point, stop writing technical blog posts shortly after you start. Half a month later, the company’s project processing is almost finished. And another important thing in my life will also start: New Year’s day engagement, to start preparing for the dowry. As savings for the down payment, and wages have not been much. Prepare to apply for salary, also got the leader to agree to say the marriage event can not delay, can help me gather some money. After a few days ask again, have an accident: reply say have no money, sorry you. I was devastated inside. Although I have thought about this situation, I still can’t accept it. I asked for leave and leave. Get silence, that is the default!

It was supposed to be on Monday, the 21st. But the company rent due, no money to renew the lease. And the electricity bill’s gone and I can’t pay it, so I tell you to work from home. I received a notice to help the company move on Tuesday. It took three days to get there. The night of Christmas Eve, I applied again for my salary. Still no results. Christmas Day, that is Friday, came to the office to pick up the resignation application form. Lisao handled the resignation.

At noon, I went to talk with the leader for half an hour. At first, I talked about the situation of the past few years. The company has been established for more than five years, and I accompanied the company for more than four years. What has been gained and what has been lost in recent years, a burst of emotion. To the back of the chat content, is really let a person three views to destroy. What their own vision of people is not good, meet people not pretty, just led to the company to this point. Put all the blame on the people who left. What former employees should not be empathetic to arbitration he is really wrong. My heart: ???? You owe so many people so much money that you don’t even respond to their messages, and they’re wrong to arbitrate? What arbitration I can not return, procrastinate, the worst is to change the shell and start again. Wait, wait, wait…

Well, people do change. I don’t know what I would do in his place, and I don’t want to know. I just want my paycheck back, that’s all. But I know the situation of the company and it is impossible to get my salary back in a short time. Take your time and collect. I just finished talking and went to collect my things and evidence. When that day comes, I think, I’ll be the one who’s been wrong.

When I was sorting out my own contract, I saw my resume from the interview. Age: 22. What a young number. ** Would he have thought of me four years later? Do I still remember what he was like? Where did the time go?

I returned to the residence, the heart is still not calm from beginning to end, there is relief, irritability, anger, remorse, sadness, but also helpless. I have mixed feelings. If I can’t sleep at night, I simply get up and write down my thoughts at this moment. Many things in the article are a summary, I do not want to describe too much, with the passage of time, will be forgotten. Leave a few words to prove that things have existed, say more is a waste of emotion, why.

Goodbye, 2020. It’s been a messy year.

Bye, 2020. The Motherfucker’s Year.