Repeat annotations and type annotations

Since annotations were introduced in JDK1.5, annotations have become very popular and are widely used in various frameworks and projects. One big limitation of annotations, however, is that you cannot use the same annotation more than once in the same annotation. JDK8 introduces the concept of repeated annotations, allowing the same annotation to be used multiple times in the same place. Repeatable annotation is defined in JDK8 using the @REPEATable annotation.

Repeated notes

Repeat the steps for using annotations:

  1. Define duplicate annotation container annotations
public @interface MyTests {
    RepeatableMyTests[] value();
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  1. Define a repeatable annotation
public @interface RepeatableMyTests {
    String value(a);
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  1. Configure repeated annotations
public class Demo01 {
    public void test01(a) {}}Copy the code
  1. Parse repeated annotations
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        // Parse repeated annotations
        //getAnnotationsByType a new API for getting repeated annotations
        // Get repeated annotations on the class
        RepeatableMyTests[] annotationsByType = Demo01.class.getAnnotationsByType(RepeatableMyTests.class);
        for (RepeatableMyTests repeatableMyTest : annotationsByType) {
        // Get repeated comments on methods
        RepeatableMyTests[] annotationsByType2 = Demo01.class.getMethod("test01").getAnnotationsByType(RepeatableMyTests.class);
        for(RepeatableMyTests repeatableMyTest : annotationsByType2) { System.out.println(repeatableMyTest); }}Copy the code

Type annotations

JDK8 adds two new types for @target meta-annotations: TYPE_PARAMETER and TYPE_USE

TYPE_PARAMETER: indicates that the annotation is written in the declaration of type parameters, such as:

/ / define
public @interface TypeParam {

/ / use
public <@TypeParam E extends Integer> void testo1(a) {}Copy the code

TYPE_USE: Indicates that the annotation can be used wherever the class is used

public @interface Notnull {
/ / use
private @Notnull int index =0;
    public void test02(@Notnull String str, @Notnull int a){
         @Notnull int index =0;

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