Often do corporate signature bosses must know, Apple signature is now the most popular APP internal test, without the apple official audit can directly through the link and two-dimensional code APP internal test, very convenient and fast. But recently, many friends will tell me that their signature tool often fails to sign, what is the reason? Next xiaobian will talk to you about this problem, I hope you will have a harvest after reading.

Under normal circumstances, Apple signature off is very normal, in recent years because of a large number of developer accounts in the market have been abused, the signature market is also mixed, some violations will lead to signature off, but if often off, frequent off that is not normal.

If the signature is often dropped in the process of enterprise signature, it has a great relationship with the certificate, especially the popular shared certificate in the market now, there is no limit to the APP, sign at will, the number and download is not limited, better to drop the signature in a week, the luck almost dropped in the next day, the stability is very poor. Even now there are many unscrupulous signature service providers in order to reduce their own costs, under the guise of low prices in the market fraud, so we must pay attention to, we do not recommend to choose. There is also a point to tell you that most of the signatures of many enterprises are signed at night, if a company is signed many times during the day, then you have to be careful, this is mostly cut leeks.

If is often lost in the process of the signature, the signature service providers use account estimation problem accounts, according to the principle that, with the signature of the super stability is better than enterprises signed a lot of, itself has the limitation of downloads, if the account is rarely appear off signing without the word of the problem, and to buy super signatures are generally smaller user APP user resources, So the stability is ok.

If it is appeared in the process of TF signature sign, the estimate is the signature service problems, TF signature apple signature of three methods for signature, the only through the apple official audit, although qualifying conditions have limits to super signature and signature, but once successful, during the validity period of three months is unlikely to drop to sign, if there is a sign, Then you should contact the signature service provider to ask the reason, and then think of a solution.

The above is about why apple signature will often drop all the exposition, I hope to help you, and finally, I hope we can find a regular reliable signature business to cooperate!