
1. Mistake: Refactoring code without noticing details of someone else’s code. So you get bugs

1.1 Causes

Because the interests are related, we can not directly post the company’s code, simply put, it is if… Else judgments ignore conditional judgments, resulting in cases that are not covered.

1.2 How to Solve the problem

  • When reconstructing the code, first determine the state flow process of this module and describe it in the form of graph.
  • When committing code, be sure to double-check it.

2. The compiler code does not think comprehensively, for example, the multi-user policy actually has the same user password, which cannot achieve the desired effect.

2.1 Possible Causes

The compiler’s strategy for setting up multiple users is to prevent malicious users from encroaching on other users’ files if they get hold of the current user’s password.

But since the passwords of ordinary users are the same, if a user gets a password, they can basically encroach on other users.

2.2 How to Solve the problem

Design or more thinking, will affect the range of lines listed. Get others to review with you to avoid design flaws.

3. Mistake: Answering questions without doing enough research. Open my mouth to

3.1 Causes

The PM in the group feeds back the problem and gives a direct reply without investigating the cause carefully. The conclusion of the reply is too ambiguous.

The feedback of the problem, or you need to carefully investigate, really look at the cause of the problem is what.

Don’t be in a hurry to answer, but to think.

3.2 How can I Solve the problem?

When faced with a problem, calm down for five seconds, think about what to do, and then take action.

4. Error: Modifying code without carefully reading the business meaning of the code

4.1 Possible Causes

Codeutil.decode () filters some of the fixed tags without actually doing anything else. However, it was not discovered due to negligence in the development process. I have to work overtime to make up the data.

4.2 How to Solve the problem

When writing code, be sure to read the historical code thoroughly before writing.