I’m going to go through this video very quickly, but I’m going to feel like I’m hanging in the wind, like I’m all in the dark.


1. [single option] – a project has been out of order for several months, and this status is emailed to all interested parties in weekly reports. A key interested party had just learned of the deviation and was upset to be notified only by email. What should a project manager do first to prevent this problem? A project has been deviating for several mouths. This status has been emailed to all stakeholders in weekly reports. One key stakeholder just learned of this deviation and is upset that they were only notified via email. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  • A: Verify that all interested parties have received and understood each status report Verified that all stakeholders received and understood each status report
  • B: Choose the appropriate communication method for each stakeholder
  • C: Contact key stakeholders directly with key issues or project deviations
  • D: Planned periodic meetings with key stakeholders to report project status

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

Monitor communication – Communication management plan. Is an ongoing plan for collecting, generating, and publishing information in a timely manner that identifies team members, stakeholders, and related efforts in the communication process. P377- Communication management plan includes methods or techniques used to transmit information, etc. Topic description, email push communication, the relevant party did not see, did not receive feedback. The communication method is not correct. And that’s choice B. A The premise of confirming feedback is that the communication method should be correct. C Participation of management related parties, digression. D is one of the possible solutions to B.

2. [Single option] The project manager has completed the first draft of the project management plan and intends to submit it to the relevant parties for approval. However, the project management plan is very long and the relevant parties are scattered in different places, and the project manager has limited time to obtain approval. What should the project manager do to complete the plan review on time? A project manager finishes the first draft of a project management plan,and intends to present to stakeholders for approval.However,the project management plan is long and stakeholders are geographically disperseThe project manager has limited time to gain approval. What should the project manager do to ensure that review of the plan in completed on time?

  • A: Schedule A meeting with all stakeholders and send the plan for review before the meeting.
  • B: Send the plan to each interested party separately, Ask them to add their comments and return them for update Send the plan to each stakeholders individually,asking them to add their comments and make it for updating,
  • C: Divide the plan into parts, And request the selected interested party to review specific portions according to their professional areas their areas of expertise.
  • D: Arrange individuals meetings with only the key stakeholders to walk them through the plans

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

A. correct B. correct C. correct D. correct By the right publisher, through the right communication channels (technology), will be the right information, take the right communication methods, in the right time, conveyed to the right audience, receive the right feedback, and achieve the right communication effect. [B] the time is limited. The method is not correct, the time is not correct. C. Due to the interdependence and constraints of various knowledge fields, after splitting. Incorrect information. D) Only facing the key stakeholders, the audience is not correct, the meeting is held separately, the method is not correct, and the time is not allowed. Only A can avoid the problems of the other choices. Don’t be distracted. Being distracted doesn’t mean you can’t interact.

3. The project manager is managing a global project with resources in different locations. What should a project manager do to use the right channels to process the right information? A project manager is working on a global project with resources located in different regions.What should the project manager do to address the correct channels with the right information?

  • Meetings in different time zones
  • B: Hold frequent video conferences
  • C: Develop a communications management plan
  • D: Create a stakeholder engagement plan

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

3. The main function of program communication management is to prepare written communication plans in order to provide relevant information to the relevant parties in time and guide them to participate in the project effectively.

[选 项] A resource functional manager requests confidential information about a delayed project. Since the functional manager does not have the appropriate level of authorization, the resource requires the project manager’s permission to share information. What should a project manager do? A resource’s functional manager requests confidential information about a delayed project. Because the functional manager does not have the appropriate authorization level, the resource asks permission from the project manager to share the information. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Meet with the resource and the functional manager to explain why the information cannot be shared
  • B: Deny the request, But providing functional managers with project updates without confidential information Reject the request, but provide a project update to the functional manager that does not include confidential information.
  • C: Train the resource on how to promote the project to the functional manager without disclosing any confidential information divulging any confidential information.
  • D: Accept the request, Accept the request and provide a project update to the functional manager that includes the confidential information.

Correct answer: A your answer: B

A see PMBOK10.2; Management communication The process of ensuring that project information is collected, generated, released, stored, retrieved, managed, supervised and disposed of in a timely and appropriate manner. B, C, and D are obviously wrong in the treatment of confidential information

Book concept is very abstract, how to understand is to see comprehension.

The management assigned an international project to a new project manager. This is the first time the project manager has worked with a multinational team, which is evenly distributed between the two countries. One team is made up of people who are best suited to work alone, the other team is made up of people who are best suited to work as a team. What should a project manager do? Management assign an international project to a new project manager.This is the first time the project manager has worked with an international team.Team members reside in two countries and are equally distributeOne team comprises of members who are most comfortable working as individuals,while the other team comprises of members who are most comfortable working as a group. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Update the risk register.
  • B: Require the team to work in the same style for the duration of the projec
  • C) Revise the communications management plan
  • D: Set up a virtual collaboration fool the team to check-in each day

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

According to the description of the scene, the team environment of the project is complicated and communication is extremely difficult. Therefore, the communication management plan needs to be revised. Determine the communication management plan and determine how, when, and by whom project information will be managed and disseminated.

6. To ensure the success of the project, the client must be made aware of possible delays and problems, the project sponsor said. To do this, customers want their technical team to communicate directly with the project’s technical team. Which document should the project manager review to ensure that this request is resolved? The project sponsor states that to ensure project success, The customer must be made aware of possible delays and issues. To see that hanging this, The customer wants their technical team to communicate directly with the project’s technical team. What document should the project manager review to ensure that this request is addressed?

  • A: Communications management plan
  • B: Requirement Traceability matrix
  • C: RACI matrix Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform (RAXI) matrix
  •  D:项目章程

    Project charter

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

The communication management plan should be reviewed for guidance on how to communicate information between the two teams and how to communicate status information to customers.

7. [One] The project manager needs advice from two vice presidents in different countries. Which communication method should be used? The project manager needs two vice presidents based in different countries to provide opinions. Which communication method should be used?

  • A: Push communication
  • B: Pull communication
  • C) Selective communication
  • D) Interactive communication

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

D) To communicate with the vice president. Interactive communication. Real-time multidirectional information exchange between two or more parties. It uses communication artifacts such as meetings, phone calls, instant messaging, social media, and video conferencing.

Some members of the project team work from home. During weekly video conferences, participants get annoyed and ask not to attend because they lose a lot of time due to disconnected or dropped calls, background noise, and multiple simultaneous speakers. What should a project manager do? Some members of a project team work from home.During a weekly video-conference,much time is wasted due to line disconnection or dropped participants,background noise,strong interference, or multiple people speaking simultaneously. People are becoming annoyed and ask not to participate. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Change the frequency of the weekly meetings to monthly.
  • Physically, all team members meet physically for the weekly meeting once a week.
  • C: Define and train the team on a set of minimum requirements,rules for home and remote for both home and remote colleagues offices,and meeting etiquette.
  • D: Hold individual meetings with each team member, And organize the information to generate meeting minutes for the distribution of Hold individual meetings with team members and consolidate the information in meeting minutes for distribution.

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

Meeting management requires meeting rules to be formulated in advance. Meeting problems, finding rules.

9. The cfo of the company asks the project team for project information via email, and the communication management plan states that the project manager should submit project status to the senior management team every two weeks. What should a project manager do? The emails of A company CFO A project team member asking for information,about the project’s progress.The Communications management plan states that the project manager should present the project status to the senior management team biweekly. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Instruct the team member to send the required information as soon as possible.
  • B: Comply with the communication management plan and instruct team members not to Comply with the communications management plan and direct the team member not to reply.
  • C: Send the required information and ask the CFO if the communications management plan should be revised revise
  • D: Send an email to the senior management team Contacting team members The senior management team asks them to retrain from directly contacting team members.

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

CFO requests project information from team members, indicating that the information we provide to him cannot meet his information needs. This is a communication problem. If necessary, request for change should be adopted to change the communication management plan.

10. [Single option] An unsupported new stakeholder joins an ongoing project to help improve communication with this stakeholder. What should a project manager do? A new unsupportive stakeholder joins a project during execution. What should the project manager do to help improve communications with this stakeholder?

  • A: Conduct a communication style assessment, Conduct a communication styles assessment to determine the best way to communicate with the stakeholder.
  • B: Hold a team meeting to introduce the stakeholder to the other team members.
  • C: Revise the stakeholder engagement plan to meet the new stakeholder’s needs
  • D: Talk to other interested parties, To determine the best way to communicate with the new stakeholder Speak with the other stakeholders to determine how best to communicate with the new stakeholder

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

PMBOK (6) P375- A technique used to assess communication styles and identify preferred communication methods, forms, and content when planning communication activities.

11. [Single option] The customer is surprised by a change to a deliverable. The project manager explained that the change was communicated via email, which the customer might not have read. What should the project manager have done differently beforehand? A customer is surprised about a change made to a deliverable. The project manager explains that this change was communicated via email, and that there is a possibility that the email has not yet been rea What should the project manager have done differently?

  • A: Make sure you’ve completed the communication loop, And require the customer to verify that the communication cycle was completed, and asked the customer to confirm receipt of the information
  • B: Send a follow-up email to confirm that the customer has read the first email, Sent a follow-up email to determine if the customer read the first email, and obtained a read confirmation
  • C: Call the customer (rather than email them) and give them all the details, They were also asked to send confirmation letters Called, rather than emailed, the customer with all details, and asked them to send a confirmation
  • D: Developed the communications management plan

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

PMBOK (6) P377- Communication management plan

12. [One] During project planning, the project manager of the cross-cultural team wants to reduce delays that may result from misunderstandings between on-site and virtual team members. What should the project manager do next? During project planning, the project manager of a cross-cultural team wants to reduce the possible delays caused by misunderstandings among on-site and virtual team members. What should the project manager do next?

  • A: Meet with the external stakeholders.
  • B: Define the information to be communicated
  • C: Set up a focus group.
  • D) Facilitate a workshop.

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

The “virtual team” and the “misunderstanding” both refer to communication management plans.

13. [OPTION] A key stakeholder attends the project launch meeting but is absent from the subsequent review meeting. What should a project manager do? A key stakeholder attends the project kick-off meeting, but is absent from subsequent review meetings. What should the project manager do ?

  • A: Update communication management plan, To remove the stakeholder from the attendance list review meetings.
  • B: Remove the interested party from the interested Party register because they are not interested in the project
  • C: Continue to communicate with the relevant parties through performance reports and meeting recor through performance reports and minutes
  • D: Review the stakeholder engagement plan and submit a change request to revise it.

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

3. Because key stakeholders participated in one meeting and not in the other, there was a communication problem. So make it a communication problem, not a stakeholder problem.

14. [Single option] In a software development project, a team member’s inability to complete an assigned task hinders integration with other components and leads to missed milestones. The team members did not inform the project manager of any problems with their assignment. What should the project manager do first to communicate the problem to the sponsor? During a software development project, one team member fails to complete assigned tasks, which prevents integration with other components and causes a milestone to be misse The team member did not inform the project manager about problems with tasks. What should the project manager do first to communicate this to the sponsors?

  • A: Include an updated project schedule I it the weekly Status report.
  • B: Arrange a meeting with sponsors, inform them of this problem, and propose a recovery plan Schedule a meeting with the Sponsor to inform them of the issue and present a recovery plan.
  • C: Add it to the risk register as an realized risk, And send the updated risk register to the sponsor to Add it to the risk register as a materialized risk and send the updated risk register to the Sponsor.
  • D: Report delay issues to the originator, Inform them that the Escalate member failed to complete the delay to the Sponsor informing them that the team member failed to complete the assigned tasks.

Correct answer: B Your answer: C

B. Analysis: PMBOK (6), P388 10.3 supervision communication. B) team members should have a solution when reporting such bad news to their leaders without shirking responsibility. C should be updating the problem log rather than the risk register because it has already occurred and was not previously identified.

Report any problems and provide solutions.

15. [Single] The project manager updated the risk register after receiving a PMO order that the work package must be executed by a pre-approved offshore unit. To mitigate the risk of miscommunication between the local and offshore teams, the project manager appointed an offshore coordinator as a single point of contact. Which plan should be updated to describe the interaction between the two teams? After receiving a project management office ( PMO )mandate that work packages must be performed by a preapproved offshore unit ,the project manager updates the risk register.To mitigate the risk of miscommunication between local and offshore teams ,the project manager appoints an offshore coordinator as a single point of contact. What plan should be updated to describe the interactions between the two teams ?

  • For example
  • B: Stakeholder engagement
  • C) Risk management plan
  • D: Communication management plan

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

(6) p390- 题目 题 description: the problem is the transmission of key information, which belongs to the communication category, including the interaction between two teams. It is also a communication problem.

16. [Single] At a milestone review meeting, a concerned party complained that they were not aware of project status reports, which the concerned party felt did not contain information relevant to its department. What should the project manager do to resolve this situation? During a milestone review meeting, a stakeholder complains that they do not understand the project status reports, The stakeholder believes that these reports do not contain information relevant to their department. What should the project manager do to address this?

  • A: Meet with the stakeholders to determine their reporting needs.
  • B: Arrange a regular meeting with the relevant party to avoid future complaints.
  • C: Update the communications management plan to address the stakeholder’s concerns.
  • D: Revise the risk management plan to mitigate similar situations in the future

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

C. Analysis: PMBOk-P379, a typical communication management problem. The complaint comes from disagreeing with the way of communication and the need to update the communication management plan. So choose C.

17. [选 择] The project manager learned that resources had been allocated to the project without his knowledge. After investigation, the project manager found that these resource requirements were reasonable. What should a project manager do in advance to avoid such miscommunication? A project manager learns that there are resources that have been assigned to the project without their awareness. After investigation,the project manager discovers that the resources were legitimately require What should the project manager have done to avoid this miscommunication?

  • Personally created the resource management plan
  • B: We have Updated the procurement and cost management plans
  • C: Clearly defined and communicated the roles and responsibilities of each resource Clearly defined and communicated communicated the roles and responsibilities of each resource
  • D: Revised the communications management plan

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

D) There is a communication problem in building a team.

18. [Optional] The project manager sends periodic status reports to all interested parties, including a list of project achievements, upcoming goals, and current challenges. However, some stakeholders still complain that they are not aware of the status of the project. What should a project manager do? A project manager sends out regular status reports to all stakeholders with bulleted lists of project accomplishments, upcoming objectives,and and current challenges. However, Some stakeholders still complain that they do not and understand the project’s status, What should the project manager do?

  • A: Contact these interested parties to understand their concerns, And follow the change request process prior to implementing the change and follow the change request process prior to implementing changes.
  • B: Distribute some new and more detailed status reports to these stakeholders to Distribute a new,more detailed status report to those stakeholders.
  • C: Ask those stakeholders to review the communications management plan and provide them with the latest status report an updated status report.
  • D: Meeting with these stakeholders and project teams, To provide more detailed project status update Meet with those stakeholders and the project team to provide a more detailed project status update.

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

A communication management plan contains the communication needs of the parties concerned, identifying the information to be communicated, the people or groups receiving the information, including their needs, needs and expectations. The project manager regularly sends status reports, which are determined in the communication management plan, and relevant parties complain about this. First of all, they are required to review the communication management plan and confirm the communication consensus reached before. Perhaps these relevant parties do not need to know the status in the communication plan, so they should review it first.

[选 项] The project manager is planning a new multi-company project. Each company has multiple stakeholders. What communication methods should project managers use? A project manager is planning a new multi-company project that has several stakeholders per company. What communication method should the project manager use?

  •  A:交互式沟通

  • B: Push communication
  • C: Pull communication
  • D: Selective communication

Correct answer: C. Your answer: B

C. PMBOK (6) P374- More than one party need to obtain information, it is better to adopt pull communication, unified release of information, let the relevant party take the initiative to obtain information from the information source. C) the cost of interactive communication is high and the feasibility is low.

[选 词] The project manager plans to deploy a global project within a month. However, several managers contacted the project sponsor to express a lack of understanding of the project deliverables. Which of the following should the project manager accomplish during the planning period? A project manager plans to deploy a global project in one month. However, several managers have contacted the project sponsor indicating a lack of awareness of project deliverables. What should the project manager have done during planning?

  • A: Carry out project impact analysis. Schedule activities and take actions Conducted a project impact analysis, scheduled activities, and taken actions
  • B: Reviewed project charter to clarify scope
  • Meetings are Scheduled weekly risk review meetings
  • D: Identify project stakeholders and include them in the communications management plan

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

D. D) Lack of understanding of deliverables.

21. What should the project manager do in advance to prevent a related party from complaining that he has not been notified of a delay in project delivery? A stakeholder G that notification of the project’s delayed delivery was not receive What should the project manager have done to prevent this?

  • A: Updated the Requirements Traceability matrix
  • B: We Reviewed the communications management plan
  • C: Reviewed the risk management plans
  • D: Updated the Stakeholder Register

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

B. PMBOK (6) P379-10.2 The relevant party “did not receive” notice, which belongs to the problem of information transmission, should review the communication management plan in advance.

22. [One] During a project, a team member often complains that certain information is not provided in a timely manner. What should a project manager do? During project execution, a team member regularly complains that some information is not provided on a timely basis. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Check the team member’s performance history.
  • B: Initiate regular information meetings with all team members.
  • C: Hold a one-on-one meeting with the team member
  • D: Review the communications management plan.

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

D. Analysis: PMBOK (6) P387, information is not provided in time, is the communication problems, should review the communication management plan.

[选 项] The IT team sent out information about how to access the new tool adopted for project communication. Now, some interested parties are asking questions that project managers think they are not taking advantage of the new tool. What should a project manager do? An IT team sent out information on how to access a new tool adopted for project communications,Now, some stakeholders are asking questions that lead the project manager to believe they are not leveraging the new tool. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Abandon the new tool and revert to previous methods for communicating updates
  • B: Resend the information on how to access the new tool
  • C: Discuss these concerns with stakeholders and offer to provide training on the new tool
  • D: Meet with the IT team to obtain ideas on how to enforce the use of the new tool

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

10.2 Management communication Related parties do not use the new tool, which may be a problem of attitude or ability. First confirm the problem and provide training.

[选 项] A project manager is working with a diverse team on a high-profile public works project. The public sector involved in the project is very concerned because the project directly affects their communities. What should the project manager use to communicate with this project stakeholder group? A project manager is working on a high-profile public works project with a diverse and engaged group of stakeholders.The public sector of stakeholders is very concerned,as this project directly impacts their community.,What should the project manager use to communicate with this stakeholder group?

  • A: Push communication
  • B: Interactive communication
  • C: Communicate with stakeholders in notifications
  • D: Project reports

Correct answer: B Your answer: A

Communication that requires consensus should be interactive.

There are three ways of communication: repeated mistakes, the need to strengthen understanding

25, [radio] a geographically dispersed team are working on an IT project, they found themselves will rewrite the code to each other, sometimes with the same function, competent Scrum is evaluating how they can promote more consistent communication between team members, so as to avoid these problems, the Scrum supervisor should do? Aageographically team working on an IT project find themselves overwriting each others’ code and sometimes working on the same features The Scrum master is assessing ways in which they can promote more consistent communication among team members to avoid these issues. What should the Scrum master do?

  • A: Hold A sprint review
  • B: Convene a retrospective meeting
  • C: Schedule a daily stand up
  • D: Develop a task allocation system

Correct answer: C. Your answer: D

C. it is a communication problem. D. It is a communication problem. A is mainly used to check the completed work; B is mainly used to summarize experience and improve; C can discuss problems and correct anomalies in time; D has nothing to do with communication.

And let’s see, C is more reasonable, and it might actually not be a meeting, so let’s talk about it in the group.

26. If an interested party disagrees with the monthly status report and asks the project manager to personally inform them of the project status on a weekly basis, what should the project manager do first? A stakeholder disagrees with the monthly status report and asks the project manager to personally inform them of the Project’s status on a weekly basis. What should the project manager do first?

  • A: Modify the form and frequency of the status reports to accommodate the stakeholder needs
  • B: Seek agreement with the stakeholders to manage their expectations
  • C: Review the stakeholder engagement plan to revisit the stakeholder needs
  • D: Meet with the stakeholder to explain the details of the status reports

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

Analysis: Communication problems, the communication needs of the relevant party is not fully understood, the communication management plan should be updated according to C.

27. [Single] The project manager schedules a virtual release planning meeting and is surprised when all the team members from a particular region are absent from the conference call. What can the project manager do beforehand to avoid this problem? A Project manager of a geographically distributed team schedules a virtual release planning meeting. The project manager is surprised when all team members from a specific region are absent from the call. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  • The meetings have been Scheduled much farther in advance
  • B: Mandatory participation in the meeting is Required
  • C: Check the availability of team members before scheduling the meeting
  • D: Replace global resources with local team members

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

All the team members in a particular area were absent from the meeting. It’s a communication problem. C is best.

28. [SINGLE] What should project managers do when clients want to receive more frequent technical project updates to help them make key decisions? To assist with critical decisions making, the customer would like to receive more frequent technical project updates. What should the project manager do?

  • Invite all technical leaders and customers to participate in project update meetings
  • B: Escalate the request to the project Sponsor
  • C: Follow the communications management plan
  • D: Ask each technical leader to send the reports to the customer

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

The customer wants to improve the reporting frequency. This is a standard communication problem. Find the communication management plan. Whether the customer’s request is reasonable, or whether it should be implemented, should follow the communication management plan.

29. [single] Some internal stakeholders complain that project managers are unable to perform their tasks properly because they have not received the required project updates. What should the project manager do first? Some internal stakeholders complain to the project manager that they are unable to properly perform their tasks as they are not receiving required project update. What should the project manager do first?

  • A: Ask stakeholders to identify ways to obtain project updates independently Ask the stakeholders to identify ways to obtain project updates independently
  • B: Change the mode of stakeholder communication
  • C: Increase the frequency of project updates
  • D: Review the communication management plan to ensure that all stakeholders are included

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

Do not receive the required project update is a communication problem, first review the communication management plan.

30. [Single option] – A new project sponsor habitually misses the weekly status meeting, and often discusses the status of the project with the functional manager. He sends the meeting minutes to him regularly, but he doesn’t seem to read them. A new project sponsor habitually misses weekly status meeting and frequently visits functional manager to discuss the Project’s, Status,meeting minutes are regularly sent, but appear to remain unrea What should the project manager do next?

  • A: Instruct the functional managers to refrain from discussing project status
  • B: Send the communication management plan to the Sponsor
  • C: Resend the weekly meeting minutes to the sponsor
  • D: Organize a one-on-one meeting with the sponsor

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

D) The new sponsor does not accept the current way of communication, so it should be adjusted. A, B, and C are not the best way to solve the problem.

31. [Single choice] A multicultural project team located in different geographical locations presents challenges because close communication is critical to successful team performance. What should project managers do to minimize miscommunication? A multicultural project team is geographical distributed, This causes challenges, Since close communication is key to the team, successful performance, what should the project manager do to minimize team miscommunication ?

  • A: Schedule Daily virtual conferences
  • B: Establish and review the project dashboards
  • C: Send daily project status report
  • D: Check in with the team daily via email

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

How to solve the communication problem of virtual team? A is face-to-face communication, which is also in line with the characteristics of scattered team. Daily meeting, timely reflect communication, discuss problems.

[SINGLE] The project manager is leading a complex cross-cultural project with over 600 team members in different countries. Some of the team members from one of the countries cannot understand what is happening during the daily station conference call. What should the project manager do? A project manager is leading a complex cross-cultural project with over 600 team members located in different countries. A few members from one of the countries are unable to understand what is going on during the daily stand up calls. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Update the communication management plan
  • B: Revise the stakeholder engagement plan
  • C: Focus on the storming stage of team building
  • D: Emphasize the performing stage of team building

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

The problem of “incomprehension” is an objective technical problem, rather than a problem of subjective will

33. [Single option] The concerned party is very concerned about the understanding of project expectations and instructions by a non-centralized office team, because of the previous experience of reworking with the team. What kind of communication method should the project manager use to solve this problem? Stakeholders expressed concerns about a non-colocated team’s understanding of expectations and instructions,as previous experience with this team have resulted in rework, what communication method should the project manager implement to address this?

  • A: Push communication
  • B: Focus on communicating Mass
  • C: Pull communication
  • D) Interactive

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

To prevent misunderstanding, it is necessary to reach a common understanding and use interactive communication to reach a consensus.

A new stakeholder has been added to a crucial project. This interested party contacts each team member to obtain information about project goals and status. How should the project manager provide this information to this interested party? A crucial important project adds a new stakeholder,This stakeholder approaches each team member to obtain information About the project’s objectives and status, what should the project manager do to provide the stakeholder with this information ?

  • A: Invite the stakeholder to regular project status meetings
  • B: Email the project charter to the stakeholder then follow up with a phone call
  • C: Ask the stakeholder to speak with the functional manager and project sponsor
  • D: Ensure that the stakeholder receives all required information from team members

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

3. Monitoring communication, related parties directly request information from members, which will have a negative impact on the project, so it is a problem of related parties. However, the question asks how to provide information, which is also a communication problem. A.

35. [One] In a complex project, the project manager is troubled by a large number of documents and the best way to distribute them. Which of the following should the project manager inquire about? During a complex project.a project manager struggles with the amount of documentation and how best to distribute it .What should the project manager consult?

  • A: Project Management Information System (PMIS)
  • B: Configuration Management System
  • C: Stakeholders’ communication needs
  • D: Performance reports and issue logs

Correct answer: C. Your answer: A

10.1 Planning communication management. The best way to distribute documents is to communicate the problem, find a communication management plan, or a communication needs analysis. See the last paragraph on page 369 of PMBOK.

Large files are interference.

36. Three months into the project, the project sponsor learned via E-mail that the project was behind schedule and over budget. What should a project manager do beforehand to avoid this problem? Three months into a projects,a project sponsor learns via email that the project is behind schedule and over budget.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  • A: Quality audits are frequently Held
  • B: Frequently emailed project updates to the Sponsor
  • C: Shared the status report template with the project team
  •  D:定期与关键相关方召开项目指导委员会会议

    Held regular project steering committee meetings with key stakeholders

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

Pmbok P379 management communication is the process of ensuring that project information is collected, generated, published, stored, retrieved, managed, supervised and ultimately disposed of in a timely and appropriate manner. I learned through email that there was a problem with the project in advance. Considering that the plan was not done well and the information was received too late, I should consider communication problems. Elimination, D is best.

37. [ONE] The project manager joins matrix project teams in two countries with significant cultural differences. What should a project manager do to get the project started? A Project manager joins a matrix project teams located in two countries with significant cultural differences. What should the project manager do to start the project?

  • A: Schedule a virtual project launch meeting, Schedule a virtual kick-off meeting to introduce team members and establish the project scope and objectives goals
  • B: Hold a co-located kick-off meeting to develop relationships and establish expectations at the same place
  • C: Email team members to start the project and set a date for a meeting at the same location, Email team members to kick-off the project and to define the date of a co-located meeting for requirements clarification
  • D: Build motivation by distributing the team charters and conducting a virtual kick-off meeting

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

Analysis: there are cultural differences, need to communicate clearly, and the kick-off meeting has the role of team building, to be held together. Therefore, virtual meetings.

The finance department is implementing a new system of budget planning and forecasting. Rumours are circulating about how the new system will make departments more fragmented and inefficient. How should the project manager handle this problem? A finance department is implementing a new system for budget planning and forecasting. Rumors are circulating about how the new system will make the department more fragmented and less efficient. How should the project manager handle this ?

  • A: Update communication management plan, Update the communication management plan to include the financial department employees during system development development
  • B: Ensure organizational changes are accounted for in the change management plan, Ensure that organizational changes are addressed in the change management plan and introduced at an acceptable speed acceptable rate
  • C: Review the change management plan with finance staff, Review the change management plan with the finance Department employees to ensure that process changes are properly documented documented correctly
  • D: Assure the finance department that the change management plan will incorporate their concerns

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

10.1 Planning communication management. There is no timely release of the correct information to start the rumor, this is a communication problem. The topic has nothing to do with the change. The new system is A new project. Communication problems, information release and reporting problems in the project need to be updated and reviewed, or communication management plans need to be created, or communication planning needs to be done.

39. [Single option] — Each project has team members in different countries. Given the amount of information the team must review, what method should be used to communicate? A project’s team members are located in different countries.Since the team must review large amounts of information methods should be used to communicate?

  • A: Intranet sites,knowledge Repositories,and lessons learned database
  • B: Instant messaging and meetings
  • C: Video conferencing and phone calls
  • D: Emails,letters,and memos

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

PMBOK10.1.2.5 communication method A lot of information, best communicated with pull.

40. [Optional] The project manager communicates with interested parties by weekly E-mail. At the following committee management meeting, an interested party was surprised to learn of the status of the project and stated that it had never received any updates. What can project managers do to avoid this situation in the future? A project manager communicates with stakeholders via weekly E-mails. At the next board management meeting, A stakeholders is surprised to learn about the project’s status and states they have not received any updates.what should the project manager do to avoid this situation in the future?

  • A: Refer to the project Charter
  • B: Ensure the communication management plan is followed
  • C: Invite the stakeholder to future project meetings
  • D: Manage the stakeholder closely

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

Monitor communication. For typical communication problems, look for a communication management plan. The relevant party did not receive the update plan, it is possible that the PM missed it, or it is possible that the relevant party should not know about the project update plan at all. Information communication shall be carried out in strict accordance with the communication management plan.

41. [Single] A project team is working in a different time zone, and misunderstandings often occur between team members. Despite the project manager’s attempts to fix the problem, it has never been resolved. What can a project manager do to improve this situation? A project team is working in different time zones.Misunderstanding arefrequent among team members.And although the project manager has tries to address it,the issue remains unresolveWhat should the project manager do to improve the situation?

  • A. Revise the communications management plan B. Revise the communications management plan
  • B: Review stakeholders’ requirements.
  • C: Let’s discuss it at a team meeting.
  • D: Address the issue individuality with each team member.

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

1. Misunderstandings often occur, and attempts to do so don’t work. The current communication management plan is not applicable and needs to be revised and improved. 2. Reference: PMBOK Sixth Edition, P387,, Management Communication: Output – Project Management Plan update – Communication Management Plan.

[选 词] A local project is expanding and will now include stakeholders from different countries. What existing documents must the project manager adjust in order to effectively manage these global stakeholders? A local project is expanding and will now include stakeholders from different countries.what existing documentation must the project manageradjust to effectively manage these global stakeholders?

  • A: Organization communication requirements.
  • B: Risk register.
  • C: Change control procedures.
  • D) Communication management plan

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

10.1.3 Communication management plan is an integral part of the project management plan. It describes how project communication will be planned, structured, executed and monitored to improve the effectiveness of communication. Related parties change, communication management plans need to be updated, project teams are geographically distributed, and new requirements for communication methods are put forward.

[选 项] A large team is working on a fast-paced project. Key stakeholders ask team members directly about project progress. What should a project manager do? A large team is working on a fast-paced project.Key stakeholders are asking team members directly about the project progress. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Ask the steering Committee to provide stakeholders with updates.
  • B: Provide periodic formal updates to stakeholders.
  • C: Empower team members to report their understanding of project details to stakeholders.
  • D: Ensure that only the Project Management Office (PMO)provides updates to stakeholders.

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

Key stakeholders are concerned about the progress of the project and will directly ask team members about the progress of the project if they have not received effective feedback. Formal communication management shall be conducted in accordance with the communication management plan.

[选 项] A new key stakeholder was concerned that the project manager was not sending important updates on the project’s progress. What should project managers do to prevent this problem? A new key stakeholder is concerned that the project manager failed to send an important update regarding the project schedule.what should the project manager have followed to prevent this?

  • Work performance reports. For example:
  • B: Project Communications.
  • C: Stakeholders communication requirements.
  • D: Communications management plan.

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

See PMBOK version 6 Communication Management Plan. The project manager develops a communication management plan that meets the requirements of the project and reviews it periodically to make necessary updates. Throughout the project lifecycle, the project manager must strictly follow the communication management plan to ensure that all communication is smooth and effective.

During the city Hall project meeting, the mayor put forward a proposal to renovate the city’s Central Park. Some store owners requested weekly project progress reports. What should the project manager update? During a city hall project meeting,the mayor presents a proposal to refurbish the city`’s central park.Several store owners request weekly project progress reports. What should the project manager update?

  • A: Stakeholder engagement plan.
  • B: Communications management plan.
  • C: Statement of work(SOW)
  • D: Project commissioning plan.

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

The relevant parties require weekly update of the project progress report. See PMBOK version 6 Communication Management Plan.

46. [Single option] The current project has a total of 10 stakeholders, while the previously completed project has only 5 stakeholders. How many communication channels have been added to the current project? A current project has a local of 10 stakeholders,while a previously completed project had only five,How many communication channels does the current project have?

  • A: 35 35.
  • B: 45 45.
  • C: May 5.
  • D: 10 10.

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

Communication channels =N* (n-1)/2 10* (10-1) /2=45,5* (5-1) /2=10.45-10=35.

An organization that is preparing a large strategic project has hired an international firm with extensive experience in the field. The company uses different languages and has cultural differences. Project managers know that communication is a major cause of project failure and are concerned that they lack the experience to deal with foreign stakeholders. What should a project manager do to properly manage information flow? An organization preparing for a large strategic project hires an international company with experience in this arenThis company speaks adifferent language and has cultural differences.The project manager knowsthat communication is a primary reason that projects fail,and is concernedabout their lack of experience with foreign stakeholders. What should the project manager do to properly manage the informationflow?

  • A: Leverage the experience of the foreign company to communicate with the relevant parties
  • B: Develop a communication strategy that addresses the needs of both the project and its stakeholders
  • C: Follow best practices of written communication
  • D: Professionals who speak both the local and foreign language

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

Analysis: Do a good job in planning communication management, develop communication strategy can avoid cultural differences caused by communication problems, see PMBOK 6th edition 10.1 planning communication management.

48. The appointed project Manager was informed that concerned parties were very concerned about the identified project problems and risks and that they were dissatisfied that no communication had been received for more than a month. What should a project manager do? A newly appointed project manager learns that stakeholders are concerned about identified project isues and risks. They are dissatisfied that for over a month no communications have been receive What should the new project manager do?

  • A: Implement the existing communications management and stakeholder management plans.
  • B: Update communication management plan and stakeholder participation plan, Update the Communications Management and Stakeholder Management plans and provide immediate information on issues and risks communication regarding the issues and risks to the stakeholders.
  • C: Meeting with interested parties to determine the frequency of communication required, And then immediately provide them with information about these issues and risks. then immediate provide them with information regarding the issues and risks.
  • D: Meetings with key stakeholders, Then update the communication management plan and stakeholder participation plan to Meet with the key stakeholders then update the communications management and stakeholder management plans.

Correct answer: D your answer: C

A. plan B. plan C. plan D. plan D is better than B. First meet to understand the needs, and then update the communication management plan

Find problems and update the communication management plan.

[选 择] Six months into the project, while discussing the status of the project with two of the five team leaders, the project manager noticed an information gap. To solve this problem, which plan should the project manager query? A project has been underway for the last six months. While discussing its status with two out of the five team leads, the project manager notices an information gap. What plan should the project manager reference to solve this ?

  • A: Stakeholder engagement
  • B: Communications management program
  • C: Resource management plan
  • D: Risk management plan

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

A) communication B) communication C) communication D) communication management

50. [single option] What should the project manager do if the status update of the project is inconsistent with the participation plan of relevant parties? A project’s status update was not conforming to the stakeholder management plan. What should the project manager do?

  • Ask senior management for advice
  • B: Audit the communication management plan
  • C: Do a post-project review
  • D: Perform inspections and audits Perform inspections and audits

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

3. Project status updates, i.e. the release of project status updates to stakeholders, are a matter of communication and should be carried out according to the communication management plan. The communication management plan shall be formulated with reference to the participation plan of relevant parties. B) The communication management plan is not well developed.

[选 题] The project manager issues weekly project updates via email to all project stakeholders (both local and overseas team members). An overseas project team is concerned that it will not meet its goals due to a misunderstanding of project requirements. What should a project manager do? The project manager issues weekly project updates via email to all project stakeholders (both local and overseas team members), and an overseas project team is concerned that it is not meeting its goals due to a misunderstanding of the project requirements. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Independently speak with the overseas team to clarify the issue.
  • B: Record the problem in the issue log Document this in the issue log.
  • C: Assign another overseas team to help/coach them.
  • D: Meet with all interested parties to discuss the issue.

Correct answer: B Your answer: D

Worry may not be true, but treat it as a problem. A) Whether to talk to the other person alone does not affect the facts. No good.

Fear is not true.

[选 项] The project manager learned that the sponsor had been discussing the progress of the project with a team member. Which document should the project manager refer to before addressing this issue with the sponsor? A project manager learns that the sponsor has been discussing project progress with a team member.What document should the project manager refer to before solving the issue with the sponsor?

  • A: Communications management plan
  • B: Stakeholders analysis
  • C) Risk management plan
  • D) Work performance report

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

The information provided by the project manager to the sponsor can not meet the needs of the sponsor.

[选 项] The project manager pointed out that a team member in another location kept missing deadlines. What should the project manager do since this will affect the project schedule? The project manager indicates that a team member in another location always missed the deadline. Since this will affect the progress of the project, what should the project manager do?

  • A: Reassign the member’s work To A local member
  • B: Consider contracting the member’s work To a local supplier
  • C: Manage the project without this member and mark this as the risk of the project stakeholders
  • D: Communicate with the member To understand the situation and provide guidance and support

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

When you encounter a problem, first communicate privately, analyze the problem, and then solve it. D.

54. [Single] Having identified the five stakeholders besides the project manager, the project manager now needs to determine the complexity of project communication. How many potential channels of communication are there? After identifying five stakeholders besides the project manager, the project manager now needs to determine the complexity of the project communication, how many potential communication channels are there?

  • A: 20 20
  • B: 15 15
  • C: 10 10
  • D: 5 5

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

B) communication channels = 6×5/2= 15.

The project manager meets with project stakeholders to gain information and knowledge about how best to transport supplies to the construction site. What type of communication method is used? A project manager meets with project stakeholders to obtain information and knowledge on how best to deliver supplies to a construction site.What type of communication method is being used?

  • A: Pull.
  • B: Push communication Plush.
  • C) Interactive.
  • D: Internal communication.

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

PMBOK10.1.2.5 Face-to-face meetings and communication belong to interactive communication.

[选 择] When an international team is assigned to work on a project, the project manager is concerned about possible misunderstandings due to cultural differences. What should the project manager use to ensure that the team is on the same page about project goals? An international team is assigned to work on a project.And the project manager is concerned that misunderstandings might arise due to cultural differences.What should the project manager use to ensure that the team achieves consensus on the project goals?

  • For example: A Project charter.
  • B: Responsibility Assignment matrix(RAM)
  • C: Stakeholder Register.
  • D) Communication management plan

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

Misunderstandings caused by cultural differences need to be solved through better communication. D. More specifically, PM can use cultural awareness in interpersonal relations and skills (PMBOK10.1.2.6) to better plan communication. Registration parties do not solve the actual problem, communication to solve the problem.

[选 项] The project manager is managing a global project with team members scattered across multiple countries. To simplify project status updates, a manager from one region started a local-language social media account. What should a project manager do? The project manager is managing a global project with team members scattered across multiple countries. To simplify project status updates, managers from one region launched a local language social media account. What should the project manager do?

  • A: Audit the new communication channel to ensure its compliance with PMO policies complies with PMO polices.
  • B: B: Ask these managers to communicate translated versions of the new channel’scontent.
  • C: Ask these managers to adhere to the Project Management Office ‘s(PMO’s)communication policy.
  • D: Update the communications management plan to include the new communication channel.

Correct answer: D your answer: C

1. New communication channels appear, add them to the communication management plan, and update the corresponding documents. 2. Reference: PMBOK Sixth edition, P393,, Monitoring communication: Output – Project management Plan update – Communication management Plan.

Routine: Update

[选 项] A project manager working on a global project establishes multiple channels of communication. What should project managers do in order to manage communication channels? A Project manager working on a global project establishes various communication Channels. What should the project manager do to manage this?

  • Meetings in A different time zones
  • B: Schedule video conferences.
  • C: Create a communication management plan
  • D: Develop a stakeholder management plan.

Correct answer: C. Your answer: C

Communication channels should be recorded in the communication management plan. See PMBOK version 6 Communication Management Plan.

[选 择] The project manager’s task is to raise the organization’s awareness of his company’s “rebranding” program. What should a project manager do to achieve this? A project manager is tasked with increasing organizational awareness of the company’ s rebranding project.What should the project manager do to achieve this?

  • Ask the Project Manager Office (PMO)to create an internal project repository.
  • B: Ensure that the company’s social media account is regularly updated
  • C: Ensure that all project documents are stored in the project Management Information System (PMIS) for all staff to access system(PMIS)for access by all staff members.
  • D: Update the communications management plan and engage the organization’s internal communications team team.

Correct answer: D. Your answer: D

How to make the organization better understand the project and pay attention to the project? At the same time, it is necessary to communicate and manage the related parties.

60. [One option] What should a project manager do when a team member informs the project manager that an interested party has requested limited distribution of progress reports to other interested parties? A team member informs the project manager that a stakeholder requested limited distribution of progress reports to other stakeholders.What should the project manager do?

  • A: Escalate this request to the project sponsor for further review.
  • B: Explain to the stakeholder that communications management plan must be followe
  • C: Ask the team member to follow the request,and inform the sponsor.
  • D: Have the stakeholder prepare a new project charter that includes this request.

Correct answer: B Your answer: A

PMBOK6 Communication Management plan The management plan was developed and approved by the relevant parties after understanding their communication needs. If C changes, it needs to go through the change process. The project charter of D shall be prepared by the project sponsor, and A shall report the changes to CCB.

It’s a hard degree to master.

[选 择] A key stakeholder is concerned about the project because the project manager failed to provide a project status update. What should the project manager do? A key stakeholder is concerned about the project because the project manager fails to provide status updates.What should the project manager do?

  • A: Review the communications management plan with all team members.
  • B: To Send an updated communication management plan to the stakeholders.
  • C: Meet with the stakeholder to provide the updates.
  • D: Conduct project review meetings with all stakeholders.

Correct answer: A your answer: B

The concerned party has not received a project status update, thus expressing concern. The project manager should review the communication management plan and update this stakeholder’s need for status updates. See PMBOK Communication Management Plan.

It’s the same thing, but A is more consistent

[Option] The project manager learned that a communication channel had broken down during a regular project team meeting. What should the project manager do to ensure that all project team members are equally informed about the project? A project manager knows that communication channels were disrupted a regular project team meeting. What should the project manager do to ensure that all project team members are equality informed?

  • A: Replan the project team meeting with proper communication channels.
  • B: Adds this information to the issue log.
  • C: Send the meeting minutes to all team members.
  • D) Ask the participants for their input.

Correct answer: A. Your answer: A

C) There are no minutes of the meeting. D) They can’t solve the problem directly. B fails to communicate. Only A can guarantee that. So that’s choice A.

[选] A project manager for a global company is responsible for multiple projects and has teams of people scattered around the world. How can the project manager ensure that information is provided to every team member in a timely manner? A project manager for a global company for a global company is responsible for several projects with team members located worldwide.How can the project manager ensure that information is delivered to every team member in a timely manner?

  • Share all project documents in the company’s cloud-based folders
  • B: Document stakeholders’ requirements in the communications management plan.
  • C: Schedule a virtual kick-off meeting with all project members
  • D: Email notifications and materials to team member.

Correct answer: B. Your answer: B

Communicate according to the communication management plan to solve problems.

[选 项] Poor communication between two team members is affecting the progress of the project. What should a project manager do first? Miscommunication between two team members is affecting a project’sprogress. What should the project manager do first?

  • If you can effectively communicate with others, will you be able to effectively…? A: Train the team members who are ineffectively communicating
  • B: All communications are posted to a team collaboration board
  • C: Follow the communications management plan
  • D: Meet with the team to assess current communication styles

Correct answer: D your answer: A

Analysis: Poor communication is a problem of communication style, should be re-evaluated with the team and develop a new way of communication.

It’s not a skill problem, it’s a communication problem.

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Isn’t that weird? It’s the feeling of looking at the choices that make sense.