
Online interface documentation: there are bugs, a temporary repair, learning phase Also please forgive me

Learning FastAPI to the official document over again, saw some of the big man’s article, but also borrowed (copied) part of the code, wrote a set of personal blog API, is still relatively simple, statistical API is basically no, and at present the basic stay in the single table query, so the content is not high, and then look down

Introduction to the

Use FastAPI to achieve the main API development, SqlAlchemy to operate the database, SQLite database to store data, JWT to log in the background, add/modify operations need to log in to use ha, Loguru log, Alembic to generate tables in the model in the database, test code is not written at present

Currently roughly API functions

  1. User login/registration (personal blog is only for creating initial accounts…) / Change password
  2. Category Adds/modifies/views/displays articles by category ID
  3. Article Added/Modified/Deleted/Article Details (Read)
  4. Comments added/deleted /
  5. Add/delete/query list of friends
  6. Modify Settings

Interactive Document Overview

The following

  1. Vue learn to get the front end page ready
  2. The front-end page is coordinated with the back-end, and the interfaces needed are added in the process
  3. Testing docker deployed to the cloud server

The last

2021/01/31 update: source address: Write may be very messy, also very cross also please understand, detailed use methods, please read the inside of