
Highlight the query

A highlighted query is a keyword that you type, and it’s presented to the user in a special character style, so that the user knows why the result was retrieved. Okay

The highlighted data, itself a field in the document, is returned to you separately as highlight. ES provides a highlight attribute at the same level as query.

  • Fragment_size: Specifies how many characters are displayed in the highlighted data;
  • Pre_tag: Specifies a prefix tag, such as<font color="red">
  • Post_tags: Specifies postfix tags, such as</font>
  • Field: Specifies which field is highlighted

1.1. Example: According to the SMSContent field, the syntax of the charm field is high;

1.1.1 RESTful code

POST /sms-logs-index/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "smsContent": "魅力"
  "highlight": {
    "fields": {
      "smsContent": {}
    "pre_tags": "<font color='red'>",
    "post_tags": "</font>",
    "fragment_size": 10

1.1.2. Java code

@test public void Height () throws IOException {@test public void Height () throws IOException {@test public void Height () throws IOException {@test public void Height () throws IOException SearchRequest(index); // 2, SearchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder(); / / 2.1 searchSourceBuilder, query conditions. The query (QueryBuilders. MatchQuery (" smsContent, "" charm")); HighlightBuilder = new highlightBuilder (); highlightBuilder = new highlightBuilder (); highlightBuilder.field("smsContent", 10) .preTags("<font color='red'>") .postTags("</font>"); searchSourceBuilder.highlighter(highlightBuilder); searchRequest.source(searchSourceBuilder); SearchResponse = Client. Search (SearchRequest, RequestOptions. Default); // 4, print for (searchHit hit: resp.getHits().getHits()) { System.out.println(hit.getHighlightFields().get("smsContent")); }}

Pay attention to my public number [big data], more dry goods