IPy is a very useful Python library for operations and maintenance. This library provides many powerful functions for handling IP addresses.

The most important IP class resolves and handles a variety of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

For example, parse CIDR urls

>>> from IPy import IP
>>> ip = IP('')
>>> for x in ip:
. print(x)
127.0. 0. 0
127.0. 01.
127.0. 02.
127.0. 03.
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Supports various IPv4 and IPv6 address formats

>>> IP('').version()
>>> IP(': : 1').version()

>>> print(IP(0x7f000001))
127.0. 01.
>>> print(IP('0x7f000001'))
127.0. 01.
>>> print(IP(''))
127.0. 01.
>>> print(IP('10'))
10.0. 0. 0

>>> print(IP('1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A'))
1080: :8:800:200c:417a
>>> print(IP('1080::8:800:200C:417A'))
1080: :8:800:200c:417a
>>> print(IP(': : 1':)) :1
>>> print(IP(': :'))
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Supports various types of subnet masks

>>> print(IP(''))
127.0. 0. 0/8
>>> print(IP(''))
127.0. 0. 0/8
>>> print(IP(''))
127.0. 0. 0/8
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Converts IP addresses to strings in various formats

>>> IP('').strNormal()
>>> IP('').strNormal()
>>> IP('').strNormal(0)
>>> IP('').strNormal(1)
>>> IP('').strNormal(2)
>>> IP('').strNormal(3)
>>> ip = IP('')
>>> print(ip)
10.0. 0. 0
>>> ip.NoPrefixForSingleIp = None
>>> print(ip)
10.0. 0. 0/32
>>> ip.WantPrefixLen = 3
>>> print(ip)
10.0. 0. 0-10.0. 0. 0
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More information can be found at github.com/autocracy/p…