CD Displays the name of the current directory or changes the current directory. Md Creates a directory. Rd Deletes a directory. Dir Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. Tree displays the folder structure of a drive or path graphically. Path Displays or sets a search path for executable files. Xcopy copies files and directory trees. CD we use the CD command to change the current directory, CD DOS, the current directory becomes DOS, sometimes we call changing the current directory to a subdirectory called into the subdirectory, so we are now in the DOS directory, CD TEMP, then we are in the TEMP directory again, How do I exit the TEMP directory? Just type CD.. , press Enter, we can go back to the DOS directory. In DOS, these two points are the next level up from the current directory, a dot is the current directory, and sometimes we call the parent directory. Enter CD.. , and press Enter, and we’re back to drive C’s root directory. Instead of using the CD command to enter the subdirectories of a directory layer by layer, you can use one line of commands. For example, to enter the SYSTEM subdirectory of a WINDOWS directory, you can simply type CD WINDOWS\SYSTEM, or CD C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, If you want to go back to the root directory, you don’t have to type CD more than once. To do this, you can directly type CD \, \ represents the root directory. Rd 1 the directory to be deleted cannot have subdirectories 2. The directory to be deleted cannot have files 3. The current directory cannot be deleted 4 C:\WINDOWS>tree /a path At the DOS prompt, if we want to execute an executable file, The computer will look for the file on disk, and if it doesn’t do anything special, it will only look in the current directory, and if it doesn’t find it, it will tell you something is wrong. That is to say, if you want to execute a file, you have to convert the current directory to the directory it is in, which is obviously a very cumbersome thing. To solve this problem, DOS provides a Path command. If a directory is defined in the Path command, you can directly execute the files in the specified directory anywhere. The format of the path command is simple: the name of the path directory. If there are many directories, use it in the middle. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a semicolon not a comma. To add a new directory, add one after the last one; Then enter a new directory name. For example, path=c:\ DOS; c:\windows; C: \ this command that is to say, when we perform a file, the first computer in the current directory to find the file, find the execution, if not found, the computer in accordance with the path command order to find the specified directory, DOS directory on disk c first, and then in the Windows directory, and finally in c pan-gen directory to find the file. Xcopy Xcopy is useful for copying directories and files along with subdirectories. [usage] xcopy [file name] [directory] COPY a specified file to a specified directory xcopy [source directory] [destination directory] COPY a specified file to a specified directory xcopy *.* [directory] /s Copy files and non-empty subdirectories to a specified directory. Other common parameters are: v Check after copy, which affects the speed. E Is similar to s, but copies files even if the subdirectory is empty. \