1. Installation Preparations (Local Mac)

  • Git
  • node.js
  • hexo

Install Git

Git is easy to install on your Mac

Installation node. Js

After a long time trying to install it on the server (centos7), I found an easier way to recommend:

$wget - qO - https://raw.github.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | shCopy the code

After the installation is complete, restart the terminal and run the following command to install Node.js.

$ nvm install stable
Copy the code

After the installation is successful, enter node -v to check whether the installation is successful.

Install Hexo and plugins:

npm install hexo-cli hexo-server hexo-deployer-git -g
Copy the code

Blogging with Hexo (local)

1. Run the following command on the terminal after installing Hexo:

$ hexo init <folder>
$ cd <folder>
$ npm install
Copy the code

is the name of the folder. If you do not enter it, the current folder (must be empty). If it works, by this point our blog has been set up locally.

  • _config.yml: is a configuration file for the entire hexo, which can be opened using text. Note that the value of each parameter is modified:With the same guyThe blank space, cannot run successfully without Spaces.
  • Source /_posts: this is the directory where all the md files are located

2. Then you can use the theme Next to beautify your site.

Deploy the server

Purchase server + domain name

You can choose Ali cloud and Tencent cloud to buy such as: www.maaiting.com, after the purchase of the site quickly real name system. Buy the cheapest configuration is ok, cloud server about 300 more than a year.

Here make fun of Tencent cloud in my purchase after the server called me to install the graphics card driver????

After the purchase, speak domain name quickly real-name system, in wechat small program Tencent cloud assistant record (this will be much faster). After passing Tencent’s approval (within a day, you will be called to confirm), the domain name will be displayed normally.

Locate the domain name resolution and resolve the domain name. It’s all a fool operation. Don’t be afraid to be bold.

Deploy using Nginx

My server is CentOS 7.2 operating system, using Nginx deployment.

Log in to the server as root. 2. Install Git Nginx

yum -y update

yum install -y git nginx
Copy the code

3. Configure Nginx, create a directory and set permissions to store blog files.

cd /usr/local/

mkdir hexo

chmod 775 -R /usr/local/hexo/
Copy the code

4. Add the test index. HTML file to check whether the configuration is successful

vim /usr/local/hexo/index.html
Copy the code
<! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <p>Hello,Make! Nginx is running! </p> </body> </html>Copy the code

5. Configure the Nginx server

vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Copy the code

Change the value below port 80

server {

listen 80 default_server;

listen [::]:80 default_server;

server_name www.maaiting.com; # 填写个人域名

root /usr/local/hexo/; #hexo文件目录

Copy the code

6. Start

service nginx start
Copy the code

Enter your domain name to see if the contents of index.html are rendered.

Configuring the Git Environment

1. Create a personal directory and set up a Git repository. Set read and write permissions

cd /usr/local/

mkdir blogRepo

chmod 775 -R /usr/local/blogRepo/
Copy the code

2. Initialize the Git repository

cd blogRepo/

git init --bare hexo.git
Copy the code

3. Create Git hook

vim /usr/local/blogRepo/hexo.git/hooks/post-receive
Copy the code

Paste the following code block:

#! /bin/bash git --work-tree=/usr/local/hexo --git-dir=/usr/local/blogRepo/hexo.git checkout -fCopy the code

Press ESC+:wq to save

4. Grant permissions

chmod +x /usr/local/blogRepo/hexo.git/hooks/post-receive
Copy the code

3. Local configuration

Configuring local Files

Locate the hexo file initialized in the first step of preparation, locate the _config.yml file, open it with text, and modify the following information:

# URL ### If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/' url: https://www.maaiting.com // Personal domain name...... Deploy # # # # Deployment Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html: / / release the corresponding lot account type: git # such as: [email protected]: / usr/local/bogRepo/hexo repo: [email protected]: / usr/local/blogRepo hexo / / user name @ domain name or IP address: / usr/local/blogRepo/hexo branch: masterCopy the code

Deploy the local configuration to the server

1. CD into the created local Hexo directory as follows:

cd ~/Desktop/blog
Copy the code

2. Generate a static page and deploy it to the server:

hexo g && hexo d
Copy the code

Enter your domain name or Internet IP to view the blog.

Three.SEO related optimization

SEO optimization is to be faster and more included by search engines, your website is easier to be searched on Baidu and Google.

Deploy the HTTPS

Take Tencent Cloud as an example:

  1. Go to SSL Certificates – Certificate Management – Apply for free certificates (you can come down in about an hour)

  2. Download the certificate. There are certificates in different configurations. The following uses Nginx as an example.

  3. Create an SSL directory on the server to store the certificate

    cd /etc/nginx
    mkdir ssl
    Copy the code
  4. Run the SCP command to upload the local certificate to the SSL directory on the server

    Sudo SCP - r/Users/make/Downloads/maaiting/Nginx/[email protected]: / etc/Nginx/SSL /Copy the code
  5. Operates on the server to redirect HTTP to HTTPS

    cd /etc/nginx
    vim nginx.conf
    Copy the code

    Add code under port 80: rewrite ^(.*) https://$server_name$1 permanent; Such as:

    server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name www.maaiting.com; /usr/local/hexo/ # Load configuration files for the default server block. include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf; rewrite ^(.*) https://$server_name$1 permanent; location / { } error_page 404 /404.html; location = /40x.html { } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { } }Copy the code

    Add below:

    server { listen 443 ssl http2 default_server; listen [::]:443 ssl http2 default_server; server_name www.maaiting.com; root /usr/local/hexo/; ssl_certificate "/etc/nginx/ssl/1_maaiting.com_bundle.crt"; ssl_certificate_key "/etc/nginx/ssl/2_maaiting.com.key"; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m; ssl_session_timeout 10m; ssl_ciphers HIGH:! aNULL:! MD5; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; # Load configuration files for the default server block. include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf; location / { } error_page 404 /404.html; location = /40x.html { } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { } }Copy the code
  6. Restart the Nginx

    systemctl restart nginx
    Copy the code

    Enter the domain name again and you can see that it is automatically directed to HTTPS


You can install these plug-ins to automatically generate sitemap

npm install hexo-generator-sitemap
npm install hexo-generator-sitemap --save-dev
npm install hexo-generator-baidu-sitemap --save-dev
Copy the code

And can be used within a topic profile: show sitemap. At the same time, you can submit sitemap on Google Baidu statistics as required.

Menu: home: / | | home # about: / about / | | all article: user/archives / | | archive categories: / categories / | | th tags: /tags/ || tags #schedule: /schedule/ || calendar sitemap: /sitemap.xml || sitemap #commonweal: /404/ || heartbeatCopy the code

Sites submitted

You can submit the url to Baidu here, the url included faster oh.

You can also submit it to Google here.