Learning methodology

Simplified methodology

Reduce complexity to simplicity, extract it into the simplest language, summarize it as 1234, and then reduce it to complexity. The final attempt is to explain how to speak to people you don’t know well. Every knowledge point needs this process, and repeated, until the formation of mental memory.

Repeated reading and reciting of professional definitions, explanations and terms has unconsciously improved the professionalism of my language expression.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Effective learning trilogy: Identify the knowledge system; Deliberate training; Timely feedback

Body of knowledge: A structured range of knowledge

Cover knowledge points; Structured; Organized; Easy to develop


Mainstream browser machine kernel

PC terminal mobile terminal

The box model box – sizing

Row-level elements block-level elements are row-level fast

Display: Inline inline elements: share a line span strong A display: block Block elements: exclusive div P ul Li

Selectors and common pseudo-classes pseudo-elements

Selector weight


BFC margin merges margin collapse

Mobile development compatible with REM VW

Cross-end solutions that mix H5 development strengths and weaknesses of JSbrige and native applications


Two-column layout three-column layout

Flex layout

Link import differences

Why is the link tag in the header and the script tag in the tail


Js history and execution mechanism

Data types distinguish arrays and object classes from arrays to arrays

Array object traversal method

Precompile function precompile

The scope chain closure is anti-shake throttling

this call apply

Prototype and inheritance classes

ES6 let const destruct array object new method arrow function feature

Handwritten implementation Promise implementation all implementation request concurrency limit


The event model

Browser dependent

JS loading timeline browser enters a URL what happens

Static resource deployment and Cache Selection Configure the difference between hash route and history route

Cross-domain CORS

Front-end performance optimization and technology selection

Vue && React

Vue principle Lifecycle Lifecycle execution sequence

Method of transferring parameters between components

React lifecycle

Why is SetState asynchronous

Redux source


Basic concepts Import export Loader Plugin

Module Chunk Bundle difference

Commonly used Loader and Plugin

Syntax analysis Abstract Syntax tree (AST)

Tree sharking

Data structures and algorithms

Number of linked list queue stacks

Bubble quicksort selection binary search

The sword refers to… training

Linux and Sql are commonly used