Springboot does not need to be restarted after devTools is used.

Springbootdevtools can modify Java files without rebooting them. This is not entirely correct. Springboot restarts automatically after devTools is configured. That is to say from manual restart to automatic restart. So the problem is that with springbootdevtools I restart every time I write code and I’m not going to restart it a million times over the course of the day?

Two, automatic restart (hot loading) and cold start

Springboot’s automatic restart technology is done using two classloaders, the base classloader for classes that don’t change (such as third-party packages), and the restarted classloader for classes you’re developing. When the application restarts, the restart class loader is discarded and a new class loader is created. This is why automatic restarts are faster than cold starts.

Reference network resources: Compares the time between automatic restart and cold start in detail

[Just because I have to: Springboot fast restart (micro service developers must)

zhuanlan.zhihu.com] (zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/30436421)

3. Devtoos configuration

Reference network resources:

[Springboot + IDEA Hot Deployment (automatic refresh)_qq_42685050 blog -CSDN blog _idea Springboot hot deployment

blog.csdn.net] (Link.zhihu.com/?target=htt…)