Who invented HTML?

Quote from Wikipedia HTML entry

In 1980, physicist Tim Berners-Lee proposed and created a prototype system, ENQUIRE, to enable researchers at CERN to use and share documents during his contract work at CERN. In 1989, Berners-Lee proposed an Internet-based hypertext system in a memo. He specified HTML and wrote browser and server software by the end of 1990. That same year, Berners-Lee teamed up with CERN data systems engineer Robert Carrio to apply for funding for the project, but it was not formally approved by CERN. In his personal notes, Berners-Lee lists “a few fields in which hypertext is used” and lists encyclopedias first.

The first public description of HTML came in a file called HTML Tags, written by Tim Berners-Lee in late 1991. It describes 18 elements, including the initial, relatively simple design of HTML. With the exception of hyperlink tags, the designs were heavily influenced by a standard General Markup Language (SGML) -based file format within CERN called SGMLguid. Eleven of these elements still exist in HTML 4.

What should I start with in HTML?

Open an empty HTML file in vscode and type! After the default appears two prompts, respectively is! And!!!!!! .

Choice! The following code is automatically entered:

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0">
Copy the code

Choose!!!!!! After that, only:

<! DOCTYPE html>Copy the code

What are commonly used table chapter labels and what do they mean?

The label meaning
<h1> ~ <h6> The title
<section> chapter
<article> The article
<p> The paragraph
<header> The head
<footer> The foot
<main> The main content
<aside> Lateral content
<div> Lateral content

What are the global properties?

Refer to MDN global attributes.

Commonly used are:

attribute describe
class Specifies one or more class names for the element (referencing classes in the stylesheet).
contenteditable Specifies whether the element content is editable.
hidden A Boolean attribute indicates that the element is not or is no longerrelated.
id Defining unique Identifiers (ids)
style Contains the CSS style declaration to be applied to the element.
tabindex Specifies the TAB order of elements.
title Specifies additional information about the element.

What are the common content tags and what do they mean?

The label describe
ol+li Ordered list.
ul+li Unordered list.
dl+dt+dd Descriptive list.
pre Text enclosed within a Pre element is usually reserved for Spaces and newlines. Text is rendered in a monospaced font.
hr A horizontal line.
br A newline.
a Link.
em Emphasis.
strong Content emphasis.
code The code.
quote References.
blockquote Piece of reference.