This is the fourth day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

The water balloon diagram is a plug-in type diagram and is not a base diagram for Echarts. After downloading Echarts, there is no API for water balloons, including the official Echarts chart library, and no description for water balloons. When using vUE, echarts-liquidfill. Js corresponding to the water bulb diagram should be introduced after echarts.js is introduced. Import the following in main.js:

import echarts from 'echarts'
import 'echarts-liquidfill' // Introduce here
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Once introduced, a water balloon diagram can be implemented using type: ‘liquidFill’. How do I implement a water balloon diagram like the one below?

1. Layout: Use position to control the position of each water balloon chart. The left and top inside the graphic control the position of the text displayed on the water balloon.

2. Write a common water balloon diagram component as shown below. Receive 7 parameters. DomClass: Represents the class name of the DOM rendering water balloon diagram. GraphName: Name of a water balloon map. GraphValue: The val value displayed for the water balloon graph. Radius controls the radius of the water balloon image, which is the render size. Center: indicates the position of the water balloon diagram. The parameters are left and top respectively.

3. Each water ball uses a common component to transfer parameters.

Note: When referring to echart and echarts-LiquidFill in vUE, note the relevant version number, as the lower version of echarts does not support echarts-LiquidFill. Importing does not report an error, but does not take effect either. The version numbers used in the code are as follows:

// Public water balloon map component
  <div :class="domClass" ref="hygrometer"></div>
import echarts from 'echarts'

export default {
  name: 'shuiqiutu'.props: {
    domClass: {
      type: String.default: 'liquidFill'
    graphName: {
      type: String.default: 'Total net water consumption'
    graphValue: {
      type: String.default: ' '
    radius: {
      type: String.default: '40%'
    center: {
      type: Array.default: () = > ['50%'.'50%']},sum: {
      type: Number.default: 0
    graphic: {
      type: Object.default: () = > {
        return { left: '34%'.top: '60%'}}}},mounted() {
    // Init in this lifecycle
    if (this.sum) {
  watch: {
    sum(val) {
      if (val) {
  methods: {
    liquidFill() {
      / / method
      var liquid = this.$echarts.init(
        document.getElementsByClassName(this.domClass)[0])let sum = this.sum
      let currentVal = Number(this.graphValue.split('(') [0])
      let val = Number((currentVal / sum).toFixed(4))
      let perVal = (val * 100).toFixed(2)
      var data = [val, val, val]
      var option = {
        // The main title of the chart
        // Prompt box component
        tooltip: {
          show: false.trigger: 'item'.// Trigger type, data item graph trigger, mainly used in scatter chart, pie chart and other non-category axis chart.
          textStyle: {
            color: '#fff' // Text color
          Float content formatter, support string template and callback function two forms
          // Water balloon chart: {a} (series name), {b} (none), {c} (value)
          / / use a function template incoming data values - > value: number | Array,
          formatter: function(params) {
            return params.seriesName + ':' + perVal + The '%'}},graphic: [{type: 'group'.left: this.graphic.left,
            children: [{type: 'text'.z: 100.left: 'center'.top: '25'.style: {
                  fill: '#fff'.// * 100 + '%'
                  text: this.graphValue + '(' + perVal + '%)'.fontWeight: 'bold'.font: '14px Microsoft YaHei'}}, {type: 'text'.z: 100.left: 'center'.top: '65'.style: {
                  fill: '#FFF'.text: this.graphName,
                  font: '12px Microsoft YaHei'}}]}],series: [{type: 'liquidFill'.cursor: 'default'.name: this.graphName, // Series name for tooltip display, legend filter
            radius: this.radius, // The radius of the water balloon diagram
            center:, // The center of the sphere. The first term of the array is the abscissa and the second term is the ordinate
            // Water fill diagram shape circle default circle rect rounded rectangle triangle triangle
            Arrow can also be an SVG path
            shape: 'circle'.color: ['#3EABFF'.'#fff'].// Wave color,, #3EABFF
            phase: 50.// Wave phase radians are not set automatically by default
            amplitude: '10'.// Wave amplitude
            direction: 'right'.// Two parameters left from right to left and right from left to right
            outline: {
              show: true.borderDistance: 0.// The distance between the border line and the chart
              itemStyle: {
                opacity: 0.1.// Border transparency defaults to 1
                borderWidth: 2.// Width of the border
                shadowBlur: 1.// Border shadow range once set inside and outside the shadow
                shadowColor: '#fff'.// The border shadow color,
                borderColor: '#1e5a7e' // Border color}},// Graphic style
            itemStyle: {
              color: '#3EABFF'.// The background color of the water balloon display
              opacity: 0.7.// Wave transparency
              cursor: 'default'.shadowBlur: 10 // Wave shadow range
            backgroundStyle: {
              color: '#3EABFF'.// The background color of the water balloon
              opacity: 0.1.// Wave transparency
              borderWidth: 0.borderColor: 'rgba (26108177,0.1)'
            // Text labels on graphics
            label: {
              show: false
            // Highlight style of the graph
            emphasis: {
              itemStyle: {
                cursor: 'default'.opacity: 0.8 // The opacity of the wave color over the mouse}},data: data
<style lang="less" scoped>
.liquidFill {
  width: 318px;
  height: 318px;
  background: url('.. /assets/overview/yuanshadow.png') no-repeat;
  background-size: 100% 100%;
  margin: auto;

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