1. Correspondence between father and son

With V-model bidirectional binding, if the component has multiple data that needs bidirectional binding use :prop.sync, update:prop

The parent code

  <div id="app">
    <children v-model="count" :count1.sync="count1"></children>

import Children from './components/children.vue'

export default {
  name: 'App'.components: {
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The child code

  <div class="children">
    <button @click="click">{{count}}</button>
    <button @click="click1">{{count1}}</button>

export default {
  props: ['count'.'count1'].// The default for bidirectional binding is props['value'], which needs to be changed to count by model
  model: {prop:'count'.event:'input'
  methods: {click(){
      this.$emit('input'.this.count + 1)},click1(){
      this.$emit('update:count1'.this.count1 + 1)}}}</script>

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2. Sibling components communicate with each other

Delegate an event to the parent via $parent.$ON and emit it via $parent.$emit

The parent code

  <div id="app">

import ChildrenA from "./components/childrenA.vue"
import ChildrenB from "./components/childrenB.vue"

export default {
  name: 'App'.components: {

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Child component A code

  <div class="ChildrenA">
    <button @click="click">Component A</button>

export default {
  name:'ChildrenA'.methods: {click(){
      this.$parent.$emit("exchange"."i im from A")}}}</script>
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Child component B code

  <div class="ChildrenB">
    <button>The component B</button>

export default {
  name:'ChildrenB'.methods: {received(mes){
      console.log(mes + ' to B')}},mounted(){

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The cousin component communicates

Delegate an event to the root component via $root.$ON and emit it via $parent.$emit

Child component A code

  <div class="ChildrenA">
    <button @click="click">Component A</button>

export default {
  name:'ChildrenA'.methods: {click(){
      this.$root.$emit("exchange"."i im from A")}}}</script>
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Child component B code

  <div class="ChildrenB">
    <button>The component B</button>

export default {
  name:'ChildrenB'.methods: {received(mes){
      console.log(mes + ' to B')}},mounted(){

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2. You can also find their common parent and pass the node to the child component by providing, on which the child component binds events to communicate

Common parent code

  <div id="app">

import ChildrenA from "./components/childrenA.vue"
import ChildrenB from "./components/childrenB.vue"

export default {
  name: 'App'.components: {

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Child component A code

  <div class="ChildrenA">
    <button @click="click">Component A</button>

export default {
  name:'ChildrenA'.inject: ['$ownparent'].methods: {click(){
      this.$ownparent.$emit("exchange"."i im from A")}}}</script>
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Child component B code

  <div class="ChildrenB">
    <button>The component B</button>

export default {
  name:'ChildrenB'.inject: ['$ownparent'].methods: {received(mes){
      console.log(mes + ' to B')}},mounted(){

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