TiDB, OceanBase and PolarDB continue to maintain last month’s “t-o-p” lineup. GaussDB rose to sixth place and TDSQL exchange order, the TOP10 is solid.

In May 2021, the domestic database list is released fresh, this month’s TOP10 list is solid, while the ranking changes less than the previous period, more than half of the products (6) score negative growth, TiDB, OceanBase and PolarDB continue to maintain the “T-O-P” lineup last month, GaussDB rose to the sixth place and changed the order with TDSQL, while the other 8 products had no change in rank.

Although the TiDB score of no.1 yuan decreased by 8.18 points from last month, it still leads the second place by 132.25 points. OceanBase and PolarDB rose 7.6 percent and 7.3 percent, respectively, marking two consecutive months of gains.

A total of 127 databases participated in the ranking this month, the same number as in the previous issue.

Figure 1 Popularity ranking of Domestic databases in May 2021

(Photo from Motianlun chart)

Guide catalog

  • TOP1 list of may (TOP1 ~ 3)

  • TOP 1: TiDB, PingCAP won GDCC award, 5.0 GA release

  • TOP 2: OceanBase signed a cooperation agreement with The Central Bank Digital Research Institute, and the Q&A section was launched to consolidate the ecology

  • TOP 3: PolarDB

  • May 2nd ranking (TOP4 ~ 10)

  • Up to the dream

  • GBase


  • openGauss

  • The letter a

  • The list of typical solutions of Xinchuang in 2020 will be publicized

  • The 2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report was released

  • Xinchuang market size

  • Xinchuang ecological segmentation market size

  • The main weakness of Xinchuang ecology

  • Basic software category competition pattern

  • Key industry development and breakthrough

  • release

  • On 2 April, TiDB 4.0.12 was released with new TiFlash feature

  • OpenGauss 2.0.0 Docker container image released by Cloud and Enmo on April 8

  • On April 8, Version 0.14.7 of Baidu data warehouse Doris was released

  • On April 15, Orient Guosen released cirrodata-Graph, a distributed Graph database

  • On April 25, PingCAP officially released version 5.0 of TiDB for enterprise core scenarios

  • Popularity list product distribution

TOP1 list of may (TOP1 ~ 3)

This month’s TOP3 is still TiDB, OceanBase and PolarDB, while the “t-o-p” lineup remains unchanged, unchanged from April.

FIG. 2 Domestic database popularity ranking TOP3

(Photo from Motianlun chart)

TOP 1: TiDB, PingCAP won GDCC award, 5.0 GA release

Figure 3 PingCAP Distributed Database Leadership Award

(Image from PingCAP account)

For more than a year from the start of 2020 to now, TiDB has held the number one spot on the list, and we take a look at PingCAP highlights from the past month.

  • PingCAP received the Distributed Database Leadership Award at the GDCC 2021 Distributed Cloud Conference on April 7-8.

  • PingCAP is the developer’s favorite technology company and the “most Attractive Employer brand” in China’s tech power 2021 list of “Most Attractive Employer Brand” by InfoQ.

  • This month’s release of TiDB 5.0 GA has significantly improved performance and stability, making it a milestone release towards enterprise-level core scenarios and another cross-generational practice for distributed databases.

TOP 2: OceanBase signed a cooperation agreement with The Central Bank Digital Research Institute, and the Q&A section was launched to consolidate the ecology

  • On April 25, it was learned from the Digital China Construction Summit that the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People’s Bank of China and Ant Group signed a technical strategic cooperation agreement. Based on the independently developed distributed database OceanBase and mobile development platform mPaaS of Ant Group, the two sides will jointly promote the implementation of new technologies in the digital upgrade.
  • This month, the OceanBase Q&A area will be launched. Through the Q&A area, OB will build a more open and convenient platform for OBer and community users to learn from each other and exchange views with each other. More importantly, valuable information will be effectively deposited. Domestic databases generally have little information and difficult tracking problems, so users and developers often cannot solve the relevant problems in time and effectively. The launch of THE Q&A area has made OB ecological construction a step forward. At present, there are also TiDB AskTUG, Ali Cloud Community, Huawei Cloud Community, Tencent Cloud community, Jushan Q&A and so on.

TOP 3: PolarDB

  • On April 17, the 15th China Electronic Information Technology Annual Conference officially awarded the 2020 China Electronics Society Science and Technology Award, ali Cloud research ** “cloud native distributed relational database PolarDB” project won the first prize of science and technology progress **.

FIG. 4 Li Fei-fei receiving the award (first from the left)

(Photo from aliyun database official account)

May 2nd ranking (TOP4 ~ 10)

Only GBase and openGauss of the seven products in the second tier saw their scores improve, while the other five saw their scores decline.

  • TDSQL scores fell significantly, down nearly 17% from last month’s score

  • OpenGauss was the biggest gainer, up 10% from the previous month

  • GaussDB rises to sixth place with TDSQL switching order

Up to the dream

Dameng, with a popularity score of 376.13 this month, has seen its popularity decline for three consecutive months and is currently fourth on the list.

According to the tweets on the official account, Dameng completed two strategic cooperation projects this month to jointly build domestic ecology:

  • Of dreams and hangzhou boring signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides to create up to dream | boring machine, hereinafter referred to as “QDM”;
  • Dameng announces strategic cooperation with Hangzhou Turz, and Turz becomes the ecological partner of Dameng with CloudQuery products. CloudQuery is an integrated data management and control cloud platform, through which the interaction between human and database can be comprehensively controlled and analyzed. Currently, it supports Dameng 7.6 and 8.0, and will support all dameng products in the future.

In terms of university cooperation, Dameng assisted the School of Computer Science and Technology of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. On April 8, Dameng warmly received more than 30 teachers and students, communicated, answered questions related to database, and clarified the ideas of scientific research work. On April 29th, HUaske held the award ceremony of Dameng Scholarship, which is funded by Dameng to support and encourage outstanding talents of Huaske to devote themselves to the database industry.

Picture 5 Group photo of scholarship award

(Image from Dameng Big Data official account)

From April 22 to 25, the first Dameng Database Elite Challenge study tour in Sanya, Hainan came to a successful conclusion, and Dameng made a new step in promoting the integration of education and industry and accelerating the construction of data talent team.

Both the development of science and technology and the protection of intellectual property rights are inseparable from the construction of talents. From the perspective of the route of university cooperation and talent training, Dameng has made great efforts in the construction of talent team, which is worth learning by domestic manufacturers.


GBase held on to fifth place for the fourth consecutive month, with its score rising slightly.

This month, NTU Ge signed strategic cooperation agreements with Gebeck and Xinhua to jointly enhance competitiveness.

In the “2021 China Big Data Industry Innovation Conference” hosted by Big Data Branch of China Information Association on April 29, it won the “Shuding Award” — the Leading enterprise in China big data Industry for 2020-2021.


Tencent Cloud database won “Distributed Database Leadership Award” and “Best Distributed Database Practice Award” at the 2021 GDCC Global Distributed Cloud Conference on April 7-8, 2021.


OpenGauss score rose for two consecutive months. After the release of version 2.0, the community strength is growing. In the past month, 8 enterprises signed CLA(Contribution License Agreement) with openGauss to join the community. The list is as follows (refer to the order of the official account) :

  • Cloud Computing Branch of China Telecom
  • Beijing Xinshu Technology Co., LTD
  • Shenxin Technology Co., LTD
  • Beijing Fast Cube Technology Co., LTD
  • Yunhe Enmo (Beijing) Information Technology Co., LTD
  • Beijing Youxuan Software Co., LTD
  • Beijing Boland Software Co., LTD
  • Beijing Yueneng Technology Co., LTD

On April 24th, the preparatory meeting of openGauss Council was successfully held in shenzhen University Town Convention Center. A number of companies, organizations and institutions focused on discussing the draft constitution of the Community Council.

FIG. 6 openGauss Community council preparatory meeting group photo

(Photo from openGauss official account)

On April 25, in the HDC.Cloud Huawei Cloud database sub-forum, a number of big names in the industry Pengcheng jianjian, talking about database cutting-edge technology and trends. Database Summit brings developers the latest technologies and future evolution trends of mainstream open source databases, as well as the technical architecture and future evolution plan of Huawei cloud GaussDB database based on mainstream open source databases. Click here to watch the replay for 125 minutes.

Figure 7 Huawei Cloud Database Sub-forum agenda

(Image from GaussDB public account)

The letter a

The list of typical solutions of Xinchuang in 2020 will be publicized

On April 20, 2021, the Network Security Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced the shortlist of innovative Solutions for Information Technology Applications in 2020.

A total of 70 solutions were shortlisted, among which Tencent Cloud, RDA Jincang, ZTE and Shenzhou GGE, four domestic database manufacturers were listed. The declared solutions are as follows:

For the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology network security industry development center joint information technology innovation in collaboration for solicitation 2020 information technology application innovation solutions, aims to further promote the information technology application innovation synergy between supply and demand continued ascension, and in a timely manner to let users grasp the latest achievements in information technology application innovation.

The 2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report was released

On April 28, Chinese software network, China software industry association, and the sea than institute jointly issued the “2021 years guosen gen ecological market research report, the report introduces the letter industry in five aspects, letter and industrial environment analysis, ecological analysis, demand side and supply side analysis as well as the existing problems and future development trend.

The following content is from the 2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report, a total of 111 pages, please refer to the report for more information.

Xinchuang market size

Data from Haibi research show that the actual scale of China Xinchuang ecological market will be 161.7 billion yuan in 2020, and it is expected to maintain rapid growth in the next five years, with a compound annual growth rate of 37.4%, and reach 800 billion yuan in 2025.

FIG. 8 Actual market size and development trend of China Xinchuang Ecology (100 million Yuan)

(Photo from “2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report”)

Xinchuang ecological segmentation market size

In terms of market size of various segments in 2020, infrastructure is the highest at 71.8 billion yuan, followed by underlying hardware at 60.7 billion yuan and enterprise application at 19.2 billion yuan. The market size of platform, security and basic software is still small.

Figure 9 Actual market size of China Xinchuang Ecological Segmentation in 2020 (100 million Yuan)

(Photo from “2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report”)

From the perspective of the gap in technology maturity compared with the global level, the information and innovation field in The Chinese market is basically on par with the global level in network facilities, database, cloud service platform, security hardware, security software, office suite, solutions and other aspects. Priority should be given to the promotion of these fields with high advantages.

FIG. 10 Analysis of the gap between the relevant technology level of CCIC and the global technology level

(Photo from “2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report”)

The main weakness of Xinchuang ecology

Compatibility, extensibility and product performance are the short board issues that both sides of the supply and demand regard as urgent to solve.

FIG. 11 Main shortcomings of Xinchuang Ecology

(Photo from “2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report”)

Basic software category competition pattern

Among database manufacturers, Dameng database performs better in market performance and product competitiveness, and has initially entered the star quadrant; Middleware has the best performance in general element. In terms of operating system, Kylin software has the best performance and has become the representative enterprise of basic software manufacturers.

The competition pattern of basic software can be divided into four quadrants: star quadrant, Taurus quadrant, growth quadrant and potential quadrant. The basic software manufacturers of star quadrant have outstanding performance in market performance and product competitiveness, strong technical strength and high market recognition. Taurus Quadrant basic software manufacturers, with a high market share, competitiveness needs to be improved; Manufacturers in the growth quadrant have higher product competitiveness. Although the current market share is not high, they have higher growth space in the future.

FIG. 12 Competition pattern of basic software

(Photo from “2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report”)

Key industry development and breakthrough

Software, Internet, information hardware, manufacturing, professional service and other industries are the main types of industries promoted by xincreang manufacturers. From the perspective of the distribution of xinchuang users, the demand of users in manufacturing, logistics, finance, government, typical, cross-industry, medical, retail, scientific research/college and other aspects is obviously higher than the manufacturer’s product promotion efforts in the industry direction, and these industries will be the key development direction in the future.

FIG. 13 Development and breakthrough of key industries

(Photo from “2021 China Xinchuang Ecological Market Research Report”)


On 2 April, TiDB 4.0.12 was released with new TiFlash feature

TiFlash is a key component of TiDB HTAP form. It is a column storage extension of TiKV, which provides good isolation and consistency.

OpenGauss 2.0.0 Docker container image released by Cloud and Enmo on April 8

OpenGauss 2.0.0 images released by Cloud and Enmo use the same initialization best practice configurations in cloud, virtual machine and container environments, so that you have a nearly identical experience when dealing with different requirements.

On April 8, Version 0.14.7 of Baidu data warehouse Doris was released

Doris 0.14.7 is the first three-digit iteration since the release of version 0.14.

On April 15, Orient Guosen released cirrodata-Graph, a distributed Graph database

It can meet the requirements of graph database for application scenarios including deep relationship exploration, association analysis, path search, feature extraction, data clustering, community detection, knowledge graph and so on.

On April 25, PingCAP officially released version 5.0 of TiDB for enterprise core scenarios

TiDB 5.0 has more powerful OLTP financial core scene service capabilities, in the HTAP engine TiFlash on the basis of the introduction of MPP architecture, so that many enterprises can gather front, middle and background data, accelerate the realization of “real-time analysis, real-time collaboration, real-time decision”.

TiDB 5.0 has made great progress in terms of performance, stability, and ease of use. It has added a number of enterprise features in terms of transaction Processing, high availability and DISASTER recovery, and security compliance. Large-scale parallel processing (HTAP) architecture becomes a distributed database with full HTAP capabilities, providing a stack of data service platform for high-growth enterprises and digital innovation scenarios.

Popularity list product distribution

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