Data, methods, compute properties, listeners
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<title>Common template syntax</title>
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<div id="root"></div>
const app = Vue.createApp({
/ / data
data() {
return {
message: "Hello World!".num: 20.price: 5}},/ / method
methods: {handleClick(){
// We write a getTotal() method inside the method and use it inside the interpolation
return this.num * this.price; }},// We can use this in interpolation to get a total price: num * price
// But we want to make the interpolation more semantic by defining a total to represent the result of the calculation
Total = num * price; // Total = num * price
// So there are computed properties, which are computed properties
computed: {
return this.num * this.price; }},// So we can use total directly in interpolation syntax
template: '
{{message}} {{" common calculation: "+ num * price}} {{" calculate attribute total:" + total}} {{" method getTotal() :
const vm = app.mount('#root');
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The results
Evaluate the difference between properties and methods
Calculated attribute: the calculated attribute will be recalculated when the dependent attribute of the calculated attribute changes. Method: the method is re-executed whenever the page is refreshed;
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<title>Common template syntax</title>
<! Vue library -->
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<div id="root"></div>
const app = Vue.createApp({
/ / data
data() {
return {
message: "Hello World!"}},/ / method
methods: {handleClick(){
return; }},computed: {
return; }},template: ` < div > {{message}} < br / > {{" computation attribute time: "+ time}} < br / > {{" method getTime () : "+ getTime ()}} < br / > < button @ click =" handleClick "> button < / button > < br / > < / div > `
const vm = app.mount('#root');
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The results
The listener
If I want to print a message n seconds after a property changes, we need a listener;
The bottom line of computed properties is implemented using listeners, but it’s much easier to use computed properties!
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<title>Common template syntax</title>
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<div id="root"></div>
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
message: "Hello World!"}},// Listener (monitor)
watch: {message(){
console.log("Immediately: Message changed!");
setTimeout(() = > {
console.log("Three seconds later: Message changes!");
}, 3000)}},template: `
{{ message }}
const vm = app.mount('#root');
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The results
Listener parameters
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<title>Common template syntax</title>
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<div id="root"></div>
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
message: "Hello World!"}},watch: {message(current, prev){
console.log("Current value", current);
console.log("Previous value", prev); }},template: `
{{ message }}
const vm = app.mount('#root');
Copy the code
The results
Calculated properties: changes when dependent properties change;
Method: executed every time the page is refreshed;
Listener: Executed when a value that is being listened for changes and is the underlying implementation of evaluating properties;