There are a few collaborative project colleagues who mention commit, and you also need to take the time to see what commits what, for what.
After the emoji, for example, see a worm 🐛 to know that he this version is to change the bug.
It’s really quick and easy. So let’s get started.
How to eat: Fill in the code corresponding to the following icon when committing, for example: : Bug: Solve the ordering problem.
🎨 : art:
Improve code structure or formatting.Copy the code
⚡ : zap:
Improve efficiency.Copy the code
🔥 : fire:
Delete code or files.Copy the code
🐛 : bug:
Fix the bug.Copy the code
🚑 : ambulance:
Delete code or files.Copy the code
🔥 : art:
Delete code or files.Copy the code
✨ : sparkles:
Add new features.Copy the code
📝 : memo:
Write a document, such as modifying the code
🚀 : rocket:
Deploy the project.Copy the code
💄 : lipstick:
Update the UI and style files, such as CSS (lipstick should always be on the front end).Copy the code
🎉 : tada:
Commit the first COMMIT.Copy the code
✅ : white_check_mark:
Add tests.Copy the code
🔒 : the lock:
Resolve security issues.Copy the code
♻ : recycle:
Refactor the code.Copy the code
➕ : heavy_plus_sign:
Add dependencies.Copy the code
➖ : heavy_minus_sign:
Delete dependencies.Copy the code
🔧 : wrench:
Change the configuration file.Copy the code
💩 : hankey:
Write bug code that needs fixing (this emoji is too real).Copy the code
➖ : heavy_minus_sign:
Delete dependencies.Copy the code
➖ : heavy_minus_sign:
Delete dependencies.Copy the code
➖ : heavy_minus_sign:
Delete dependencies.Copy the code