There are two kinds of future programmers, those who can machine learn and those who can’t

Laboo. Top /2018/11/21/…

The source code



Lot – laziji. Making. IO/digit – recog… We need to load about 100 MB of training data at the start of the demo, wait a moment

Adjust the size of the training set and observe the accuracy of the test results

The data source

Data sources are recognizer with a title at the digi-recognizer gives 42,000 training pieces of data (including images and tags) and 28,000 test pieces (including images only) and requires them to be recognisable [0,1,2,3….,9] Be as accurate as possible

There are many other machine learning topics and data on the site, which is a great place to get your hands on it


Here we use tensorflow.js to implement the project

Create the model

The first layer of convolutional neural network has two functions. It is both the input layer and the executive layer, which receives black and white pixels of IMAGE_H * IMAGE_W size. The last layer is the output layer, which has 10 output units, representing the probability distribution of the ten values from 0 to 9, for example, Label=2. Output is [0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.9,…]

function createConvModel() {
  const model = tf.sequential();

    inputShape: [IMAGE_H, IMAGE_W, 1].kernelSize: 3.filters: 16.activation: 'relu'

  model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({ poolSize: 2.strides: 2 }));
  model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({ kernelSize: 3.filters: 32.activation: 'relu' }));
  model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({ poolSize: 2.strides: 2 }));
  model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({ kernelSize: 3.filters: 32.activation: 'relu' }));

  model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 64.activation: 'relu' }));
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: 10.activation: 'softmax' }));

  return model;
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Training model

We select the appropriate optimizer and loss function to compile the model

async function train() {

  ui.trainLog('Create model... ');
  model = createConvModel();
  ui.trainLog('Compile model... ');
  const optimizer = 'rmsprop';
    loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy'.metrics: ['accuracy']});const trainData = Data.getTrainData(ui.getTrainNum());
  ui.trainLog('Training model... ');
  await, trainData.labels, {});

  ui.trainLog('Completed! ');
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Here we test a set of test data and return the corresponding label, the subscript with the highest probability of the ten output units

function testOne(xs){
  if(! model){ ui.viewLog('Need to train the model first');
  ui.viewLog('Testing... ');
  let output = model.predict(xs);
  ui.viewLog('Completed! ');
  const axis = 1;
  const predictions = output.argMax(axis).dataSync();
  return predictions[0];
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