I read a log I wrote before, a summary of my first smart car competition in 2016. Although I no longer do embedded direction, I still miss the years of struggle at that time. Fresh out of school, fearless and fearless. I hope that the future of their own, do not forget the original aspiration, all the way forward.

The starting address

11 self-balancing intelligent car research @ Walking in the cloud 0) write in front completed the 11th NXP Cup National college students intelligent car always want to write some summary, for the next team can do some of the experience of the competition, for themselves can also draw a complete end to the competition. Our performance in the competition was average, only got the province three, but also very satisfied. There are 14 communication @, 15 electronic @ and 15 electronic @ in our cloud walking team. This should be the first time for anhui Normal University to participate in the intelligent car competition as a freshman. We can finish the competition and create a new history. This is also my first project, which has left me with the most unforgettable precious memories. 1) Pre-match Preparation We officially took over the competition in March 2016. We started to form teams and prepare for the competition more than three months later than other teams, and the process of forming teams was not rigorous enough, so we encountered many difficulties in the subsequent competition. At the beginning of preparing for the competition, I asked my brothers for their opinions, simply divided the tasks, and also began to learn about the competition. After that, we bought some necessary modules on the Internet, such as the main control chip, power module, dual motor drive module, gyroscope accelerometer module, etc. In fact, some modules can also be used in previous years, I did not know at that time, it can save a lot of money, so IT is recommended to do so. I was mainly responsible for the software part of the program design, so relatively speaking, I had to learn the most. For the development of the use of software, for the operation of the single chip microcomputer, the study of the car control principle, the detailed content will be in the program design. Our study is mainly based on the procedures and materials of the previous brothers. The basic knowledge required includes C language advanced program design, analog electronics, and PCB circuit design software. I suffered a lot because I didn’t have a solid foundation in basic knowledge. So I recommend sophomores to participate in the competition, I strongly recommend you to lay a solid foundation. 2) Division of labor Teams generally participate in the competition are three teams, reasonable division of labor and cooperation will get twice the result with half the effort. So before the game must choose good teammates, do a good job of division of labor cooperation. Usually are made by a person responsible for the software part, software part is the most complicated problems, to study the part is also the most, want to have a very good C language foundation, and embedded development experience), a person is mainly responsible for the design of hardware circuit and welding (strongly recommended electric several electric basis to do, because the production of circuit boards will probably appear all sorts of problems, One person is responsible for welding and testing), and the last person is responsible for coordinating team cooperation and assisting the other two team members (this person should be responsible for the progress of the team, and also be familiar with the software and hardware, and be able to assist the other team members). Our team task allocation is not reasonable enough, so the road of competition is very difficult, the final result is also very average, I hope we can take warning. 3) Software Design I am mainly responsible for software development, which I know is the most complicated and tiring work. There is so much to learn and so much to do. Choosing software development means no lunch breaks, no weekends, no rest, and a lot of pressure. I adopted the idea of modular design, there are many parts to learn, I am divided into small tasks to complete. There are software development and application, SCM operation, car control principle learning (finally modeling mathematical model, abstracting into algorithm and C language), OLED display, serial port operation, PWM motor control, encoder counting, gyroscope accelerometer operation, Bluetooth module and so on. It is not recommended to write all the control programs for the first time. What I recommend is to learn the last program first, and then modify it according to my own knowledge. (I once tried to write all the programs by myself, but later I became more and more tired and the effect was poor. I ended up taking a look at past programs, and it worked fine). About upright car design, there is a very good learning materials, teacher Zhuo Qing upright car reference design scheme, debugging guide and a video material. This data is the heart of the control, but it’s incredibly difficult to learn. It is best to repeatedly read materials and watch the video, it is also best to find a done brother to teach you, must also learn to use their own (I am because all rely on their own learning, using two months to learn the control principle, three months to let the car stand up, so the final debugging time is very few). 4) Hardware manufacturing & Structural design I participated in the design of some hardware circuits, and we modified them based on the circuit boards left by the previous work. It’s very efficient and recommended. Drawing circuit board must spend more time, for commonly used interfaces and modules should be prepared, strive for a pass, reserved more time for the car debugging (debugging time more, results will generally be better, hardware production must not be a drag on software debugging). Our structural design is not very careful, the design is very general, the structure is not stable, resulting in the car speed can not be raised. The best way is to see the previous excellent technical reports, according to the excellent design to build their own car. The e structure needs to be adjusted when you can change, it is best to determine a stable structure has been used, because the upright car structure changes all the parameters have to be adjusted. 5) Pre-competition debugging pre-competition debugging is crucial to the results of the competition, so the hardware production must be completed in advance before the preparation, so as to gain more time for debugging. We just spent so much time building the hardware that we left little time for debugging, which was one of the reasons for the mediocre results. When debugging, we must record more data and backup program. We did not finish the race in the morning, but finished the race with backup program in the afternoon. Backup procedures are critical. 6) The competition will last for four days. On the afternoon of the first day, I will report to the competition site and the teacher will arrange related matters. The second day is the field debugging, with 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon. The debug track will be about half the length of the race track, which is simpler. Must grasp the opportunity of debugging, so that the car can achieve a good state. We were too nervous during the field debugging, and the debugging was not ideal. We didn’t finish the race in the morning also had a lot to do with that. If you want to strive for better results also want to grasp the opportunity to debug. The e third day is the preliminary race, three chances in the morning, three chances in the afternoon, there will be 15 minutes of debugging time before the race, also want to make good use of. 7) It took me a whole night to finish this experience summary. Since it was my first time to participate in intelligent car competition, and it was also my first project, there must be many deficiencies in the summary. Because I was holding the attitude of learning to participate in the competition, also learned a lot of things, is on the way to meet a lot of problems, but also made a lot of compromises, so very compromise to finish the competition, only got province three. I think I will continue to compete next year based on this year and try to get better results. (As for the expense reimbursement problem, a team will spend about 3,000 yuan, and most of the players have to pay by themselves. I hope you will think carefully and be frugal when you buy things. Thank you very much for the school and teachers’ help and support, thank you for the production and debugging of the car to give me a lot of help and encouragement of the senior students and senior students, thank you for the support and encouragement of the friends, and finally, special thanks to accompany me to the teammates who finished the race together.