Writing in the front

As the company’s data analysis project failed to win the bid, I gradually transferred from the original development of data analysis to the forward staff. Before using miniUI \jquery to develop, background write basic CRUD, also write Springboot; Use Echarts for data analysis large screen; Every time I dive into a project, I always feel that I have done a lot of work and learned a lot of knowledge, but when I look back one year later, I find that nothing~~

What did you do in 2020

  • Participate in municipal projects
  • Turn front end personnel, followed to do a report tool system, learn to use VUE
  • Participated in the city project, wrote the base shelf with React, and restored the prototype diagram with code
  • The development of attendance statistics small tools, the first to solve their own attendance statistics pain point
  • Signed up for a front-end training program to push yourself financially

The 2020 harvest

  1. Developed the attendance statistics tool

This is a specific process of small tools, the overall is the need to manually identify, calculate, input actions by the program to complete, greatly saving efficiency, and improve the accuracy.2. Opened a Github account and uploaded the code written by myself

3. Use free time to write small demo, separate front and back end query small page, Redis cache and so on

Share the harvest in 2020

  • Get familiar with it first and ask for change

Take my own development of small tools, I am also suffering from it, have to reverse, their own development of a small tool automatic statistics.

First of all, I have been very clear about the statistics of attendance, such as the rules for asking for leave and working overtime. If I did not know these, I would not have the idea to write a small tool by myself.

Secondly, I have done attendance statistics for 3 years or so, as a program yuan, in fact, should not just write small tools now, the first two years to write also came out. And that’s the second change I’m talking about. The rules have changed in the last two years, and I’ve been stuck in my job. Ah or oneself too young ~~

There is also an obvious change in myself this year. I think about why when I encounter problems, and then review why I have solved them. But there is still insufficient, is not written down to form a document experience. The usual problems or other problems encountered in the project are direct search, find a solution to solve the solution, can not find the solution to give up. Even when you find a solution, you don’t think for yourself, and that starts a vicious cycle.

  • Early is the early bird

This year, I suddenly realized that I could not go on like this any more. I was working in the company and home at two points every day, with no other output. I just finished my work passively. Think about if A few years earlier I can find zhang Ge public number to write the article, to do earlier, to write the public number and so on, will certainly be better than now.

2021 plan

  1. The first 4 months follow the front-end training course, output articles. Make good use of feynman learning method, strive to complete the study, their front-end skills can have a great improvement.

    Feynman learning method is known as the most bovine learning method in history, can help you improve the absorption efficiency of knowledge, truly understand and learn to use knowledge. This learning method is to verify whether you really master a knowledge, to see if you can use straightforward language to explain complex and profound problems and knowledge clearly. · The main process of feynman technique is as follows: Step 1: Select the concept to be studied, take a blank piece of paper and write down the name of the concept at the top. Step 2: Imagine you are a teacher trying to teach a new student this knowledge. In this step, you have to pretend that you are speaking to a student who has no knowledge of the subject and write down your explanation. This step is key, because in the process of explaining what you understand and even don't understand, you can make what you don't understand more clear. In the teaching method called me: "teaching memory method". Sometimes some teachers will let a student when a knowledge point teacher to class, although the teacher is using, perhaps do not know is the most cattle "Feynman learning method". Step 3: When you don't understand, go back. If you don't get it, go back and re-read the reference material, listen to the lecture, or consult your teacher until you get it. Then jot the explanation down on paper and write down the answer that comes closest to the "standard." Step 4: Simplify and metaphor, try to restate in simple and popular language. Imagine being able to explain it to an 80-year-old woman.Copy the code

2. Keep writing articles in nuggets to improve your soft skills

It has been 5 years since I graduated. I still love writing articles when I just graduated, but I am ashamed to publish them, which leads to gradually no longer writing. Borrow zhang Elder brother’s words: early is advantage; Now it is not too late for me to realize it, write ~~ 3. Participate in more projects of the company to hone my front-end skills

Apply what you’ve learned to the front end. If the company doesn’t have a lot of similar programs, then apply to headquarters or another branch

Write in the last

Affected by the epidemic this year, the unit has few projects, especially towards the end of the year, the fewer projects, there was a period of special panic, especially anxious, afraid of being optimized (cut) ~~ anxious myself has been writing demo, research various technologies, just to not let themselves idle, some things to do.

Thank you very much to see the last of each student, let’s come on together ~~

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