I have always wanted to write an article about career planning. During this period, my friends in the IT industry, whom I met mainly on the Internet, have changed their jobs, but fewer of them have a real career plan and go looking for a job according to their own plan. More of them are dissatisfied with their jobs and have changed their jobs because of low salary. Of course, I can’t oppose others to job-hopping, after all, people have different interests, don’t like to change. I write the meaning of this article, just want to remind everyone not to waste their precious youth, especially just out of school, still in the ignorant stage to devote to the IT industry friends.

Why do you say IT industry? Firstly, I am also an industry insider; Secondly, the IT industry is different from other industries and has its own characteristics. Moreover, relatively speaking, the high mobility of personnel in and out of IT companies is estimated to be unmatched in other industries.

First of all, propose the career direction of IT industry. As FAR as I’m concerned, there are only three: management, technology and business. You know what they say, you know what you say. Many of the top IT people are from technical backgrounds. Although, from the perspective of management, IT is not necessary to be a technical background to do IT industry senior talents. This is an idea that I think is only applicable to senior managers. It is better for intermediate and lower talents to have technical background, because no matter in management, technology and business, related technical problems will inevitably be involved in the process of work. It’s hard to do a job if you don’t know the basic technical terms of the industry.

Start with technology. To be honest, technology is a good entry point into IT. This is for people who like technology. In their eyes, technology is for play. Research algorithms, research data structure, research design patterns, research language underlying, development direction… When solving one technical problem after another, the pride in my heart is fresh. Although the road to play technology needs to climb mountains, trek mountains and rivers, through the birth of a new technology thorns road… And sometimes, before you can catch your breath, new technology comes along, often giving people the idea of being on the run. Especially in recent years, there has been no new development of old languages, but new languages have sprung up and are scrambling for territory, as can be seen from the monthly language crawling list. So, to play the road of technology, you need to have a strong feeling for technology, you need to have amazing patience and perseverance. Here comes another old topic: is it better to be a doctor or a specialist? In my opinion, science and technology is the primary productive force, so the development of technology is endless. It is better to find your own appropriate technical direction and concentrate on research in the actual work process, while the relevant content of the industry only needs to be understood. Relatively speaking, technical workers’ learning ability and acceptance ability, than other workers that is an advantage, light from the daily consumption of brain cells know, so learning industry knowledge is relatively fast. The technology part of IT is hardware and software. From the perspective of hardware, network management, information security, system integration and other positions; From the perspective of software, there are positions of programmer, information processing, e-commerce, system architecture and so on.

And then business. I’ve always believed that technology is for business. From the perspective of learning, business accumulation requires more patience and time than technical learning. It also takes more resources to train a business specialist than to train a technical person. Of course, it may take less time for technicians to move into business, because technicians are more patient and careful, and can learn faster. Three hundred and sixty lines, line out of the champion. The knowledge and nature of the business varies from industry to industry. If the industry has a history, it will have industry standards and industry experts. In this way, there are standards for what technically implements the business domain. Just like laws, our view is that there are laws to follow, they must be observed, they must be strictly enforced, and those who break them must be prosecuted. Of course, the development of the industry will continue to improve and develop with the social system, system and people’s awareness. In business, as in technology, there are two directions: broad and focused. But unlike technology, business areas are focused, because each company’s positioning and direction is characterized by long-term stability. At one time, the idea was to promote the development of enterprise diversification, which was a broad direction. Broadness is also based on concentration. If the concentration in a certain business field reaches a certain height, the industry standard will be stable, and the speed of its extension may be gradually slow. At this time, industry standards may be affected by the impact of business operations and business needs generated in the actual work process of industry business personnel, which is often fatal. This is similar to the current downturn in the world economy, which can cause a storm of business within an industry due to the profound influence of a country’s economic system and actual operation on standards. For diversification, it is consistent with the positioning of multiple subsidiaries of a certain enterprise with different business directions. A subsidiary is an attempt by an enterprise to enter another industry. For business people, starting with requirements acquisition, analysis, validation, and transformation, moving to systems analyst is the highest level of business capability. Therefore, business experts need to have a thorough understanding of the various business requirements in their respective domains, as well as the businesses related to that domain, in order to achieve a coherent effect.

Let’s talk about management. Management may seem to some people to be at a relatively high level. Personally, I’m not a big fan of the hierarchical pyramid. Hierarchical style is characterized by clear division of labor, but because there is a jump between high and low levels, it will lead to a partition of understanding. The IT management direction can move up to project manager, product manager and so on. Management can be divided into matter management and person management. The matter management, is to the work itself, a responsibility to the matter itself, itself is also a sense of responsibility to the unit. The management of people is the management of subordinates and teams. It is a management business based on personal characteristics and interests. As mentioned above, for high-level managers, it is recommended to graduate from a major related to management, because there are more theories and more methods. For middle and lower level managers, technical and business background is more appropriate, because they will be involved in the management of relevant technical personnel, business personnel, and business field affairs. Of course, this aspect can be supplemented by learning professional theoretical knowledge related to management, or learning from related management websites. However, it is best to learn systematically. Just like the accumulation process of technology, management theory also needs to be accumulated. Some enterprises will organize staff training from time to time, including technical and management training. For example, take a training course with some senior management instructors, or take a management course like an MBA.

Next, mention the question of textual research. When I was in college, I participated in the certification related to the national software level. This is not to say what card is great, but want to see his level to which level just. As for the argument of textual research, I suggest you still take the exam. On the one hand, they can evaluate their own abilities. On the other hand, in the process of development, enterprises need to participate in the selection of various qualifications, such as CMMI level, ISO level and so on. And these, is the need for enterprise employees with the corresponding certificates and qualifications to be able to select. Also, some certificates, such as Microsoft’S MCSE, Cisco’s network certification, Oracle’s database certification and so on, are stepping stones to enter large enterprises. So, certification can be useful in some contexts.

Finally, I wish IT friends, don’t “get kicked”, haha…

Note: This is a lazy time. This article is written in stages. Because my thinking is a jump, if there is a gap on the connection, we will settle, ha ha…

This article is written by myself, I hope you will not copy all my works, thank you…