The system on-line

Near the scheduled launch date, the system runs well in the test environment and no problems are found. So, we started to work online.

The specific steps can be roughly divided into three steps:

  1. Synchronize database updates, such as SQL creation and modification
  2. Merge code to the master branch
  3. Spot check the new function points to make sure everything works

System on-line work, to be exact, should be the version, in our here is a high frequency of work, sometimes several times a day maybe. The reason is simple: business needs.

The Bug was found

The user is like wearing a fire eye,

Suddenly found that lying in the corner of the sleeping, we did not find the Bug.

And threw in a screenshot that hit us right in the face.

Respond immediately

Looking at the screenshot, we sincerely said a, I go!

Forgot to sync a field!!

Prepare SQL statements, sync directly online, whatever, fix the problem immediately.


Small teams, various irregularities, well, forget about that, it’s just an excuse.

From our online process, it is obvious that the problem is caused by incomplete SQL statements that need to be synchronized, and the preparation of SQL statements is provided by each student in charge of development, which requires careful recording of every database change.

Obviously, this is a careful undertaking. It takes a lot of care from every developer.

Of course, it’s important to use a tool to check the database after synchronization to make sure you don’t miss anything, because people are unreliable.