Front-end early chat conference, a new starting point for front-end growth, jointly held with the Nuggets. Add Scott wechat Codingdreamer into the conference surrounding technology group, front-end egg free welfare special, 2021-2-6, live online.

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This article was written 3 years ago, the previous document link 404, slightly changed and reissued again, the point of view in this article is for reference only.

The text start

Growth is when you look at yourself every once in a while and realize that you were a Sha B process.

Your company have a lot, the team has one hundred thousand kinds, chose to go to a company to do things, not just choose a part-time job to earn living expenses, and chose a let oneself soil infiltration to grow every day, eyes can see is the annual income of wages card Numbers and year-end bonuses, eyes can’t see their body from inside to outside the pattern of the year after soaking and energy, We often tell ourselves that pattern and energy are more important, but often compromise, give up or even fight against growth due to realistic income figures. Only years of experience can deeply understand the sadness.

Behind this sadness, it is about the choice of the company and the team. “Men are afraid of entering the wrong line, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man”, this line refers to the front end, this lang refers to the team, how to choose the team is a very realistic proposition.

One of my friends said, throw such online aside, double choice between companies and individuals, nature is the core of matching their needs and requirements can compromise, everyone can choose a ship into a search for the treasure of the sailing ships, the ship may be at the heart of the fleet, may also be in position to edge even abandoned, Each ship has different roles. If you choose a reliable captain, a bigger ship and a ship with weaker pirate properties, the probability of being abandoned will be smaller. If you stick to the right ship with the right person, you will grow up faster and not waste your youth.

Figure out what you want and what you can get

Standing today, select the giant team although there will be a variety of problems, but as a whole on the probability of large front end can provide the sum of growth conditions, is many times better than the small factory, after all, giant to the few in the home, and tens of thousands of small and medium-sized factory, even some small factory to a front-end engineer, only finish everything, giant, putting aside what topics to talk about today is, To look at the start-up company and growth team alone, in many small and medium-sized factories in the selection of the right team, its high difficulty, the high risk is often beyond our prediction.

Entrepreneurship is often associated with listed bell or collapse of death, and grow the word always lets a person think of hone and alive, we always thought that startup live frugally but must have a more suitable for growth of wilderness than large companies, but the growth and the environment is not actually the basis of the big companies to fertile and superior, although it may not be suitable for more growth, Only nine-life players like dandelions and cactuses are suitable for running around startups, so the question comes back to whether you want to be that player.

If you are nine lives, you are very suitable for start-up companies to survive and grow, and the man who can survive in the startup, in the big company also can use hands and feet, because you have experienced too much from scratch, from death to life, from dryness to rich, from fear to surprise, strives for the survival desire is stronger, and if you’re not, then in a big company you should be able to steady for long, To start-up companies may be black and blue die even career, this is the cruelty of entrepreneurship, doesn’t kill you is a storm, and kill you are hot spring water, for me, I see entrepreneurship as a growing practice of life, since it is practice, big probability is all the way all the way thorns pain, sewed the wound to continue.

Entrepreneurship that lie prone son chatting, we take a look at you when choosing more concerned topic – how to see growth team, both of which there is no causal relation, entrepreneurial company also has a growing team, but it may not be growing research and development team, that you have in mind, some start-ups are very traditional, business is very heavy, Demand for research and development and expectation is low, research and development into a long chance to all have no, but some startup, although the proportion of r&d is very high, but the direction of the research and development and support development pattern is very human flesh, the width of this company is often encountered a technology leadership of conservative or voice is very weak, can’t persuade company heavy r&d efficiency rather than quantity, Low-cost people may bring high-cost time window risks and collaborative disasters. What we want must be a potential start-up company, so the team I go to had better be a growth RESEARCH and development team. Even if the company fails, at least my ability growth has not stopped, and my value is still very valuable.

Then if you do not have the strength to enter the big factory today, must be in the small and medium-sized factory precipitation dormant for three or five years, how should choose a start-up company? How can his r&d team be judged as a growth team?

How to select promising startups

1. Look at how old the company was

The best thing to do is to have a deep understanding of the startup, a deep understanding of the startup, and a strong enough expertise to leave it to chance is not encouraging, given the high death rate of startups. If it has been established for many years, for example, more than 5 years and more than 7 years but there is no market size, then it is also necessary to be cautious, such a company is often still a problem with the model, may be the state of high or low, whether it can still make efforts to in-depth consideration.

If you let me give a fixed number of year, so I suggest is 3 ~ 5 years, if the company is in B/C/D rounds, there are not too backward market wages, and have a decent business strength and scale, there are relatively young, motivated team, a group of active mind determined young man, it is important to have options, Today’s young people don’t care, but something is better than nothing.

2. Look at the founding team

At present, there are many apps for checking company information, and even some professional ones have paid services. You can check the founding team members of the company on these platforms, and then list their names one by one on various entrepreneurship/finance/Zhihu platforms, and search their past entrepreneurial resumes and lawsuits. If most of these people come from prestigious backgrounds (i.e., senior executives of large companies or public companies), if they have already been successful or even rich and free, then it makes more sense to follow them than to follow the unknown. Because these people second startup tend to be more pure and have a stronger sense of mission driving, petty probability is low, but also need to be careful, often such background for the company’s personnel and finance play more, if useful, malicious squeeze more elaborate method (malicious here is not to say that to work overtime, but a serious unequal pay and harvest, For example, 996 years, no year-end bonus or even a raise…) “, so make the most of your connections and the open Internet environment and memorize as many tunes as you can.

3. Look at the company’s financing sheet

I say good is not really good, we say good is really good, which is also established in the choice of career, the vision of investment institutions is very vicious. If is a very famous investment institutions involved with, and the investment institutions appear less negative news, investment success is very much, so from the angels to the ABCD, most of the figure is famous investment institutions, then this company than other big probability on a lot of, you know than our professional people would bet the company will win, We are less likely to make mistakes if we follow professionals.

As for which investment institutions are well-known, such as IDG Capital, Sequoia Capital China Fund, Morningside Capital… , there is a trick is: you can search for nearly a year or two listed company listed or fast, behind them, who is cast, such as today’s headlines, spelling, Meituan, quickly, etc., see the company behind the investment agencies have to appear in your favorite the management of the company in the listing, if none, so be careful.

4. Look at the industry in which the company does business

It’s hard to do well when you’re not interested, which is key for today’s young people. If you have a careful understanding, you find that you really do not like the company’s business and its industry, or even do not agree with such a model, then it is best not to choose this company. But don’t arbitrary refused to chance, but how can you further contact with the inside of the top in the form of interview to get the opportunity, with technical director, business leaders and HR, talk about exactly what they are doing to do what want to do, may listen to the hearing change your existing knowledge, at the same time can also through his contacts and tech-oriented web search, Take a positive look at the company’s image, voice and contribution to society.

5. Look at the company’s competitors

Sometimes the best way to get to know someone, besides their friends, is through their opposite, which can provide a different perspective. Is still through various channels to search it in track now what are the company, they are probably the establishment of the time, number of employees, business scale, as well as some third-party financial weekly evaluation of the track, is how to evaluate the company and its competitors, these business observers commercial summary ability is far better than that of an ordinary programmers, Therefore, we can see the positive and negative, positive and negative image of some companies and even the shortcomings of the business model through it.

How to identify a growing front-end team

I’ve talked about a lot of very empty choices, but back to our main concern, if I want to join an entrepreneurial company and the R&D team is growing, how do I know if I’m meeting my expectations?

First of all, no matter whether the team is growing, if company is not what you want to go to the company, your own surveys found problems or not you can identify with the company’s corporate culture, that no matter how to attract the r&d team, you can keep some don’t go to, that is to say, want to choose your team’s premise is that the company you want to have a basic recognition, Otherwise it will go through a period of adjustment of inner torment.

If the company is ok with you, then take a closer look at its r&d team and its front end team. There are several ways to obtain information, from the most reference to the general reference:

  • Do you have any acquaintances, friends, or former colleagues who have been with the company or even the team? Listen directly to his comments on why he chose to work for the company, why he left and why he hasn’t left, and what he thinks of the company’s R&D capabilities, way of doing things, and the ability to lead the technology department.
  • Search all technical media (technical conference platform, Github, Nuggets, various technical forums) for the traces left by the front end team of the company, whether it is PPT, open source code base, or some technical blogs and opinions, and listen to their openness to technology, their vision of the technology utopia. Do they feel a degree of satisfaction with their technological achievements? If so, the team is likely to have a lively and open technical atmosphere. If there is no news, it means that the team is very low-key, or maybe the team has very little voice inside and outside the team, and can not make their own voice.
  • Use their products directly, browse their website, see how carefully they polish their products, note that this is a double-edged sword, different companies do this very different, usually toC company external products are very sophisticated, while toB company may be very rough and even outsourcing companies to do some external products, Because of their core products are not dependent on external these products, so the side front end has been a lot of candidates, their website is very bad, the App is very rough, this is true, because our time is spent on the construction industry is relatively closed and closed loop product on website and App no effort to burnish, but anyway, If the external products are not well polished, this must be a minus item. If the team does a good job, at least it shows that the team has certain control and requirements for details.

Finally, it is the information collection in the interview process. It is suggested to talk with the interviewer about the past of the team, not just the present and future. By looking at the past, we can see more templates that the team has gone through, its courage and courage to actively change step by step, and its mind and expectation for technology.

If the team is waiting for a Key talent to break the deadlock and change, Make Sure that you are the Key Person. You have enough senior energy to go in and wake up the team. Otherwise, over time, you will be corrupted by the team. Because the environment is more realistic than imagination, you will be better and better for good environment better, and to die of hours team will erode your will, and ultimately defeat your mind, whether it is or desert oasis team team, for our individual themselves heart feels strong enough, because every team has its desert cycle, also only so, You can find your ideal home in the vast ocean of entrepreneurship, to play their 36 million tons of equivalent potential.

To end with one of my favorites: What doesn’t kill you makes you strong, and what kills you makes you awake again.