
Vue2.6x+ Composition-API +Typescript emulated clock

The source code

The online preview

Template template

  <main class="canvas-clock">
    <canvas ref="canvasBgRef" />
    <canvas ref="canvasHourRef" />
    <canvas ref="canvasMinuteRef" />
    <canvas ref="canvasSecondRef" />
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Draw the logic

In fact, the drawing is simple, the initial state is 0, the difficulty is the conversion of time and Angle, that is, on the basis of 00:00:00, rotation with the origin of the center of the circle


  • Draw the backgrounddrawCircle
  • Drawing NumbersdrawNumber
  • Draw a pointerdrawHand
<script lang="ts">
import {
} from "@vue/composition-api";

const themeConfig = {
  text: "#2c3e50".bg: "#f6f6f6".hangBg: "#2c3e50".handStrokeStyle: "#eee"

// Simulate the clock
export default defineComponent({
  name: "Clock",
  setup() {
    const bigFont = "14pt Arial";
    const smallFont = "9pt Arial";
    const color = reactive(themeConfig);
    const canvasWidth = ref(0);
    const canvasBgRef = ref<HTMLCanvasElement>(null);
    const canvasHourRef = ref<HTMLCanvasElement>(null);
    const canvasMinuteRef = ref<HTMLCanvasElement>(null);
    const canvasSecondRef = ref<HTMLCanvasElement>(null);
    const timer = ref(0);

    onMounted((a)= > {
      timer.value = setInterval(drawInit, 1000);

    onUnmounted((a)= > {

    const drawInit = (a)= >{ canvasWidth.value = canvasBgRef.value! .clientWidth;const wh = window.innerWidth > 200 ? 200 : window.innerWidth;
      const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;

      const canvasList = [
      canvasList.forEach(canvas= >{ canvas.value! .height = wh * pixelRatio; canvas.value! .width = wh * pixelRatio;constcanvasCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D = canvas.value! .getContext("2d")! ; canvasCtx.clearRect(0.0, canvasWidth.value, canvasWidth.value);
        canvasCtx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);

      constcanvasBgCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D = canvasBgRef.value! .getContext("2d")! ; drawCircle(canvasBgCtx); drawNumber(canvasBgCtx); drawHand(); };/ / draw circles
    const drawCircle = (canvasBgCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) = > {
      // ...

    / / drawing number
    const drawNumber = (canvasBgCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) = > {
      // ...

    / / pointer
    const drawHand = (a)= > {
      // ...

    // Angle conversion of hours/minutes/seconds
    const getAngle = (rate: number) = > (rate / 60) * 360 * (Math.PI / 180);

    / / the shadow
    const addShadow = (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) = > {
      ctx.shadowBlur = 6;
      ctx.shadowColor = "Rgba (100100100,0.6)";
      ctx.shadowOffsetX = 1;
      ctx.shadowOffsetY = 2;

    // The pointer draws the style logic
    const drawHandler = (
      ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
      angle: number,
      ctxDrawSelf: (a)= > void) = > {// ...

    // Get the time
    // const [hour, munite, second] = getTime();
    const getTime = (a)= > {
      const time = new Date()
        .split("") [0]
      return > Number(i));

    return{ canvasBgRef, canvasHourRef, canvasMinuteRef, canvasSecondRef }; }});</script>
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Draw the background

/ / draw circles
const drawCircle = (canvasBgCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) = > {
  const cWidth = canvasWidth.value;
  / / the radius: the radius
  const drawArc = (radius: number) = >
    canvasBgCtx.arc(cWidth / 2, cWidth / 2, radius < 0 ? 0 : radius, 0.4 * Math.PI);

  / / outer ring 1
  canvasBgCtx.fillStyle =;
  drawArc(cWidth / 2 - 10);
  canvasBgCtx.shadowBlur = 4;
  canvasBgCtx.shadowColor = 'rgba (100100100,0.2)';
  canvasBgCtx.shadowOffsetX = 1;
  canvasBgCtx.shadowOffsetY = 1;

  / / outer ring 2
  canvasBgCtx.fillStyle = '#eee';
  drawArc(cWidth / 2 - 20);
  canvasBgCtx.shadowBlur = 2;

  1 / / inner circle
  canvasBgCtx.fillStyle = '#ddd';

  2 / / inner circle
  canvasBgCtx.strokeStyle = color.hangBg;
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Drawing Numbers

/ / drawing number
const drawNumber = (canvasBgCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) = > {
  const cWidth = canvasWidth.value;
  canvasBgCtx.fillStyle = color.text;
  canvasBgCtx.font = bigFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('12', cWidth / 2 - 10.38);

  canvasBgCtx.font = smallFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('1', cWidth - 68, cWidth / 5 + 5);
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('2', cWidth - 45, cWidth / 3 + 5);

  canvasBgCtx.font = bigFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('3', cWidth - 35, cWidth / 2 + 5);

  canvasBgCtx.font = smallFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('4', cWidth - 45, (cWidth * 2) / 3 + 5);
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('5', cWidth - 68, (cWidth * 4) / 5 + 5);

  canvasBgCtx.font = bigFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('6', cWidth / 2 - 4, cWidth - 25);

  canvasBgCtx.font = smallFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('7', cWidth / 3 - 4, (cWidth * 4) / 5 + 5);
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('8', cWidth / 5 - 4, (cWidth * 2) / 3 + 5);

  canvasBgCtx.font = bigFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('9'.25, cWidth / 2 + 5);

  canvasBgCtx.font = smallFont;
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('10', cWidth / 5 - 4, cWidth / 3 + 5);
  canvasBgCtx.fillText('11', cWidth / 3 - 4, cWidth / 5 + 5);
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Draw a pointer

Rotate with the center of the circle as the origin

Before the rotation, translate moves down and to the right, then back again

ctx.translate(cWidth / 2, cWidth / 2);
ctx.translate(-cWidth / 2, -cWidth / 2);
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Time and Angle conversion

Every hour, minute and second is converted according to 60

The hour hand

Angle 1 degree to radian 1 degree: math.pi / 180

The hour hand has 12 large scales, and if you subdivide it, it actually has 60 small scales, so hours *5;

And then a big scale is equal to one hour is equal to 60 minutes, so minutes times 5/60 is a small Angle

Hours + minutes = total

The total scale / 60 * 360 = the total Angle, then convert to radians and rotate with the Rotate method

const cWidth = canvasWidth.value; const [hour, minute, second] = getTime(); // clockwise const canvasHourCtx = canvashourRef.value! .getContext('2d')! ; const hourPoint = { x: cWidth / 2 - 4, y: cWidth / 2 - 8 }; addShadow(canvasHourCtx); drawHandler(canvasHourCtx, getAngle(hour * 5 + minute * (5 / 60)), () => { canvasHourCtx.moveTo(hourPoint.x, hourPoint.y); canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x, hourPoint.y - 25); canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x + 8, hourPoint.y - 25); canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x + 8, hourPoint.y); canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x, hourPoint.y); }); Const getAngle = (rate: number) => (rate / 60) * 360 * (math.pi / 180);Copy the code

Minute hand

The Angle of the minute hand is relatively simple, minutes + seconds / 60 = total scale

const cWidth = canvasWidth.value;
const [hour, minute, second] = getTime();

/ / the minute hand
constcanvasMinuteCtx = canvasMinuteRef.value! .getContext('2d')! ;const munitePoint = { x: cWidth / 2 - 2.y: cWidth / 2 - 8 };
drawHandler(canvasMinuteCtx, getAngle(minute + second / 60), () => {
  canvasMinuteCtx.moveTo(munitePoint.x, munitePoint.y);
  canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x, munitePoint.y - 35);
  canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x + 4, munitePoint.y - 35);
  canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x + 4, munitePoint.y);
  canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x, munitePoint.y);
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The second hand

The Angle of the second hand is the simplest. The second equals the scale

const cWidth = canvasWidth.value;
const [hour, minute, second] = getTime();

/ / second hand
constcanvasSecondCtx = canvasSecondRef.value! .getContext('2d')! ;const secondPoint = { x: cWidth / 2 - 1.5.y: cWidth / 2 + 10 };
drawHandler(canvasSecondCtx, getAngle(second), () => {
  canvasSecondCtx.moveTo(secondPoint.x, secondPoint.y);
  canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x, secondPoint.y - 60);
  canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x + 3, secondPoint.y - 60);
  canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x + 3, secondPoint.y);
  canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x, secondPoint.y);
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The specific logic

/ / pointer
const drawHand = (a)= > {
  const cWidth = canvasWidth.value;
  const [hour, minute, second] = getTime();
  // const hour = 11;
  // const minute = 36;
  // const second = 5;

  / / hour
  constcanvasHourCtx = canvasHourRef.value! .getContext('2d')! ;const hourPoint = { x: cWidth / 2 - 4.y: cWidth / 2 - 8 };
  drawHandler(canvasHourCtx, getAngle(hour * 5 + (5 * minute) / 60), (a)= > {
    canvasHourCtx.moveTo(hourPoint.x, hourPoint.y);
    canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x, hourPoint.y - 25);
    canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x + 8, hourPoint.y - 25);
    canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x + 8, hourPoint.y);
    canvasHourCtx.lineTo(hourPoint.x, hourPoint.y);

  / / the minute hand
  constcanvasMinuteCtx = canvasMinuteRef.value! .getContext('2d')! ;const munitePoint = { x: cWidth / 2 - 2.y: cWidth / 2 - 8 };
  drawHandler(canvasMinuteCtx, getAngle(minute + second / 60), () => {
    canvasMinuteCtx.moveTo(munitePoint.x, munitePoint.y);
    canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x, munitePoint.y - 35);
    canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x + 4, munitePoint.y - 35);
    canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x + 4, munitePoint.y);
    canvasMinuteCtx.lineTo(munitePoint.x, munitePoint.y);

  / / second hand
  constcanvasSecondCtx = canvasSecondRef.value! .getContext('2d')! ;const secondPoint = { x: cWidth / 2 - 1.5.y: cWidth / 2 + 10 };
  drawHandler(canvasSecondCtx, getAngle(second), () => {
    canvasSecondCtx.moveTo(secondPoint.x, secondPoint.y);
    canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x, secondPoint.y - 60);
    canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x + 3, secondPoint.y - 60);
    canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x + 3, secondPoint.y);
    canvasSecondCtx.lineTo(secondPoint.x, secondPoint.y);

// Angle conversion of hours/minutes/seconds
const getAngle = (rate: number) = > (rate / 60) * 360 * (Math.PI / 180);

/ / the shadow
const addShadow = (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) = > {
  ctx.shadowBlur = 6;
  ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba (100100100,0.6)';
  ctx.shadowOffsetX = 1;
  ctx.shadowOffsetY = 2;

// The pointer draws the style logic
const drawHandler = (
  ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
  angle: number,
  ctxDrawSelf: (a)= > void,
) => {
  const cWidth = canvasWidth.value;
  ctx.clearRect(0.0, cWidth, cWidth);
  ctx.fillStyle = color.hangBg;
  ctx.translate(cWidth / 2, cWidth / 2);
  ctx.translate(-cWidth / 2, -cWidth / 2);
  ctx.strokeStyle = color.handStrokeStyle;

// Get the time
// const [hour, munite, second] = getTime();
const getTime = (a)= > {
  const time = new Date()
    .split(' ') [0]
  return > Number(i));

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