If you are familiar with Apple signature, you know that Apple signature is divided into tf signature, enterprise signature and super signature. TF signature is a signature method that has been officially reviewed by Apple and can be tested externally. Enterprise signature is signed by enterprise certificate, which is the most popular signature method in the market. Because of the limitation of download times, more than 80% of APP operators in the market will choose enterprise signature for internal distribution. What are the advantages of enterprise signature that so many people choose to choose? Today xiaobian will talk to you in detail about this problem.

Apple enterprise signature is signed with the Apple P12 certificate. After signing, you can download the signature using the QR code. The whole process can be completed in a few minutes. Compared with TF signature and super signature, enterprise signature has no limit on the download times, while the download limit of super signature is 100 times, and TF signature is 10,000 times, which is enough for most people to choose.

According to the different price and stability, enterprise signature is divided into various versions for users to choose, including the following:

1, independent signature independent signature stability is very high, the use of certificates are relatively rare in the market, the fewer people using certificates, the less APP signed, the more stable the certificate. At the same time, service providers with certificates will also strictly control APP downloads. With a large amount of certificate resources, they can also classify different types of apps and make regular risk prevention to ensure the stability of users’ apps. But we should pay attention to a point, now there are few such signature service providers can do truly independent, there are also a few, we must pay attention to when cooperating.

2, stable signature compared with independent signature, stable signature may be dropped, the frequency is about 1-2 times a month, the price is relatively moderate, many users can also accept, so there will be more people to choose. It will not affect the user’s APP if the cancellation can be made up in time.

3. Shared signature Shared signature is a signature that everyone can use. Any type of APP can be signed, there is no quantity control, stability and randomness, when to drop the signature when to count, there is no way to replace the signature, but if it is the early testing stage of APP, or a good choice.

As can be seen from the above, enterprise signatures are also popular because they can provide users with more options.

Another point is that the price of TF signature is relatively high, and it is difficult to apply for it. Enterprise signature is charged on a monthly basis. The higher the stability, the higher the price. It is more cost-effective for APP operators who compete with each other in terms of the number of users. The super signature is charged according to the number of times, and the price ranges from 7 to 15 yuan per time, which is very expensive if there are a large number of users. Therefore, the low cost is also an important reason for many users to choose enterprise signature.

The above is all about why APP operators choose enterprise signature, I hope it will be helpful to you. Finally, Xiaobian also hopes that we can find a formal signature platform to cooperate, to achieve their desired goals.