Hello, Hello, I am gray little ape, a super bug writing program ape!

Today, record here in the process of software development, software capability maturity model of five levels, which is an important indicator to measure the quality of software, the higher the level, the more reliable the quality of software!

The five levels from bottom to top are divided into initial level, repeatable level, defined and managed level and optimized level.

A detailed overview of the five levels follows:

(1 Initial stage)

Software processes are characterized by disorder or randomness, sometimes even chaos. The definition of software process is almost anarchic, and the success of software products often depends on the efforts and opportunities of very few people.

(2) Repeatable level

A basic project management process has been established that can be used to track costs, schedule, and features. For similar application projects, there are rules to follow and repeat previous successes.

(3) Defined level

Software processes for management and engineering are documented, standardized, and form standard software processes throughout the software organization. All projects are operated using standard software procedures that are appropriately modified and consistent with the actual situation.

(4) Managed level

There are detailed metrics for software process and product quality. Software process and product quality are quantitatively recognized and controlled.

(5) Optimization level

The facilitation process can be continuously improved through quantitative analysis of useful information from processes, new concepts, and new technologies.

At the same time, each level, except the first, sets a set of goals, which, if achieved, indicate that this level of maturity has been reached and that it is natural to move up to a higher level of maturity. The CMM architecture does not advocate cross-level evolution, since each low-level implementation is a foundation for the higher-level implementation starting at the second level.

The chart explaining the five levels is as follows:

Familiar with the five levels of software capability maturity model, can effectively help define and improve the quality of software!

Feel good remember to like attention yo! Keep sharing more project management applications!