Dandelion JELLY Technology Weekly Vol.22

The React Router has recently been released in a 6.x beta. The React Router is an important part of the React ecosystem and is widely used in React projects. What are the changes to the React Router? How many new features will the upgrade bring? How much will it cost to upgrade? Does the project need to be upgraded? I believe you will have your own answer, the little assistant is now going to taste a fresh experience.

High overlook

The height of the sky, feel the universe is infinite

Basic technology

Text Fragments, an anchor point technique you haven’t seen before

Text Fragments are a new feature in Chromium 80+. Using Text Fragments, we can specify Text Fragments as anchors in the URL. When a browser opens a URL with a Text fragment, the browser highlights the matched Text to draw the user’s attention.

AVIF is already here

This article uses four different images: detailed photos/graphic illustration/heavy SVG/ gradient image as Demo, compares common image formats: JPEG, WebP, PNG with AVIF, reveals why Netflix chooses AVIF as the next generation of image compression technology. 【 原 文】juejin.cn/post/687074…

Introduction to Using Emscripten

Emscripten is an important part of the WebAssembly tool chain. It can help you compile C/C++ into ASM.js or WebAssembly, and output code that can run on Web, Node.js, and WASM Runtimes. This article starts from a C HelloWorld, and gradually introduces debugging, WASM and JavaScript mutual call, Emscripten API and other knowledge points. By the end of this article, you will have mastered the basic usage of Emscripten and learned some of the details of how ASM.js /WASM interacts with JavaScipt implementations.

The front frame

React Router 6 features React Router 6

React Router recently released a beta version of 6.x and is expected to release a full version soon. As an important part of the React ecosystem, the React Router is widely used in React projects. What new features will be introduced and will there be any incompatibility changes? This article details the React Router 6 changes, including the Route/Link component requiring relative paths, support for defining routes as objects, and the Suspense – Ready Navigate API.

Server-side development

Libuv tutorial

For those of you familiar with Node, you are no stranger to Libuv. Libuv is a high-performance, event-driven I/O library that provides cross-platform (Windows, Linux) apis. When Nikhil Marathe wrote Node-Taglib, he didn’t have an easy to understand libuv tutorial, so he wrote this little book, which is now included in the official libuv documentation. If you are interested, try it out and it will open up a new world for you.

The design philosophy

How do I choose colors for data visualization?

It is often not easy to choose a good color, so is choosing the right color for the chart. If you do not know the color at all and have great difficulty in choosing the color, I hope this article can teach you to find the color suitable for data visualization, or make the color palette of PPT.

The sea gleanings

The sea, product kuibu and thousands of miles

CSS cascading context and cascading order

As front-end development, CSS is the tool we are used to, it and HTML are filled with every aspect of daily work, but for its principle is not everyone can understand. As an “ancient article” for 15 years, these detailed knowledge points are still needed to learn after years of precipitation up to now.

Design draft super perfect reproduction

Perfect restoration of the design draft, not only bearing the expectation of designers, but also a test of the basic skills of the front end, but many times, in addition to the technology itself, there are many other things we need to think and judge. If the design draft is only copied, it is not enough to maximize the experience of the project in practical work. Only by giving full play to the subjective initiative can the project achieve the final 101% presentation.

“Dandelion” magazine, updated weekly, we focus on mining “basic technology, engineering, cross-end framework technology, graphics programming, server development, desktop development, artificial intelligence, design philosophy, front-end framework” and other general direction of the industry hot issues, and professional interpretation; Not only that, we will also recommend the selection of concave and convex technology articles, to show you the research direction of the team.

Look up, dandelion seeds will take root and germinate, such as summer flowers gorgeous; Ge Ge Zhi zhi, we climb to overlook, the sea gleaned, in order to product silicon step to thousands of miles.

Dandelion JELLY Technology Weekly contribution Guide