
The permission verification mechanism (user) is not added during MongoDB initialization. As a result, the database is vulnerable to attack and deletion, for example, 😭

The solution

Change the default port number of MongoDB.

Modify the mongod. Conf port number configuration

Two: Add users to the MongoDB database

  1. Enable database security options

Change the mongod. Conf configuration:

  authorization: enabled
Copy the code
  1. Add users to the database

    • Switch to the database you want to operate on
    • Db. CreateUser ({user: “username”, PWD: “password”, roles: [role]}) for roles such as readWrite and dbOwner, see the official website
    • The auth (” username “, “PWD”)
    • Restarting the mongodb service
  2. The mongodb connection of the server needs to be changed accordingly. Take Node. js as an example to use MongoClient to connect to mongodb

    let MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; / / own link address let url = 'mongo: / / /? gssapiServiceName=mongodb'; MongoClient.connect( url, { authSource: 'sword', auth: { user: 'username', password: '*******', }, }, callback );Copy the code

    Node.js MongoDB Driver API