The commonly used
- –master
- –deploy-mode
- –class
- –name
- –jars
- –conf
- –driver-memory
- –driver-class-path
- –executor-memory
- –driver-cores
- –executor-cores
- –queue
- –num-executors
All of the
–deploy-mode client/cluster
- If the machine or shell breaks, the application will hang
- Cluster: Driver starts a Driver on ApplicationMaster assigned by Yarn. Interact with other Excute
- Write on what Spark runs on
- SparkOnYarn Example: yarn
- CLASS_NAME: path of the main method package
- Example: com.xinxing.examples.NiuBi
–name NAME
- NAME: Specifies the NAME displayed on the ApplicationsUI page of YARN. The default value is
- NAME: Specifies the NAME displayed on the ApplicationsUI page of YARN. The default value is
–jars JARS
- JARS: The JARS your program depends on. If you have more than one
separated - Example: mysql. Jar, scala – JDBC. Jar
- JARS: The JARS your program depends on. If you have more than one
–packages groupId:artifactId:version
- GroupId: artifactId: version: rely on GAV address, multiple use
separated - Example: mysql: mysql connector – Java: 5.1.27
- GroupId: artifactId: version: rely on GAV address, multiple use
–repositories http:/
- HTTP :/ XXXX: Maven source. Generally, the Maven repository address of Ali is used
use -…
- HTTP :/ XXXX: Maven source. Generally, the Maven repository address of Ali is used
–exclude-packages groupId:artifactId:version
- Cooperate with
Use to resolve jar package dependency conflicts
- Cooperate with
–files FILES
- FILES: Similar to jars, the configuration FILES you need to use are loaded into the Driver
Access to the - Example: / home/configuration/app. Conf, / home/configuration/apps. Conf
- FILES: Similar to jars, the configuration FILES you need to use are loaded into the Driver
- Individual jobs need to be set separately
Parameter, just add it here. There are ten--conf
Ten times - Example: the spark. Shuffle. Registration. The timeout = 2000
- Individual jobs need to be set separately
- Specify the spark-default.conf path. If not, the default path is spark-default.conf
- Specify the spark-default.conf path. If not, the default path is spark-default.conf
–driver-memory MEM
- MEM: The memory size is 1 GB by default
- Example: 4 g
- JVM parameters for the driver
- Example: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS = “- Xmx512m – Xms64m”
- The jar package directory (directory!) that the program depends on.
- The program depends on the JAR package, more than please use
Space. Note: The –jars parameters will also be loaded here, don’t add them again
- The program depends on the JAR package, more than please use
–executor-memory MEM
- Excutor memory to how much, default to 1G
- Example: 4 g
–proxy-user NAME
- As a proxy user, you write root and execute the program as root. Make sure you have the permission of root ~
- Print out all the debug information. If there is an abnormal use of the general program
- Prints the Spark version
Parameter unique to Yarn
- –queue QUEUE_NAME
- QUEUE_NAME: Specifies the queue name on which your application is running in the YARN resource pool. The default is
- QUEUE_NAME: Specifies the queue name on which your application is running in the YARN resource pool. The default is
- –executor-cores NUM
- NUM: Give executor several virtual cores. The default value is 1
- Example: 4
- –num-executors NUM
- NUM: Give several executors. 2 by default
- Example: 4
- –archives ARCHIVES
- No, I don’t know
- –principal PRINCIPAL
- No, I don’t know
- –keytab KEYTAB
- No, I don’t know