I. History of the CSS

CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets (Cascading Style Sheets), is a language for decorating web pages. Hakon Wium Lie first proposed the concept of CSS in 1996.

  • Why are they called Cascading style sheets

Demo code:

  font-size : 50px;
  color : red;
Copy the code


As shown in the figure, the first P tag is styled twice, and the second P tag is styled with a different selector.

  • CSS version
version time Focus on
CSS1 In 1996, No need to worry
CSS2 In 1998, No need to worry
This writing In 2004 ~ 2011 Most widely used version (IE support)
CSS3 It was drafted in 199 Modern version, modular (partially supported by IE8)
CSS4* Upgrade by Module There is no
  • How do I know which browsers support which features: usecaniuse.com

2. Systematic learning

1 Learning Content

  • grammar
  • Debug (find bugs)
  • Check information
  • Standard setter

1.1 grammar

  • Grammar a

  • Grammar two

1.2 Debugging

  • W3C Online Validator (no use)
  • VScode color will write the approximate error location
  • Use WedStorm(download, open once for convenience)
  • Use developer tools to see warnings

  • Border debugging method (important)

  background: black;
      border: 5px solid green;
  font-size: 50px;
Copy the code

Border debugging for bug comparison graph

1.3 check information

2. How to learn

  • Copy – Copy the document, copy the teacher
  • Run – To run code on your own machine
  • Modify – Add your own ideas and run again

Document flow

Normal Flow: Flow direction of elements in a document from left to right, top to bottom.

Display: inline/block/inline – block for regulation of element is an inline element or block-level elements

Do not put blocks inside inline elements

The width of block level elements is as wide as possible by default, but not 100%. You can use style=”width:100%” to set this to 100%, but never, because it is buggy

  1. Flow direction
    • The inline element goes from left to right to the rightmost newline
    • Block elements go from top to bottom, each on a line
    • Inline-blocks are also left to right and must be in blocks, not separated
  2. The width of the
    • Inline cannot specify the width with width, which is the sum of the widths of the internal inline elements
    • Block can be specified with width, which is automatically calculated by default
    • Inline-block can be specified with width
  3. highly
    • Inline is determined indirectly by line-height and cannot be specified by height
    • The block is determined by the internal document flow element and can be specified with height
    • Inline-block can be specified with height
  4. overflow

  border:2px solid red;
  height: 200px ;
  /*overflow: hidden/auto/scroll/visible/*/
  overflow: auto ;
Copy the code
  1. Out of document flow

4. Box model

  1. Two box models
  • Content-box: The content is the boundary of the box

    Width = content width

  • Border-box Indicates the border of the box

    Width = content width +padding+border

Without specifying width and height, there is no difference between the two models

  • Border – box
  1. Margin merging

There is only a top-down merger, not a left-right merger

  • Parent-child margin merges, first-child and last-child margin merges with parent margin
``` .partent{ margin: 30px 0; } .child{ border: 2px solid green; margin: 30px 0; } ' '* * border: 2px solid red; margin: 30px 0; } .child1{ border: 2px solid green; margin: 30px 0; } .child2{ border: 2px solid green; margin: 30px 0; } ` ` `Copy the code

©This article is for personal study only. Sources:Valley of hungry people