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This article is the eighth session of the interview into the big factory, the front early talk 54, from dingding front-end team wigs share a brief version of the speech (the complete version of the demo please see the video and PPT) :

Front end to interview | wig – how to win the front end of the nailing P7 Offer

To introduce myself

Hi, my name is Wig, and I’m from the Front end team at Nails.

Let me tell you a little bit about the origin of the flower name. It might seem like a middle one. It’s a character from an anime that I like. Because when I joined Ali in 2014, all the good names had been taken, and I chose a name that looked like a mediocre one.

My real name is Liu Chang. First, let me introduce myself briefly.

Work experience

My job hunting experience is not very rich, I have only worked for two companies, but I have interviewed many candidates in my career so far, so TODAY I would like to briefly talk about my own experience. From 2012 to 2014, I worked for IBM, mainly responsible for front-end development of Then I joined Ali in 2014 until now. When I first joined Ali, I was in charge of the business related to merchant domain and marketing scene and the construction of partnership system in Aliexpress team. Later, I was in charge of some systems and businesses related to 1688 procurement transaction coordination in ICBU and CBU team. Then a good opportunity in January, 20, I joined Dingding and now I am in charge of IM front end team in Dingding.

How to win the nail front-end P7 offer

Today to share my topic is how to win nailing front-end P7 offer, actually I’m shifted from internal transfers to certain, can and social recruiting process for everyone a little bit a little bit different, but the process is for my own career is one of the more important choice, equivalent to the transition time, So today I would like to share some of my own experiences and thoughts, which are mainly divided into selection, preparation, process feeling and suggestions.


First, let’s talk about the choice. I think the reason for changing a job may be different, but I think the standard is relatively consistent to measure whether an opportunity is good or not. Many people may think that a new opportunity to earn more money will be better, or a new opportunity to live a more comfortable life will be better. However, I think a new opportunity is a good opportunity if it can make me appreciate and grow up. There may be two reasons for me to choose this time. One reason is family, and another important reason is that I think the opportunity of Dingding will allow me to grow up more.


So I’m going to talk about three dimensions, the first is technology, the second is business, and the third is industry.

On the first dimension technology dimension, I want to pass the change, can let oneself on the mobile end desktop client, including technically has accumulated in the field of IM, because before I mainly concentrated in the field of electricity plate and the front end of the background, I think I’m with the increase of work experience, in the field of technology needs further expansion and breakthrough, In my opinion, platform value and personal value cannot be equated. Therefore, no matter what platform WE are on, we should always pay attention to our own and technological growth. Joining Dingding, I want to gain more growth and expansion in technology.


The second point in our business, I think the nail business has maintained rapid growth over the past few years, in the process of business growth, there will be more challenging things, including more technical challenges and complexity of technology, I think if I can participate to face these challenges, get more for their growth.


The third from the industry, I think first say a big background, the current consumer Internet to industrial Internet transformation. For example, most of us have done online shopping, but the penetration rate of the Internet in the whole industry, including toB and toG, is still not high. If the Internet application is looking for the next growth point, I think it is highly likely to be toB and toG. As for Dingding, we are geared towards IM, co-working and online education scenarios, and I think a lot of teams are getting involved in the industry both before and after the pandemic. With the development of this industry, I think there will be more possibilities in the future. If I join this industry now, I will also have more possibilities in the future.

When choosing to join nailing is about these three factors, if the upside down, I think the booming industry will bring more business and products on the demand of challenge and opportunity, this time also can produce more difficulties and opportunities, at that time I have some choices also consider a lot, but nailing is at that time, including present and future, It’s a better direction and choice for me and maybe for all of you in front of the screen.

To prepare

Said the next, and then if you want to do the interview for P7 this level of preparation, I think is important to know your location and the requirement of the hierarchy, and then I think their positioning in two dimensions, the first dimension is a review of their rigid technical ability, for now you different technology stacks, different technical direction, What kind of level are they? I think everyone in the choice before or are preparing for a interview, you must make a comprehensive assessment to himself, and then conclude what features you have, what are your core competitiveness, if didn’t do it, you can take a piece of paper write their own abilities, characteristics and the core competitiveness, and then focusing and P7 level requirement to do.

Identify your position and understand the hierarchy requirements

In the past, many big guys have shared different levels of requirements, my understanding may be one-sided, for P7 requirements:

  1. Complexity, before you prepare for the interview, you should review some of the things you’ve done before, first, is it complicated, and second, what is it complicated? How did you solve the third one? You have to think about it.

  2. Systematic, you solve these complex technical and business problems point by point. Or should we take a systematic approach?

  3. Replicability, based on business input, current status and problems, and other challenges that may arise in the future, what judgments have you made? As you solve the current problem, can you replicate your current success in more and bigger scenarios in the future?

  4. The fourth team is optional, I think, but if you can demonstrate a lot of altruism at the P7 level, including the ability to mentor others and feed your team, I think that’s a plus for you.

Therefore, from my perspective, the requirements of this level are relatively clear. You should take a look at your current abilities and the requirements of this level during the preparation process. If you have met the requirements, you can contact me to try. Of course, you can contact me at any time to communicate.


And then there’s process, I understand half of the industry for ali interview evaluation, good part, most of us think ali interviewer are relatively more professional, most of the body feeling good, the interview much more negative in ali said all of the interview process will be a little bit longer, although I was converted, but I completely full experience of nailing the interview process. So the process of dingding interview gives me a feeling of rigor and fullness.

The first to third rounds are mainly to investigate the basic technical ability, business understanding and some judgment and thinking in the previous project process. Each round will have a little emphasis. Generally speaking, the first round may be more inclined to technical details. The second or third round may focus more on people’s thinking and growth. Then the fourth round was the HR interview. Many of my friends talked to me before, and they thought the HR interview was quite metaphysical, but I thought it was ok. Let me take a good example, if you come to dingding interview and want to work with us to finish dingding, but you know nothing about dingding product, If dingding is a video software, I think the HR round may be suspended. The HR round is to select partners who conform to the direction of the company and agree with the values of the company. Therefore, in the HR round, you should pay attention to your comprehensive ability, willingness, identity and determination.

Then Dingding now requires all technical posts to do written tests, this is a mandatory requirement, I think this is quite good, this is also the reason why I think he plump. Because our written examination is not a formality, nor does it mean that the interviewer says it is ok to pass the written examination. The written examination will be submitted to the final examination committee for scoring. Only those who meet the mark can pass.

Why is there such a high requirement? I think it is because it is relatively difficult to make the nail work. We need more excellent students to come in, so people will pay more attention to the interview and written test.

The whole process may take a little longer, but I think it’s worth it. We make a two-way choice with a responsible attitude towards each other. For students to choose a new opportunity, it’s very important in your career is a choice, for new partners to join the team to have a new classmate, also is an important thing, so I think it is in line with a responsible attitude to both sides, we do the work at the front, when classmates join in landing link will go smoothly in the future.


Then I will talk about my feelings after joining the Dingding team. I feel nervous and lively.

I would like to share with you that the reason for the tension is from the iteration and the scene. The iteration is three weeks, and the iteration itself is very compact. Moreover, I joined Dingding in January, and then the epidemic started in February and March. The whole team was in a state of war, and I became nervous. Whether it’s the epidemic or the iteration, we made a lot of things work efficiently, which I think is a good thing for me personally. That’s why I can feel the tension in spike’s face. At the same time, I think the tension is also related to the scene. Now Dingding is a hundred-million-level platform, and there are not many apps over hundred-million-level in the whole Ali economy. At the same time, we have positioned Dingding as a financial level application, so its stability and experience are very important. I think people are in awe of the quality of the code, so that’s another element of nervousness.

The second thing I feel is liveliness. I think liveliness comes from the team, because if the development is tense and the atmosphere is depressed, it will be difficult. However, IN Dingding, I think the atmosphere of the team is very relaxed and lively, which is also an important reason for me to land well in Dingding, because I think the landing curve of P7 level in Ali is not very smooth, which should be full of challenges. However, thanks to the relaxed atmosphere and support of the team, I fell to the ground quickly.


Then I would like to give you some advice. My advice is practice and determination. First to recommend a book called deliberate practice, I have learned a lot of valuable experience from this book. I think if you are not satisfied with your current situation, or you have made up your mind to find a new opportunity, or you may find a new opportunity in the future, but you feel that there is a gap between your current ability and your goal, you need to do some exercises to improve yourself.

I break this process down into stages:

The first stage is to consciously, you have the consciousness of deliberate practice, how to let oneself have the consciousness, here you need to fully self assessment, clear objectives, such as technical ability or some other comprehensive ability, when you are clear about the goal and the existing gap between, you can in the process to do consciously practice, to improve yourself.

Once you’ve got your bearings, it’s also important to look for examples, such as examples around you, to focus on and give feedback. In the process of their own practice in time and their side of the model to do focus, the same code how others write, how to do, how to think. But at this point, many students may feel that I do not have the right role model around me, what to do at this time? The book also teaches us a lot of ways, you may not be the model of the people around you, in which case you need to look at the industry and the community, how the best people solve the same problem, how your own judgment is different from the judgment of others. Constantly improve yourself in the process. Again for instance you want to improve your team management ability, but now you don’t take no chance of a workout, so when some things happen, you can also try to put their own judgment to judge judgment to compare with others, and when you you consciously to ascend, your ability to may increase.

And then the third point is thinking and improving. When you find the direction and keep doing the exercises, you need to think about how you can do better, and then keep improving and improving yourself based on that thinking.

Another important factor is determination. Hesitation leads to defeat. A lot of times this can be painful because you have to get out of your comfort zone. Once you know what your goal is, you have to make up your mind to break it down into a plan and achieve it strategically. That’s about all I share.I’m the head of the nail IM line. Is the core team of Dingding, with mixed development, desktop development, small program development, H5 development and other rich direction, there are a lot of interesting, deep, valuable, challenging things to do! I hope more students join us to make nails!

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