As the operation of mobile APP is limited by different operating systems, most mobile APP development still needs to be independently developed for different system environments. However, in order to reduce the development cost and improve the code reuse rate, it is always the goal of cross-platform development framework to reduce the workload of developers to adapt to different platforms.

Currently, many developers are not sure which technology to choose to develop their applications quickly and cheaply, but if you are familiar with the history of cross-platform development, there are only two main cross-platform options available for 2021: Flutter or React Native.

Before making any formal comparisons, it is important to be clear that both The Flutter and React Native frameworks are excellent frameworks for building cross-platform mobile applications, but sometimes making the right decision depends on the perspective of business use. Therefore, nine important parameters are selected for the comparison of the two:

  • Who provides technical support?
  • The market share of the framework.
  • Dart Vs JavaScript
  • The technical architecture
  • performance
  • Developer friendliness, convenience and community support
  • UI components and customizations
  • Maintainability of code
  • The cost of the developer’s work

Tech support: Google vs. Facebook

Both Flutter and React Native frameworks stand behind tech giants, Google and Facebook respectively. Therefore, from this perspective, the two will become more perfect in the competition in the future. After all, they both have their own interest chains behind them.

First, let’s take a look at Flutter, which was officially launched by Google in 2017. Flutter is an advanced app software development kit (SDK) that includes all the widgets and tools that theoretically make the development process easier and simpler for developers. A wide selection of gadgets enables developers to build and deploy visually appealing, native-compiled applications in an easy way for multiple platforms, including mobile, web, and desktop, all using a single code base. Therefore, Flutter Application Development company has a better chance of ensuring you a faster, faster and more reliable application development solution.

In fact, Flutter was introduced as “Sky” at the Dart Developer Summit in 2015. Flutter has several advantages: first, it is free and open source; Second, the architecture is based on popular Reactive programming because it follows the same style as Reactive; Finally, thanks to the widget experience, the Flutter application has a pleasant UI that overall translates into an application that looks and feels good.

Take a look at React Native, a cross-platform mobile app development framework launched by Facebook in 2015. React Native uses the JavaScript development language, which makes it easy to develop apps for iOS and Android using the same code base. In addition, its code-sharing features make development faster and reduce development time. Flutter, like other cross-platform technologies, allows developers to build independent applications using the same code base and is therefore easier to maintain than native applications.

Of course, both Flutter and React Native support hot reloading, allowing developers to add or correct code directly to a running application without having to save the application, thus speeding up the development process. React Native is based on JavaScript, a popular language that developers can use easily. The React component wraps around existing Native code and interacts with Native apis through React’s declarative UI paradigm and JavaScript, making things much faster for developers.

Market share: The 50-50 pattern is changing

Overall, the two have similar market shares, but Flutter has recently been gaining ground. The best cross-platform mobile application development framework used by software development companies worldwide in 2019 and 2020 resulted in 42% of developers preferring to stay with React Native, while 39% chose Flutter. According to StackOverFlow, 68.8% of developers prefer to use Flutter for further development projects, while 57.9% are further interested in using React Native technology for application development.

Different market reports have different statistics. The strengths and weaknesses of Flutter and React Native can only be seen from some market trends:

  • Market Trend 1: Google Trends statistics show that Flutter’s search index has overtaken React Native’s in the past 12 months of analysis.
  • Market Trend 2: The younger Flutter has a community of 168,000 members and 118,000 stars on Github, while the more mature React Native has only 207,000 members and 94,600 stars on Github.

  • Trend 3: React Native is crushing Flutter with 42% market share, according to Statista, but the gap between Flutter and React Native is getting smaller and smaller, with its market share jumping from 30% to 39% in one year.

Language comparison: Dart Vs JavaScript

Dart, the development language for Flutter, was unveiled at Google’s 2011 GOTO conference in Aarhus, Denmark. Dart is an object-oriented, class-defined, single-inheritance language that has a syntax similar to C and can be translated into JavaScript. Support for interfaces, mixins, abstract classes, Reified Generics, optional typing, and Sound Type systems With AOT and JIT compilers, Dart’s biggest advantage is speed, running twice as fast as JavaScript, but Dart is a relatively new language that requires familiarity with Java or C++ application development.

React Native uses Javascript language that has been widely used in the IT industry for many years, JSX similar to HTML, and CSS to develop mobile applications. Therefore, technicians familiar with Web front-end development need little learning to enter the field of mobile application development. However, JavaScript threads take time to initialize, so React Native takes a lot of time to initialize and run before the initial rendering. React Native has already released an upgrade line and will open source an updated version in the near future. With the release of React Native, the performance of Flutter will be on par.

The technical architecture

Technically speaking, Flutter is definitely an advanced cross-platform technology solution. It provides a layered architecture to ensure a high degree of customization, while React Native relies on other software to build reaction components and uses JavaScriptBridge to bridge connections to Native Native modules. Bridging can affect performance even with slight changes, and the Flutter can manage everything without bridging.

Flutter provides a layered architecture that paves the way for simple and quick UI customization. It is supposed to give you complete control over every pixel on the screen and allow mobile app development companies to integrate overlay and animate graphics, text, video and controls without any restrictions.

The Architecture of the Flutter mobile platform is slightly different from that of other Web platforms. The common part of the Flutter mobile platform is the Dart part, or Dart Framework. The common part of Flutter mainly implements two kinds of logic: first, developers can write Ui through the Flutter Ui system, and second, they can write platform-independent logic using the Dart virtual machine and Dart language. This is also the core of Flutter cross-platform, just as Java applications can run on Linux, Windows, And MacOs, and Web applications can run on any platform. With the Dart VIRTUAL machine, the UI and system logic can be written in the Dart language, run in the Dart VIRTUAL machine, and be cross-platform.

React Native relies on other software to build reaction components, and its architecture is divided into three parts as a whole: Native, JavaScript and Bridge, where Native manages UI updates and interactions, JavaScript calls Native capabilities to realize business functions, and Bridge transmits messages between them. React Native has three main threads: UI Thread, Shadow Thread for layout calculation and UI interface construction, and JS Thread for JavaScript code to perform tasks in this Thread.

Since it relies on other software to build reaction components, it will be subject to the following upon startup: it must first initialize the React Native runtime environment (i.e. the Bridge), and when the Bridge is ready, it will start running JS and finally start Native rendering. From an architectural point of view, Flutter does have higher performance and is more in line with current cross-platform development needs.

Learning costs and community support

When it comes to building enterprise applications, community support is a factor that must be examined. React Native and Flutter have been in the industry for years, with the latest technology updates and extensive community support backed by Google and Facebook. With each incremental release and technical update, community interest in and demand for the framework grows. Let’s take a look at how these two frameworks stand in terms of community engagement.

React Native launched in 2015, and its community has been growing, as evidenced by the number of contributors to the framework on Github. But although Flutter is still young and relatively new, it is beginning to show signs of gaining ground.

Maintainability of code

No matter how great your application is, it is necessary to constantly update and debug it for it to run smoothly. Compared to Flutter, maintaining code with React Native is really difficult.

In React Native, you need to write adaptation code separately in order to develop applications for different systems, which interferes with the framework logic and slows down the development process. Also, in React Native applications, most Native components have a dependency on a third-party library, so maintaining these out-of-date libraries can be a really challenging task.

Because Flutter code logic is relatively simple and does not need to adapt to different operating systems, it is much easier to maintain Flutter code, allowing mobile application developers to easily find problems and provide data support for external tools and supporting third-party libraries.

In addition, it took better time to publish quality updates and make immediate changes to applications in Flutter than it did with React Native’s thermal reloading feature.

Development costs

Whether it’s a startup or an advanced Internet company, development costs are always a concern. Therefore, when you choose to hire a Reaction native development company or a Flutter application engineer, you may need to evaluate their rates, different places have different development costs.

Therefore, before officially launching a project, both Flutter and React Native need to consider the quality of the developer, such as experience, expertise, project handling and other development costs, in order to assess the actual hourly cost of the developer. Here is a question about the development costs of Flutter and React Native.

In addition, when choosing between Flutter and React Native, we also need to consider their customization capabilities. Both Flutter and React Native have their own set of UI components and widgets. Flutter is also known for its beautiful UI native widgets, rendered and managed by the framework’s graphics engine.

React Native only provides basic tools to adapt to the platform, such as buttons, sliders, and load indicators. If you need to develop complex functions, you need to use third-party components.