When I first started learning programming, there were countless times when I picked it up and gave it up, again and again.

This is a common phenomenon for self-taught programming.

Looking back, I finally realized what had happened.

Many beginners start learning code by picking up any language and following a bunch of tutorials.

Copying code line by line, sometimes writing code to count primes, other times finding all the even numbers.

But you know what? I can do a Google search to find prime numbers faster, which is really boring.

Here’s the thing. If you’re learning to code for the sake of learning to code, it’s hard to master it.

Skills that take a lot of time to hone, like programming, can drain your intrinsic motivation. Something that comes from within makes you forget about eating and sleeping. I can honestly say that coding on my own projects is one of the most enjoyable things I do. It combines logical thinking with creativity, and in the end, you’ll get somewhere.

In most cases, things the world has never seen before. Something that will make your life easier and more enjoyable.

It can make people’s life easier and more enjoyable.

It’s like building a beautiful custom motorcycle in your yard without a garage and without spending a penny on parts. This is what motivates most people.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that you start learning about code and learn how to write anything by following a tutorial.

Of course, you’re unlikely to write a clash of Clans or League of Legends game in the first place.

But you can make some interesting things. It can be a dice game or a blog application.

But as long as by the end of the tutorial you’ve done something you can use regularly, you’ll be more motivated to follow through with the code.

Come up with a simple application that you want to do. Using the skills they learned in programming classes, but also slightly extended, I have a friend who developed an app that wakes him up a minute earlier each day to facilitate the transition to an earlier wake-up time.

A friend also made a custom slideshow app for Mother’s Day. Your imagination is unlimited. It can be difficult when you start developing your own application because there are no instructions for breaking down tasks. But it also gives you the biggest boost in coding.