
SpannableStringBuilder has the same functionality as SpannableString, but SpannableStringBuilder can be concatenated using setSpan.

Start: specifies the start position of the Span. End: specifies the end position of the Span. Flags: The values can be four spannable. SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE: SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE: spannable.span_inclusive_inclusive: spannable.span_inclusive_inclusive: spannable.span_inclusive_inclusive: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE: spannable.SPAN_exclusive_EXCLUSIVE: spannable.SPAN_exclusive_exclusive: spannable.span_exclusive_exclusive: spannable.span_exclusive_exclusive: Does not include the front does not include Spannable. SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE: does not include the front, behind, including: the corresponding various Span, different Span corresponding to different styles. Known available classes are: BackgroundColorSpan: text background color ForegroundColorSpan: text color MaskFilterSpan: Modifier effects, such as BlurMaskFilter relief RasterizerSpan: StrikethroughSpan: deletion lines SuggestionSpan: equivalent to placeholder UnderlineSpan: Underline AbsoluteSizeSpan: Text font (absolute size) DynamicDrawableSpan: Sets the picture based on text baseline or bottom alignment. ImageSpan: relative size (text font) ScaleXSpan: Based on the X axis to scale the StyleSpan: bold, italic, etc. SubscriptSpan: TextAppearanceSpan (including font, size, style and color) TypefaceSpan (URLSpan) : Text hyperlink ClickableSpan: Click eventCopy the code

Simple Usage Example

Initialize SpannableString or SpannableStringBuilder and then set the corresponding setPan to achieve the corresponding effect.

SpannableString SpannableString = new SpannableString(" What to set "); ForegroundColorSpan colorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.parseColor("#009ad6")); spannableString.setSpan(colorSpan, 0, 8, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); ((TextView)findViewById(;Copy the code

For details, see: powerful SpannableStringBuilder

Encapsulation using

For many functions can be encapsulated, simplified use, here uses the extension function, more convenient to use in Kotlin, but can also be used in Java, using the following:

In the first case, the content to be set is already a complete piece of content

Note: the first SRC is initialized by default. If you continue to initialize SRC, the previous setting will be invalid and only the last one will take effect. Both target and range are used to determine the range of text to be changed.

  1. Sets the effect for the entire string

    SRC and target are equal to the text of TextView by default

    // For the entire text set method 1,textView has already set the content, SizeSpan (textSize = 20f) tvtvone2. typeSpan(SRC = "all bold ",target =" all bold ", type = SsbKtx.type_bold)Copy the code
  2. Set some text effects

    There are three types of type, corresponding to bold, tilt, and bold tilt

    // tvtv2. typeSpan(range = 2.. TypeSpan (target = "part ",type = ssBKtx.type_bold) // Set the bold tilt effect tvtv3. typeSpan(range = 0.. 4,type = SsbKtx.type_bold_italic)Copy the code
  3. Set multiple effects for the same text

    For multiple effects on the same part, only set SRC for the first one. Subsequent Settings will invalidate the previous ones.

    // tvTv4.typeSpan(range = 0.. 4,type = SsbKtx.type_bold_italic) // .foregroundColorIntSpan(range = 0.. 4,color = Color.GREEN) // .strikethroughSpan(range = 0.. Tvtv4.typespan (SRC = "SRC ", range = 0.. tvtv4.typespan (SRC =" SRC ", range = 0.. 4,type = SsbKtx.type_bold_italic) .foregroundColorIntSpan(range = 0.. 4,color = Color.GREEN) .strikethroughSpan(range = 0.. 4)Copy the code
  4. Set different effects for different text

    tvTv5.typeSpan(range = 0.. 4,type = SsbKtx.type_bold_italic) .foregroundColorIntSpan(range = 7.. 11,color = Color.BLUE)Copy the code
  5. Set part click

    tvTv6.clickIntSpan(range = 0.. 4){ Toast.makeText(this, "hello", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }Copy the code
  6. Set up some hyperlinks

    tvTv7.urlSpan(range = 0.. 4,url = "")Copy the code

In the second case, concatenate to a complete string

  1. Spliced into complete content

    AppendTypeSpan (" bold ", ssbktx.type_bold).strikethroughspan (target = "bold ")// Perform multiple effects on the same part of the text AppendForegroundColorIntSpan (" change font Color, Color. RED)Copy the code

    If you want to do multiple effects on the concatenated content, you can call the corresponding method after it, as long as the Traget or Range is correct.

The complete code

object SsbKtx {
    const val flag = SpannableStringBuilder.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE
    const val type_bold = Typeface.BOLD
    const val type_italic = Typeface.ITALIC
    const val type_bold_italic = Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC

 *CharSequence不为 null 或者 empty
fun CharSequence?.isNotNullOrEmpty() = !isNullOrEmpty()

 * @param target
 * @return
fun CharSequence.range(target: CharSequence): IntRange {
    val start = this.indexOf(target.toString())
    return start..(start + target.length)

 * @return
fun CharSequence.sizeSpan(range: IntRange, textSize: Int): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(AbsoluteSizeSpan(textSize), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @return
fun CharSequence.typeSpan(range: IntRange, type: Int): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(StyleSpan(type), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.underlineSpan(range: IntRange): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(UnderlineSpan(), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.strikethroughSpan(range: IntRange): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(StrikethroughSpan(), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.foregroundColorSpan(range: IntRange, color: Int = Color.RED): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(color), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.backgroundColorSpan(range: IntRange, color: Int = Color.RED): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(BackgroundColorSpan(color), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.quoteColorSpan(range: IntRange, color: Int = Color.RED): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(QuoteSpan(color), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.proportionSpan(range: IntRange, proportion: Float): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(RelativeSizeSpan(proportion), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.proportionXSpan(range: IntRange, proportion: Float): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(ScaleXSpan(proportion), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.superscriptSpan(range: IntRange): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(SuperscriptSpan(), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.subscriptSpan(range: IntRange): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(SubscriptSpan(), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.fontSpan(range: IntRange, font: String): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(TypefaceSpan(font), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

fun CharSequence.fontSpan(range: IntRange, font: Typeface): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(TypefaceSpan(font), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.alignSpan(range: IntRange, align: Layout.Alignment): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(AlignmentSpan.Standard(align), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.urlSpan(range: IntRange, url: String): CharSequence {
    return SpannableStringBuilder(this).apply {
        setSpan(URLSpan(url), range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 * @param range
 * @return
fun CharSequence.clickSpan(
    range: IntRange,
    color: Int = Color.RED,
    isUnderlineText: Boolean = false,
    clickAction: () -> Unit
): CharSequence {
    return SpannableString(this).apply {
        val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
            override fun onClick(widget: View) {

            override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) {
                ds.color = color
                ds.isUnderlineText = isUnderlineText
        setSpan(clickableSpan, range.first, range.last, SsbKtx.flag)

 *设置目标文字大小, src,target 为空时,默认设置整个 text
 * @return
fun TextView?.sizeSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    @DimenRes textSize: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        textSize == 0 -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.sizeSpan(range, ResUtils.getDimensionPixelSize(textSize))
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.sizeSpan(src.range(target!!), ResUtils.getDimensionPixelSize(textSize))
        else -> this

 *设置目标文字大小, src,target 为空时,默认设置整个 text
 * @return
fun TextView?.sizeSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    textSize: Float
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        textSize == 0f -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.sizeSpan(range, DensityUtils.dp2px(textSize))
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.sizeSpan(src.range(target!!), DensityUtils.dp2px(textSize))
        else -> this

 * @param str
 * @param textSize
 * @return
fun TextView?.appendSizeSpan(str: String?, textSize: Float): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.sizeSpan(, DensityUtils.dp2px(textSize)))
    return this

fun TextView?.appendSizeSpan(str: String?, @DimenRes textSize: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.sizeSpan(, ResUtils.getDimensionPixelSize(textSize)))
    return this

 *设置目标文字类型(加粗,倾斜,加粗倾斜),src,target 为空时,默认设置整个 text
 * @return
fun TextView?.typeSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    type: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.typeSpan(range, type)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.typeSpan(src.range(target!!), type)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendTypeSpan(str: String?, type: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.typeSpan(, type))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.underlineSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.underlineSpan(range)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.underlineSpan(src.range(target!!))
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendUnderlineSpan(str: String?): TextView? {
    str?.let {
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.strikethroughSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.strikethroughSpan(range)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.strikethroughSpan(src.range(target!!))
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendStrikethroughSpan(str: String?): TextView? {
    str?.let {
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.foregroundColorIntSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    color: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.foregroundColorSpan(range, color)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.foregroundColorSpan(src.range(target!!), color)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendForegroundColorIntSpan(str: String?, color: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.foregroundColorSpan(, color))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.foregroundColorSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    @ColorRes color: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.foregroundColorSpan(range, ResUtils.getColor(color))
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.foregroundColorSpan(src.range(target!!), ResUtils.getColor(color))
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendForegroundColorSpan(str: String?, @ColorRes color: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.foregroundColorSpan(, ResUtils.getColor(color)))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.backgroundColorIntSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    color: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.backgroundColorSpan(range, color)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.backgroundColorSpan(src.range(target!!), color)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendBackgroundColorIntSpan(str: String?, color: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.backgroundColorSpan(, color))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.backgroundColorSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    @ColorRes color: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.backgroundColorSpan(range, ResUtils.getColor(color))
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.backgroundColorSpan(src.range(target!!), ResUtils.getColor(color))
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendBackgroundColorSpan(str: String?, @ColorRes color: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.backgroundColorSpan(, ResUtils.getColor(color)))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.quoteColorIntSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    color: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.quoteColorSpan(range, color)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.quoteColorSpan(src.range(target!!), color)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendQuoteColorIntSpan(str: String?, color: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.quoteColorSpan(, color))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.quoteColorSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    @ColorRes color: Int
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.quoteColorSpan(range, ResUtils.getColor(color))
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.quoteColorSpan(src.range(target!!), ResUtils.getColor(color))
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendQuoteColorSpan(str: String?, @ColorRes color: Int): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.quoteColorSpan(, ResUtils.getColor(color)))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.proportionSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    proportion: Float
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.proportionSpan(range, proportion)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.proportionSpan(src.range(target!!), proportion)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendProportionSpan(str: String?, proportion: Float): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.proportionSpan(, proportion))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.proportionXSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    proportion: Float
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.proportionXSpan(range, proportion)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.proportionXSpan(src.range(target!!), proportion)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendProportionXSpan(str: String?, proportion: Float): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.proportionXSpan(, proportion))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.superscriptSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.superscriptSpan(range)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.superscriptSpan(src.range(target!!))
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendSuperscriptSpan(str: String?): TextView? {
    str?.let {
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.subscriptSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.subscriptSpan(range)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.subscriptSpan(src.range(target!!))
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendSubscriptSpan(str: String?): TextView? {
    str?.let {
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.fontSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    font: String
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.fontSpan(range, font)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.fontSpan(src.range(target!!), font)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendFontSpan(str: String?, font: String): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.fontSpan(, font))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.fontSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    font: Typeface
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.fontSpan(range, font)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.fontSpan(src.range(target!!), font)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendFontSpan(str: String?, font: Typeface): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.fontSpan(, font))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.alignSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    align: Layout.Alignment
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            text = src.alignSpan(range, align)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            text = src.alignSpan(src.range(target!!), align)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendAlignSpan(str: String?, align: Layout.Alignment): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.alignSpan(, align))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.urlSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    url: String
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
            text = src.urlSpan(range, url)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
            text = src.urlSpan(src.range(target!!), url)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendUrlSpan(str: String?, url: String): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.urlSpan(, url))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.clickIntSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    color: Int = Color.RED,
    isUnderlineText: Boolean = false,
    clickAction: () -> Unit
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
            highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT  // remove click bg color
            text = src.clickSpan(range, color, isUnderlineText, clickAction)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
            highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT  // remove click bg color
            text = src.clickSpan(src.range(target!!), color, isUnderlineText, clickAction)
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendClickIntSpan(
    str: String?, color: Int = Color.RED,
    isUnderlineText: Boolean = false,
    clickAction: () -> Unit
): TextView? {
    str?.let {
        this?.append(it.clickSpan(, color, isUnderlineText, clickAction))
    return this

 * @return
fun TextView?.clickSpan(
    src: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    target: CharSequence? = this?.text,
    range: IntRange? = null,
    @ColorRes color: Int,
    isUnderlineText: Boolean = false,
    clickAction: () -> Unit
): TextView? {
    return when {
        this == null -> this
        src.isNullOrEmpty() -> this
        target.isNullOrEmpty() && range == null -> this
        range != null -> {
            movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
            highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT  // remove click bg color
            text = src.clickSpan(range, ResUtils.getColor(color), isUnderlineText, clickAction)
        target.isNotNullOrEmpty() -> {
            movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
            highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT  // remove click bg color
            text = src.clickSpan(
        else -> this

fun TextView?.appendClickSpan(
    str: String?,
    @ColorRes color: Int,
    isUnderlineText: Boolean = false,
    clickAction: () -> Unit
): TextView? {
    str?.let {
    return this

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