Web front-end development evolved from Web page production, the name has a very obvious characteristics of The Times. In the evolution process of the Internet, web page production is the product of Web1.0 era, when the basic content of the website is dynamic, and users’ behavior of using the website is mainly browsing. Le byte

The job responsibility of the Web front-end is to use (X)HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, DOM and other Web skills to combine with the interface development of the product.

Whether you’re interested in the front end or the forward end, you have to read this plan. You have to write your own plan! For example, you have to finish jQuery by the end of April.

Web front-end development learning program


HTML+ CSS is the foundation of the web front-end, I recommend you to learn within 15 days! In fact, HTML tags are not many, understand the attributes and definitions of each tag line, CSS common attributes are not many, to practice, can be skilled combination and collocation! When you learn this, you don’t have to worry about page functionality, that’s javascript, that’s taboo.


Javascript is the heart of the Web front end, and that makes sense. Javascript is a scripting language, or a client-side scripting language commonly used to write special effects on web pages. It’s now common to use HTML + CSS in your browser… The combination with HTML5 + CSS3 has unexpected effects. If HTML+ CSS is Harley, javascript is the engine. It should be a ubiquitous scripting language, used in many places, and packaged with frameworks like react. Js, angular.js, vue. Js, ext.js, imag.js, etc., so it’s good.Slow down and you can learn it in 1.5 months!

Learning Content: JavaScript programming, JavaScript syntax, data types, operators, expressions, flow control, JavaScript internal objects, arrays, strings, dates and times, mathematical functions, regular expressions, JavaScript functions, custom functions, global functions, BOM, Window object, Location object, history object usage. DHTML programming, understanding DOM trees, DOM objects, properties, methods, and events of common DOM objects, writing event handlers, manipulating HTML documents using DOM, traversing nodes in the document tree, searching for specific elements in the document, modifying document content, adding new content to the document, manipulating XML documents using DOM.


The picture

JQuery is a multi-browser compatible javascript library with the core idea of doing more with less. Because of the low cost of development, many companies do use, WEB front-end engineers must. It is also a lightweight js library that is compatible with CSS3 and a wide variety of browsers (IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+). Browser ie6/7/8 will no longer be supported in jQuery2.0 and later versions.

Learning content: Understanding JQuery, introduction to selector, CSS selector, JQuery selector and its advantages, basic selector, level selector, filter selector, form selector, selector practice cases, etc. DOM: DOM classification, find element/attribute node, create element/attribute/text node, insert node, delete node, copy node, replace node, wrap node, attribute operation, style operation, traversal node, CSS-DOM operation; Animation and Events: Events in jQuery, DOM loading, event binding, Compositing events, event bubbling, properties of event objects, Remove events registered on buttons, simulation actions, animation in jQuery.

The learning period should be about a month


The picture

Bootstrap, derived from Twitter, is currently a popular front-end framework. Bootstrap is simple and flexible based on HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT, making Web development faster. Also a CSS/HTML framework. Bootstrap provides elegant HTML and CSS specifications.

Learning content: responsive page development and design, powerful grid layout, built-in CSS class library, JS plug-in, fast layout mall page.

4. Photoshop (ps)

The picture

Web front-end developers must have some photoshop skills, such as Photoshop slicing. Many companies are giving you web front-end developer PSD files, which you must be able to learn in a day.

The last

Web knowledge is relatively not so boring, we must “dry up” when learning, more practice and more code, what kind of page you like, quickly read more and knock on the source code, see more of their own will do. What a proud thing it is to make the website you want.

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