Training is an important part, and there is training in the company. For PMO project management office, it is related to the project technology and business training, in order to enable project team members to quickly learn the project business content and the required technical content, and then enter the project development and construction as soon as possible, with the project manager’s plan to complete the project.

I. Project manager training;

For project managers, they should have relevant project management knowledge, such as the PROJECT Management Body of Knowledge guide. Then, the project manager needs to have some technical skills, but most of all, the project manager needs to have the business knowledge required for the current project, and the project manager needs to have the ability to manage project people. The following blog post introduces the training of project personnel from the most basic training content:

1, 5, project team staff training – project management series of articles

2. 4. Department personnel training – Department management experience talk

Ii. Training related to project resources;

Project managers in the project management, the first need to project resources required by the technical, business and management knowledge content to learn, so as to be familiar with the project under the situation of project management. At the same time, the project team also needs to train the project resources to be developed and constructed, and then cooperate with the project plan made by the project manager to complete the project content completely.

According to the training content of the project team, the training of relevant personnel and contents required by PMO project Management Office is introduced above, hoping to do a good job in the training of PMO.