1: phpvirtualbox/phpvirtualbox PHP version of the VirtualBox, virtual machines on the Web

You’ve used VirtualBox, it’s pretty good, right? They have a PHP version. That’s how fun it is.

Have what use, if you use a less than the host, do not match screen to him, want to regard him as an experiment machine, install a virtual machine, measure play at any time, how can do, at most at most also Windows remote desktop, slightly fierce point install Linux command line, but command line operation virtual machine trouble point, Installing a remote desktop is even more troublesome. Install a PHP version of Vbox and type in the IP port.

2: [PH-7 /obfuscator] THE PHP code obfuscates the encryptor

PHP encryption extensions are a lot of, basically charging, principle also need additional extensions. This encryption library directly translates PHP code into non-reversible text encoding, does not rely on extensions, does not degrade performance, suitable for encrypting class code files.

3: [Kiddyu/Beanbun] a simple extensible crawler framework

This is a simple crawler framework based on Workwerman, which encapsulates a series of DOM interfaces. But WHEN I do crawlers, I do timed tasks.

4: [Walkor /workerman-todpole] Tadpole chat room, very interesting

Open the page and enter an infinite space where many tadpoles wander and send messages to each other. Interesting.

5: [Symfony /process] easy to use asynchronous call system command components

Still calling commands with exec? Alas, trouble ah, such a good library unexpectedly do not know.

6: [Symfony/Finder] Easy to use and efficient, operating directories has never been easier!

Still writing your own function to recursively traverse the directory? Low ah, such a good library, use better than “my computer”.

7: [Kosinix/Grafika] Simple and smart, processing images is so convenient

Who uses gd library synthesis picture directly again, who is disagreeable yangshou too much, this library does clipping that all is intelligence. (But the composite poster is now using canvas, compression image watermarking is still good)

8: [LINfo/LINfo] let you recognize yourself, comprehensive access to the system status

Elegantly obtain system state (network /torrents/ CPU/memory/USB/PCI/sound card/file system/RAID array/IPMI/etc.).

9:[guzzlehttp/guzzle] Still searching the Internet for curl’s function? Use this elegant and easy to use HTTP client

I don’t need to tell you much about this. [guzzle HTTP /guzzle] is an HTTP client for PHP that does exactly what curl does, but is much simpler to use, more applicable, and cleaner to code.

10:[Clue/Redis-server] a pure PHP implementation of redis server

What is Redis? Redis is an open source, C language written, support network interaction, memory based and persistent key-value database.

Redis is the most widely available solution when you encounter performance enhancing scenarios such as queuing, seckilling, caching, etc., and can be installed with one click in the Pagoda panel. First of all, we introduced that Redis is developed in C language. Recently, there are many Go enthusiasts developed versions of Go. Have you seen PHP version of Redis?

A PHP Redis server project called CLUE /php-redis-server. The plan for this project is to implement the following functions:

  • Use Redis protocol
  • Implement storage of data in memory
  • Compatible with common Redis clients
  • Redis command line
  • Redis standard
  • Robust and modern design with testable modular components
  • Implement all standard operations (not all yet)


I haven’t started writing an introduction to this project yet, but it’s worth it. Simply put, nodejs for PHP. Interesting enough to say, isn’t it?


We all know phP-FPM, birdman said, it’s a PHP hack. So what is PHP-PM? This is made of a service framework, ReactPHP framework used to run your business, such as Symfony Laravel, Zend, WordPress. Claims to be faster than PHP-FPM.

If you still don’t understand, then you can check out Webman, which is a service framework under Workerman. It simply means that you can run your projects with Webman instead of PHP-FPM, and it usually works well with TP. They’re all home-grown. They claim to be faster than PHP-FPM, and there’s swoole, a service framework that ditched PHP-FPM.

To run your business code based on Swoole, all swoole frameworks claim to be faster than PHP-FPM. Most people in the country know what swoole’s service framework is, and you can understand phP-PM in this way, which is the service framework of reactPHP.

13: skydiablo/ SkyRadius 

As far as I know, it was the first RADIUS server, dial-up authentication service, as for what it was, you know, I don’t know, but it felt so awesome.

Pay attention and don’t get lost

All right, everybody, that’s all for this article. All the people here are talented. As mentioned earlier, PHP has a lot of technical points, but there are too many to write, and you won’t read too much after you write it, so I have arranged it into PDF and document, if you need to click here shimo.im/docs/rjJttd… >>> How to grow as an architect