
Ajax application and server data transfer

SpringMVC needs to convert JSON data and Java entity classes to and from each other when performing Ajax operations, which requires an additional additionJackson – all – 1.9.11. Jar

1. Send data from the browser to handler


<button id="btn1"> </button>Copy the code


< script type = "text/javascript" SRC = "${pageContext. Request. ContextPath} / jQuery/jQuery - 3.2.1. Js" > < / script > < script Type = "text/javascript" > $(function () {$(" # btn1 "). Click (function () {/ / experiment 1: Send scattered data/var/request address url = "${pageContext. Request. ContextPath} / one"; / var/request parameters param = {" empId ": 20," userName ":" Tom "and" random ": Math. The random ()}; Var callBack = function(response){console.log(response); }; Var type = "text"; $. POST (url, param, callBack, type); }); }); </script>Copy the code


// @responseBody returns the result of the handler method as the ResponseBody, and doesn't go to any more views. Charset =UTF-8" // If this is JSON data, the content type is: Application/JSON @requestMapping (value="/one", Produces ="text/ HTML; charset=UTF-8") public String one( @RequestParam("empId") Integer empId, @RequestParam("userName") String userName) { System.out.println("empId="+empId); System.out.println("userName="+userName); Return "Execute successfully!!" ; }Copy the code

In this case, the handler method receives the data exactly the same as before. What’s new is the @responseBody annotation. The purpose of this annotation is to return the value of the current handler method directly to the browser as response data rather than resolving the view name.

2 Send the data page corresponding to the POJO:

<button id="btn2"> </button>Copy the code


$(" # btn2 "). Click (function () {/ / experiment 2: sending data var url corresponding POJO = "${pageContext. Request. ContextPath} / two"; var param = { "stuId":5, "stuName":"jerry", "stuSubject":"java", "random":Math.random() }; var callBack = function(response){ console.log(response); }; var type = "text"; $. POST (url, param, callBack, type); });Copy the code


@ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value="/two",produces="text/html; charset=UTF-8") public String two(Student student) { System.out.println(student); Return "Execute successfully!!" ; }Copy the code

Again, we use the @requestbody annotation, which converts the JSON data in the RequestBody to the data type we specify. In addition to the @requestMapping annotation we added a produces attribute to specify how to encode the responsebody data to solve the problem of garbled characters in the responsedata.

Remember that when you use @responseBody to return results, you need to use “application/json “in the @requestMapping annotation to return results = produces; Charset =UTF-8” to solve the character set problem. 3 Send the JSON request body

<button id="btn3"> Experiment 3: Send JSON request body </button>Copy the code


$("#btn3").click(function(){ //1. Var stuArray = new Array(); Var stu01 = {"stuId":11," stuame ":"tom11","stuSubject":"php11"}; var stu02 = {"stuId":22,"stuName":"tom22","stuSubject":"php22"}; var stu03 = {"stuId":33,"stuName":"tom33","stuSubject":"php33"}; //3. Store array stuarray.push (STU01); stuArray.push(stu02); stuArray.push(stu03); Var requestBodyData = json.stringify (stuArray); / / 5. Send an Ajax request $. Ajax ({" url ":" ${pageContext. Request. ContextPath} / three ", / / request address "contentType" : "application/json. Charset = utF-8 ", // Request body content type "data":requestBodyData, // data sent to the server, Future request body "dataType":"text", "Success ":function(response){console.log(response)}, "type":"POST"}); });Copy the code


@ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value="/three",produces="text/html; Public String three(@requestBody List<Student> stuList) {for (@requestBody List<Student> stuList) {for (@requestBody List<Student> stuList) (Student student : stuList) { System.out.println(student); } return "Execute successfully!!" ; }Copy the code

4. Receive text

<button id="btn4">Copy the code


$(" # btn4 "). Click (function () {/ / lab 4: receive text var url = "${pageContext. Request. ContextPath} / four"; var callBack = function(response) { console.log(response); console.log(response.stuName); }; // If the server returns a JSON string, but type="text", then the response is just a string. $.post(url, callBack, type); });Copy the code


@ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value="/four",produces="text/html; Charset = utF-8 ") public String five() {return "return from server..." ; }Copy the code

5. Receive JSON

Experiment 5: Receive JSON


$(" # btn5 "). Click (function () {/ / lab 5: receive JSON var url = "${pageContext. Request. ContextPath} / five"; var callBack = function(response) { console.log(response); console.log(response.stuName); // If the response body data returned by the server cannot be parsed into JSON data, subsequent operations cannot be performed without an error message. //console.log("aaaaaaaaaa........" ); }; var type = "json"; $.post(url, callBack, type); });Copy the code


@ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value="/five",produces="application/json; charset=UTF-8") public Student four() { return new Student(55, "stuName555", "stuSubject555"); }Copy the code

When receiving data from the server, make sure that the jQuery parse method is in the same format as the actual data returned.

@ PathVariable and @ RequestParam

/ emp/remove / 23 @ PathVariable (” empId “)

/emp/remove? EmpId = 23 @ RequestParam (” empId “)