I have been in touch with WebGL for five or six years. Today, I have nothing to do, so I sorted out the cases about earth data visualization I wrote in the past, which can be regarded as a demonstration of WebGL.

Video view Web3D effect

In the era of HTML4, it was not easy to achieve these effects on Web pages. However, in the era of HTML5, with WebGL technology, it is naturally very easy to achieve these effects. Although most front-end engineers are not required to master WebGL, they do know some Web3D technology. It’s also a career skill highlight.

Scheme selection

Direct use of native WebGL, relatively troublesome, general actual development, you can choose a WebGL 3D engine to use.

Three. Js itself does not support GIS related API. When using Three.

If you specialize in THE GIS field, you can choose to learn the WebGL engine Cesium. If you are a front end engineer and do not plan to enter the GIS industry, but just do a Web3D visualization of the earth, there is no need to use Cesium, you can choose the most widely used Three. Js engine. The earth Web3D visualization effect is mainly realized by three.js, one of WebGL’s 3D engines.

As a front-end engineer, you can also learn WebGL and three.js if you want to expand the WebGL technology stack.

Three.js Chinese website: www.webgl3d.cn/

Github address: github.com/mrdoob/thre…