Hyperf-admin is a background management system separated from the front and back ends. The front end is vue-Admin-Template based on VUE, which encapsulates a large number of business components for scenes such as background business list and forms. The back end is realized based on swoole framework HyperF. The overall idea is that the back-end defines the page rendering rules, the front-end page rendering first pulls the configuration, and then the component completes the page rendering according to the specific configuration, which is convenient for developers to complete the common CRUD work with only a small amount of configuration work. At the same time, custom components and custom pages are supported to develop more complex pages.

The target

Tool the vast majority of abstract background development, only a small amount of configuration can be completed complex background function development, to help you go off work early with female tickets.


The front end is vue Multiple Page multi-page mode, which can be packed by modules. By default, it contains two modules: the default module and the system management module. Most service components are stored in the SRC/Components directory.

The back end is in composer package mode and currently contains components

  • Based on the component
    • composer require hyperf-admin/base-utilsHyperf-admin basic component package, scaffolding main function package
    • composer require hyperf-admin/validationParameter verification package, the rule and parameter prompt to do more optimization
    • composer require hyperf-admin/alert-managerZhiwei/Dingding robot alarm bag
    • composer require hyperf-admin/rule-engineThe rule engine
    • composer require hyperf-admin/event-busMq/NSQ/Kafka message dispatcher
    • composer require hyperf-admin/process-managerProcess management component
  • Business components (business components are packages containing specific business functions)
    • composer require hyperf-admin/adminSystem management service package
    • composer require hyperf-admin/dev-toolsDeveloper kit, mainly code generation, assist development
    • composer require hyperf-admin/cron-centerScheduled task management and background task management
    • composer require hyperf-admin/data-focusData panel module, to help you quickly make data
    • composer require hyperf-admin/config-centerConfiguration center module, to help you easily manage the project environment configuration

Bright spot

  1. Configuration of theThe form.The list ofThe development of
  2. Supports multiple styles of list rendering with minimal configuration changes
  3. Support complex linkage forms, only need to configure, no front-end development.
  4. Highly reusable business components,Timing task.Data report.Configuration centerAnd so can be convenient management in the background.
  5. Extensible architecture, you can design a business component and open it up to more people. See here for details

The UI preview

More detailed documentation is available here

Dependency and reference

  • The front end
    • Vue
    • ElementUI
    • FormCreate
    • vue-admin-template
    • Vue rendering function & JSX
  • The back-end
    • Hyperf
    • Swoole

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