1. If the value is 0, omit the unit.
2. Absolute and relative units:
Absolute units: cm, mm, in(inch), PX, pt, PC. For low DPI devices, 1px is one device pixel of the display, and for high DPI devices, 1px is multiple device pixels.
Relative unit:
Em. Size relative to the original font size.
Ex. X-height relative to the current font.
Ch: Width relative to “0” (zero).
Rem: font size relative to the root element.
Vw: 0.01 relative to the viewport width.
Vh: 0.01 relative to the height of the viewport.
Vmin: 1% of the smaller size of the viewport.
Vmax: 1% of the larger size relative to the viewport.
% : relative to the parent element.
Em and REM units can be used to create perfectly elastic layouts.