Eureka profile

Introduction to the

  • Eureka is a service discovery framework developed by Netflix. As a REST-based service, Eureka is mainly used to locate middle-tier services running in AWS domains for load balancing and middle-tier service failover. SpringCloud integrates it into its sub-project spring-Cloud-Netflix to implement SpringCloud’s service discovery capabilities.

  • Eureka consists of two components: Eureka Server and Eureka Client.

  • EurekaServer provides the service registration service. After each node is started, it is registered in the EurekaServer. In this way, the service registry in the EurekaServer stores information about all available service nodes.

  • Eureka Client is a Java Client designed to simplify the interaction with Eureka Server. The Client is also a built-in load balancer using round-robin load algorithms.

  • When the application starts, it sends heartbeat messages to the Eureka Server. The default heartbeat interval is 30 seconds. If the Eureka Server does not receive a heartbeat from a node within multiple heartbeat intervals, the Eureka Server removes the node from the service registry (default: 90 seconds). (Self-protection mechanism)

  • Data is synchronized between Eureka servers through replication. Eureka also provides a client cache mechanism. Even if all Eureka servers fail, clients can still use the information in the cache to consume other services’ apis. In summary, Eureka ensures high availability, flexibility and scalability of the system through heartbeat checking, client caching and other mechanisms

The three roles

Eureka Server: Provides registration and discovery of services

Service Provider: Service producers register their services with Eureka so that Service consumers can find them

Service Consumer: The Service Consumer finds the Consumer Service by getting the list of registered services from Eureka

Eureka service setup

This environment continues the Rest environment from the last Blog post, so our Eureka environment is built in Rest


  1. Create a new modulespringcloud-eureka-7001Import Eureka’s dependencies
<! -- eureka -->
    <version>2.2.5. RELEASE</version>
Copy the code
  1. writeapplication.ymlconfiguration
  port: 7001

# eureka configuration
    hostname: localhost # Eureka server instance name
    register-with-eureka: false # indicates whether to register yourself with Eureka
    fetch-registry: false # false: Set yourself as the registry
    service-url: # Monitor page
      defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/
Copy the code
  1. Write the main startup class
package springcloud;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

@EnableEurekaServer // Eureka server startup class
public class EurekaServer {
    public static void main(String[] args) {,args); }}Copy the code
  1. Visit http://localhost:7001/ to test it out

Service provider

  1. Import dependence
<! -- eureka -->
    <version>2.2.5. RELEASE</version>
Copy the code
  1. inapplication.ymlconfigurationeureka
      defaultZone: http://localhost:7001/eureka/
Copy the code
  1. The main startup class starts the server and adds@EnableEurekaClient
  2. Start the test, eureka starts too!! (If you started Eureka before, restart Eureka first and then start the service provider)

5. We can also modify the description information of service provider in Eurekaapplication.ymlIn the configuration

    instance-id: provider-detail-message Configure the description
Copy the code

  • If the power goes out suddenly, or your service crashes, is the service provider still in Eureka?

We find that the service provider is still there, and this relates to Eureka’s self-protection mechanism.

  • Although the service provider is dead, Eureka still saves its information, so we can check its monitoring information

So how do we look at this, we need to add some configuration

  1. Add dependency to improve monitoring information
<! -- Actuator perfect monitoring information -->
Copy the code
  1. inapplication.ymlConfiguring Monitoring Information
info: springcloud-provider apach
Copy the code

  1. Start the service provider

  • Of course, we can also get information about these services
  1. writeDeptController.javaTo obtain information about these services
    private DiscoveryClient client;
    // Sign up for microservices to get information
    public Object discovery(a){
        // Get microservices
        List<String> services = client.getServices();
        System.out.println("Acquired Microservices"+services);

        // Get the specific microservice through the id of the microservice
        List<ServiceInstance> instances = client.getInstances("SPRINGCLOUD-PROVIDER");

        for (ServiceInstance instance : instances) {
        return client;
Copy the code
  1. Add to the main boot class@EnableDiscoveryClient
  2. Start the test

Eureka VS Zookeeper

What is CAP?

  • C (Consistency) Strong Consistency
  • A Availability
  • P (Partition tolerance) Fault tolerance of a Partition

The core of CAP theory

A distributed system cannot meet the requirements of consistency, availability and fault tolerance of partitions at the same time

According to CAP principle, NoSQL database can be divided into three categories: CA principle, CP principle and AP principle

  • CA: single-point cluster. A system that meets the requirements of consistency, availability, and poor scalability
  • CP: consistent, partition fault tolerant system, usually not particularly high performance
  • AP: Systems that satisfy availability and partition fault tolerance may generally have lower requirements for consistency

Among them

Eureka guarantees that AP — > meets availability, partition fault-tolerant systems, which may generally require less consistency

Zookeeper ensures CP – > consistent, partition fault-tolerant systems, usually with low performance

That’s why we chose Eureka